Le laboratoire d’analyse du COVID-19 de BGI dans les aéroports garantit la sûreté de la route Éthiopie-Chine

Des laboratoires de tests rapides et précis dans les terminaux internationaux offrent une nouvelle solution, alors que les aéroports continuent d’être au cœur de la propagation mondiale du COVID-19.

SHENZHEN, Chine, 4 septembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Du mois d’avril au mois d’août 2021, le laboratoire d’analyse du COVID-19 de BGI a aidé 5 500 voyageurs chinois à quitter en toute sécurité l’aéroport international Bole d’Addis-Abeba. En avril, BGI a mis en place le laboratoire « Huo-Yan », un laboratoire de tests COVID-19, à l’aéroport pour les passagers se rendant en Chine, en coopération avec Ethiopia Airlines. Depuis lors, le laboratoire a contribué à ce qu’environ cinq mois consécutifs se passent sans qu’un seul vol soit suspendu sur cette ligne.

Les procédures de test avant le vol mises au point par le laboratoire constituent une option permettant de réduire la contrainte des mesures de confinement à destination.

The "Huo-Yan" laboratory at the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, Ethiopia

Le laboratoire fournit aux passagers de l’aéroport des services rapides et précis de tests d’acide nucléique par réaction en chaîne de la polymérase (PCR) et de tests d’anticorps. Le laboratoire peut tester jusqu’à 400 échantillons en trois heures et 5 000 échantillons par jour, ce qui réduit les désagréments pour les voyageurs en partance ou en transit à l’aéroport.

Le laboratoire contribue à réduire les cas importés. Les passagers doivent d’abord se mettre en quarantaine. Ils ne sont pas autorisés à embarquer tant qu’ils n’ont pas obtenu des résultats négatifs à un test PCR d’acide nucléique COVID-19 et à un test d’anticorps.

Depuis le début des opérations du laboratoire, le nombre de cas positifs à l’arrivée a fortement diminué. À ce jour, aucun vol n’a été suspendu entre l’Éthiopie et la Chine, ce qui en fait le seul vol direct du continent africain vers la Chine à avoir fonctionné sans interruption pendant cette période.

« Du 21 avril au 31 août, le laboratoire a fourni des services de test à plus de 5 500 passagers sur 19 vols à destination de la Chine », a déclaré Chen Songheng, le responsable du laboratoire « Huo-Yan » en Éthiopie.

BGI a construit plus de 30 laboratoires « Huo-Yan » avec des partenaires dans plus de 80 pays et régions. En fournissant des solutions à plateforme unique avec des tests précis et efficaces, les laboratoires jouent un rôle essentiel en contribuant à la lutte mondiale contre la pandémie de COVID-19.

BGI est à la pointe du développement de l’innovation dans le domaine de la génomique et des sciences de la vie. Grâce à son modèle intégré, elle intègre le développement industriel, l’éducation et la recherche dans le respect des protocoles bioéthiques internationaux. Elle applique les résultats de la recherche multi-omique de pointe à des domaines tels que la médecine, les soins de santé et la conservation des ressources, et fournit des instruments et des dispositifs exclusifs de pointe dans le domaine des sciences de la vie, ainsi qu’un soutien technique et des solutions pour révolutionner le système de santé actuel vers une médecine et des soins de santé de précision.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1608026/The_Huo_Yan_laboratory_Addis_Ababa_Bole_International_Airport_Ethiopia.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1608027/BGI_Logo.jpg

OKEx acelera a adoção da NFT com DeFi Hub, NFT Marketplace

A OKEx dá continuidade com o seu compromisso para com o avanço da indústria de criptomoedas e finanças descentralizadas com o lançamento do DeFi Hub

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A OKEx (www.okex.com), uma líder de bolsa global de spot e derivativos de criptomoedas, anunciou hoje o lançamento de um ecossistema de ativos digitais descentralizado, o DeFi Hub. Atualmente, a plataforma possui dois produtos principais: NFT Marketplace e DeFi Dashboard.

O NFT Marketplace é uma plataforma NFT completa criada para capacitar criadores e inspirar colecionadores. Através da plataforma, qualquer pessoa pode comprar, vender e negociar diretamente NFTs, sem tem que pagar taxas à OKEx. O que torna o NFT Marketplace ainda mais único é que qualquer pessoa pode usar a plataforma para gerar seus próprios NFTs de qualquer tipo, usando as blockchains OEC ou Ethereum.

As NFT recém-geradas estarão disponíveis para venda no NFT Marketplace e os criadores têm a flexibilidade de definir suas próprias taxas de royalties. Sinalizando o compromisso da OKEx em proteger os interesses dos criadores, as taxas de royalties para criadores são pagas a eles em todas as transações subsequentes no mercado secundário do NFT Marketplace. O NFT Marketplace também permite que os usuários importem NFTs que foram gerados em outras plataformas compatíveis.

O DeFi Hub também oferece uma maneira de visualizar e gerenciar ativos descentralizados nas principais redes de blockchain e protocolos DeFi. O Painel DeFi exibe uma visualização completa do portfólio, bem como uma visualização separada de itens de coleção digitais.

“A popularidade do mercado de NFT está crescendo rapidamente, criando a necessidade de um sistema detalhado de controle de NFTs”, disse Lennix Lai, Diretor da OKEx. Ele continuou:

“Com o DeFi Hub, criamos um Mercado de NFT que irá acelerar a adoção de NFTs, tornando mais fácil do que nunca para qualquer pessoa criar, trocar e vender NFTs. Também temos o prazer de lançar o DeFi Dashboard para trazer melhorias muito necessárias às visualizações dos usuários dos seus portfólios de criptomoedas.”

Sobre a OKEx

Fundada em 2017, a OKEx é uma das principais bolsas de criptomoedas e derivativos do mundo. A OKEx adotou de forma inovadora a tecnologia blockchain para reformular o ecossistema financeiro e oferece alguns dos produtos, soluções e ferramentas de negociação mais diversificados e sofisticados do mercado. Com sua extensa gama de produtos e serviços de criptografia, seu compromisso inabalável para com a inovação e suas operações locais para atender melhor seus usuários, a OKEx se esforça para eliminar as barreiras financeiras e realizar um mundo de inclusão financeira para todos.


Vivien Choi/Andrea Leung


OKEx accélère l’adoption des NFT avec DeFi Hub, une place de marché pour les NFT

OKEx reste engagée à faire progresser l’industrie des cryptomonnaies et de la finance décentralisée avec le lancement de DeFi Hub

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 03 sept. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKEx (www.okex.com), une plateforme d’échange de produits dérivés et de cryptomonnaies au comptant de premier plan à l’échelle mondiale, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement d’un écosystème d’actifs numériques décentralisés, DeFi Hub. La plateforme comprend actuellement deux produits principaux : NFT Marketplace (place de marché pour les NFT) et DeFi Dashboard (tableau de bord DeFi).

NFT Marketplace est une plateforme de NFT (jetons non fongibles) de bout en bout conçue pour habiliter les créateurs et inspirer les collectionneurs. Depuis la plateforme, tout le monde peut acheter, vendre et négocier des NFT directement, sans payer de commission à OKEx. Ce qui rend NFT Marketplace encore plus unique, c’est que chacun peut utiliser la plateforme pour miner ses propres NFT de n’importe quel type, en utilisant les blockchains OEC ou Ethereum.

Les NFT nouvellement émis seront disponibles à la vente sur NFT Marketplace et les créateurs auront la possibilité de fixer leurs propres redevances. Illustrant l’engagement d’OKEx à protéger les intérêts des créateurs, des redevances leur sont ensuite versées à chaque transaction ultérieure sur le marché secondaire de NFT Marketplace. NFT Marketplace permet également aux utilisateurs d’importer des NFT qui ont été générés sur d’autres plateformes prises en charge.

DeFi Hub offre par ailleurs un moyen de visualiser et de gérer les actifs décentralisés sur les principaux réseaux blockchain et protocoles DeFi. DeFi Dashboard affiche à la fois une vue complète du portefeuille et une vue distincte pour les objets de collection numériques.

« Le marché des NFT connaît une popularité croissante, ce qui crée le besoin d’un système complet de gestion des NFT », a déclaré Lennix Lai, directeur d’OKEx. Il a ajouté :

« Avec DeFi Hub, nous avons créé une NFT Marketplace qui accélérera l’adoption des NFT en facilitant plus que jamais la création, l’échange et la vente de NFT. Nous sommes également ravis de lancer DeFi Dashboard pour apporter les améliorations indispensables aux visualisations par les utilisateurs de leurs portefeuilles de cryptomonnaies. »

À propos d’OKEx

Fondée en 2017, OKEx est l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’échange de produits dérivés et de cryptomonnaies au comptant à l’échelle mondiale. La société a adopté de manière innovante la technologie blockchain pour remodeler l’écosystème financier et propose certains des produits, solutions et outils de négociation les plus variés et les plus sophistiqués du marché. Avec sa vaste gamme de produits et services de cryptomonnaies, son engagement inébranlable envers l’innovation et ses opérations locales visant à mieux servir ses utilisateurs, OKEx s’efforce d’éliminer les obstacles financiers et de créer un monde d’inclusion financière pour tous.

Vivien Choi / Andrea Leung

UNHCR: End COVID Border Restrictions Blocking Central American Asylum Seekers

GENEVA – The U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, is calling on the United States and other nations to end COVID-19 border restrictions that keep Central American refugees from seeking asylum.

Forced displacement within Central America and Mexico has been soaring over the last five years. The United Nations refugee agency says factors, including chronic violence and insecurity, climate change and natural disasters have forced people to flee their homes in growing numbers.

UNHCR spokeswoman Aikaterini Kitidi told VOA the effects of COVID-19 and Hurricanes Eta and Iota, which struck the region with devastating force last year, have triggered further large-scale displacement.

In particular, she said these disasters have created great economic hardship for women and children who have lost their source of income and have difficulty obtaining basic services.

“As a result, such people are forcibly displaced, and they are compelled many times to embark to even further dangerous onward journeys. What they are exposed to are smugglers, traffickers, and to other risks like, for example, sexual exploitation, abuse, or even murder,” she said.

Kitidi said a staggering 1 million people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras have been forced to flee their homes, creating an unprecedented displacement crisis in the region.

Due to public health COVID-19 travel restrictions, she said Central American refugees face extreme difficulties in obtaining protections they need in countries of asylum. She said the UNHCR has appealed to the U.S. government to end the Title 42 public health-related asylum restrictions.

“Under which we see the ports of entry to the United States remaining closed to most asylum seekers with exemptions for some categories of populations with vulnerabilities. And we have asked for the expulsions that are occurring of these people to stop and for the right to claim asylum in the United States to be restored,” she said.

Kitidi said all countries in the region have agreed to share the responsibility to provide protection for those fleeing danger and persecution. She added that discussions are continuing with regional authorities in the hopes they will live up to their agreement.

Source: Voice of America

Brazil Suspends Use of Vaccine Made in Unauthorized Plant

Brazil has placed a 90-day suspension on the use of more than 12 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine because they were made in a plant that had not been authorized by Anvisa, Brazil’s federal health regulator, Reuters reported.

“The manufacturing unit … was not inspected and was not approved by Anvisa in the authorization of emergency use of the mentioned vaccine,” the regulator said Saturday in a statement.

Brazil’s Butantan Institute, a biomedical center that has partnered with China’s Sinovac Biotech to locally finish the vaccines, alerted Anvisa on Friday about the doses, but neither disclosed the location of the plant. Anvisa said it would seek to inspect the plant during the 90-day ban.

Butantan said 9 million more doses made at the same plant were on their way to Brazil.

Concerns spur boosters

Several cities in Brazil have begun providing vaccine booster shots even though most citizens have yet to receive their second jabs. The booster shots were prompted by concerns older Brazilians have about the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine, The Associated Press reported.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s delta variant epicenter and home to one of its largest elderly populations, began administering the boosters Wednesday. Northeastern cities Salvador and Sao Luis started on Monday, and the most populous city, Sao Paulo, will begin Monday. The rest of the nation is expected to follow the next week.

France, Israel, China and Chile are among those countries giving boosters to some of their older citizens, and a U.S. plan to start delivering booster shots for most Americans by September 20 is facing complications that could delay third doses for those who received the Moderna vaccine, administration officials said Friday.

Japan and South Korea, both of which wrestled with slow vaccine rollouts, are planning booster shots in the fourth quarter of this year. Malaysia also is considering boosters, but Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said those who had yet to receive their first shots were being prioritized.

Thailand began giving booster shots this week, but only for health and frontline workers.

Russia, Hungary and Serbia also are giving boosters, although there has been a lack of demand in those countries for the initial shots amid abundant supplies.

According to AP, France’s worst coronavirus outbreak is unfolding 12 time zones away from Paris, devastating Tahiti and other idyllic islands of French Polynesia.

Regional health officials say the South Pacific archipelagos lack enough oxygen, ICU beds and morgue space — and that the vaccination rate is just half the national average.

France’s highest rate

With more than 2,800 COVID cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the region now holds France’s record for the highest infection rate. The majority of the region’s 463 documented COVID-19 deaths have taken place in the past 30 days.

New Zealand officials on Saturday reported the country’s first COVID-related fatality in more than 200 days. Doctors said the nonagenarian had several underlying health problems in addition to COVID-19.

American boxer Oscar de la Hoya was hospitalized with COVID-19 late on Friday, forcing him to drop out of a comeback fight scheduled for next month. The Hall of Fame fighter said on Twitter that he was fully vaccinated earlier this year.

German news agency dpa on Saturday reported that a man attacked two members of a vaccination team operating a shopping mall medical kiosk in the east German town of Gera after he demanded a vaccination certificate without being vaccinated. The man, who was not identified, injured a nurse and a medical assistant after they refused to comply with his demands.

Police later arrested the man, who was also injured in the attack, at a nearby parking garage.

Fifth variant

World Health Organization officials earlier this week designated the coronavirus variant known as mu or “B.1.621” as a “variant of interest,” becoming the fifth variant to be monitored by the global health body. Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday said U.S. public health officials were “keeping a very close eye” on a new variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 that was first detected in Colombia.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center said Saturday evening that it had recorded nearly 220.2 million global COVID-19 infections and 4.6 million deaths. The center said 5.4 billion vaccines had been administered.

Source: Voice of America

Florida Struggling With COVID-19’s Deadliest Phase Yet

MIAMI – Funeral director Wayne Bright has seen grief piled upon grief during the latest COVID-19 surge.

A woman died of the virus, and as her family was planning the funeral, her mother was struck down. An aunt took over arrangements for the double funeral, only to die of COVID-19 herself two weeks later.

“That was one of the most devastating things ever,” said Bright, who also arranged the funeral last week of one of his closest friends.

Florida is in the grip of its deadliest wave of COVID-19 since the pandemic began, a disaster driven by the highly contagious delta variant.

While Florida’s vaccination rate is slightly higher than the national average, the Sunshine State has an outsize population of elderly people, who are especially vulnerable to the virus; a vibrant party scene; and a Republican governor who has taken a hard line against mask requirements, vaccine passports and business shutdowns.

As of mid-August, the state was averaging 244 deaths per day, up from 23 a day in late June and eclipsing the previous peak of 227 during the summer of 2020. (Because of the way deaths are logged in Florida and lags in reporting, more recent figures on fatalities per day are incomplete.)

Hospitals have rented refrigerated trucks to store more bodies. Funeral homes have been overwhelmed.

‘Weird dream state’

Cristina Miles, a mother of five from Orange Park, is among those facing more than one loss at a time. Her husband died after contracting COVID-19, and less than two weeks later, her mother-in-law succumbed to the virus.

“I feel we are all kind of in a weird dream state,” she said, of herself and her three children.

Hospitals have been swamped with patients who, like Miles’ husband and mother-in-law, hadn’t gotten vaccinated.

In a positive sign, the number of people in the hospital with COVID-19 in Florida has dropped over the past two weeks from more than 17,000 to 14,200 on Friday, indicating the surge is easing.

Florida made an aggressive effort early on to vaccinate its senior citizens. But Dr. Kartik Cherabuddi, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Florida, said the raw number of those who have yet to get the shot is still large, given Florida’s elderly population of 4.6 million.

“Even 10% is still a very large number, and then folks living with them who come in contact with them are not vaccinated,” Cherabuddi said. “With delta, things spread very quickly.”

Cherabuddi said there is also a “huge difference” in attitudes toward masks in Florida this summer compared with last year. This summer, “if you traveled around the state, it was like we are not really in a surge,” he said.

DeSantis’ stances

Governor Ron DeSantis has strongly opposed certain mandatory measures to keep the virus in check, saying people should be trusted to make decisions for themselves. He has asserted, too, that the spike in cases is seasonal as Floridians spend more time indoors to escape the heat.

At his funeral home in Tampa, Bright is working weekdays and weekends, staying past midnight sometimes.

“Usually we serve between five and six families a week. Right now, we are probably seeing 12 to 13 new families every week,” he said. “It’s nonstop. We are just trying to keep up with the volume.”

He had to arrange the burial of one of his closest friends, a man he had entrusted with the security code to his house. They used to carpool each other’s kids to school, and their families would gather for birthday and Super Bowl parties.

“It is very, very difficult to go through this process for someone you love so dearly,” he said.

Pat Seemann, a nurse practitioner whose company has nearly 500 elderly, homebound patients in central Florida, had not lost a single patient to COVID-19. Then the variant she calls “the wrecking ball” hit.

In the past month, she lost seven patients in two weeks, including a husband and wife who died within days of each other.

“I cried all weekend. I was devastated, angry,” she said.

Elderly hit hardest

Overall, more than 46,300 people have died of COVID-19 in Florida, which ranks 17th in per capita deaths among the states.

The majority of the deaths this summer — like last summer — are among the elderly. Of the 2,345 people whose recent deaths were reported over the past week, 1,479 of them were 65 and older, or 63%.

“The focus needs to be on who’s dying and who’s ending up in the hospital,” Seeman said. “It’s still going after the elderly.”

But the proportion of under-65 people dying of COVID-19 has grown substantially, which health officials attribute to lower vaccination rates in those age groups.

Aaron Jaggi, 35, was trying to get healthy before he died of COVID-19, 12 hours after his older brother Free Jaggi, 41, lost his life to the virus. They were overweight, which increases the risk of severe COVID-19 illness, and on the fence about getting vaccinated, thinking the risk was minimal because they both worked from home, said Brittany Pequignot, who has lived with the family at various times and is like an adopted daughter.

After their death, the family found a whiteboard that belonged to Aaron. It listed his daily goals for sit-ups and push-ups.

“He was really trying,” Pequignot said.

Source: Voice of America