BREA, Calif., Feb. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Ormco Corporation, a global leader of orthodontic solutions, today announced its Spark Clear Aligners Release 12, offering industry-leading clinical enhancements, product optimization, and case-planning improvements to give doctors more flexibility, efficiency, and control.

Spark Release 12 - Posterior Bite Turbos

These include:

  • Root Visualization using submitted CBCT DICOM files for accurate treatment planning*
  • Added Posterior Bite Turbos for premolars and molars to assist with clinical conditions requiring posterior bite opening*
  • Wider choice in material with the availability of both TruGEN™ or TruGEN XR for Spark 10 and Spark 20 to ensure greater precision in finishing*
  • Upgrades to Spark’s Approver software and doctor portal to help optimize treatment, planning and practice communications*

“The enhancements in Spark Release 12 give orthodontists more reasons to choose Spark Clear Aligners for their practice and their patients,” said Eric Conley, President of Spark and Digital Orthodontics. “Spark is proven to perform better than the leading aligner brand while providing superior clarity and stain resistance.”

Spark Release 12 Bite Ramps

Customers are excited about the steady stream of innovations coming from Spark.

“Spark Aligners are consistently outperforming other aligners I have used in the past.  Spark’s more predictable tooth movements lead to fewer refinements and shorter treatment times,” said Dr. John Warford. “Spark is focused on the clinical needs of orthodontists, quickly implementing new innovations to provide doctors with an optimal aligner experience.”

Spark™ Aligners’ Release 12’s case-planning innovations, clinical enhancements, and user experience improvements include:

Spark Release 12 - CBCT

Root Visualization for Accurate Treatment Planning
82% of Spark doctors agree that root visualization is a key factor to ensuring predictable tooth movement.1  With Spark Release 12, doctors can now submit DICOM files to the Spark Design team to ensure that the roots shown in the Spark Approver software are positioned precisely over the roots in the DICOM files. Doctors can also easily import CBCT scans directly into the Spark Approver software from the website.*  In addition, Spark Release 12 is designed to deliver more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning by introducing three new CBCT presets:  Skin, Translucent Skin, & Bone & Soft Tissue.*

“Spark is the only clear aligner system with the ability to truly have root and bone relationships available. To work in three dimensions for all the anatomy will allow us to deliver the healthiest orthodontic treatment that has ever been done,” said Dr. Bill Dischinger.

Spark Clear Aligners Logo

Additional Clinical Enhancements
Posterior Bite Turbos, previously available only on molars, are now available for premolars. This feature will help mitigate molar intrusion while correcting the anterior open bite, crossbite, or other conditions requiring posterior bite opening. Spark’s Posterior Bite Turbos are rigorously tested and need no bonding or composite filling.*  In addition, bite ramps will now reposition automatically as treatment progresses to enhance engagement between the bite ramps and teeth throughout treatment.*

“I like to keep things simple, and Spark has helped me easily and efficiently correct both anterior open bites and crossbites without additional procedures beyond the aligners!” said Dr. Michael DePascale.

Product Optimization for Control & Flexibility
TruGEN XR is now available for primary cases of Spark 10 and Spark 20 (TruGEN XR was previously only available for refinement cases).  TruGEN XR is slightly more rigid and thus presents an ideal solution for finishing, refinements and limited stage cases.*

TruGEN and TruGEN XR both have more sustained force retention*, superior stain resistance* and clarity*, and better contact surface area with the tooth than the leading aligner brand.*

“TruGEN XR is my finishing wire in clear aligner therapy,” Dr. Dischinger remarked. “With brackets and wires, we like to use stiffer wires for the finishing stages of treatment. In clear aligner therapy, we have never had that ability until now. TruGEN XR, with its slightly stiffer properties, gives me the control I’m looking for in finishing the small details of each case.”

Spark Approver Software and Case Portal Enhancements for Efficient Workflow
75% of Spark doctors agree that Spark’s Approver software provides a better user experience because it is easier and faster to use than the leading aligner brand’s software.2  Release 12 will make it even easier for doctors and their staff to use our software and case portal and consult with the Spark treatment planning team.  The new enhancements include:*

  • View Capture and Private Doctor Notes: Doctors can capture and send specific views of the 3D model in the Spark Approver software, along with their notes, to facilitate communication between doctor and designer. The Spark Approver software also enables doctors to enter and save private case notes, which provide treatment reminders for improved workflow.
  • New Support for Scanned Appliances: The Spark Approver software will display scanned attachments, buttons, fixed retainers, and brackets. Once scanned, appliances are displayed in the treatment PDF to distinguish between existing and new attachments during bonding.
  • Spark Approver Software Performance Improvement: Upgraded 3D model features more responsive movements and faster rotation for a more seamless performance.
  • Redesigned Auxiliaries Panel: A simplified design allows doctors to easily add different auxiliaries and change options according to their desired treatment plan.
  • New Spark Approver Feature – Calls Out Potential Issues with Attachments: Spark Approver software now provides detailed information when it detects any potential issues with attachment collisions or proximity issues with the trimline.

“Since I’ve been working with Spark, the brand has shown tremendous dedication to our profession, constantly innovating its product based on the feedback and goals of orthodontists. This has given me complete control and customization of Spark Aligners to meet all of my patients’ needs,” said Dr. Michael DePascale.

For more information on the Spark Aligner product and software enhancements, please visit  or contact your Sales Representative. Spark Release 12 information can be found here.

About the Spark™ Clear Aligner System
Spark™ Aligners are manufactured by Ormco™, a global leader in innovative orthodontics products, with 60 years of expertise, R&D and high manufacturing standards. Ormco has helped doctors treat more than 20 million patients in more than 130 countries.

Spark Approver software is designed to give doctors more control and flexibility, while Spark’s advanced aligner technology and TruGEN™ material provide more sustained force retention and better surface contact with the tooth*. The Spark Aligner is also clearer, more comfortable*, and stains less than the leading aligner brand*— which may be why 100% of patients recently surveyed said they would recommend Spark Aligners to a friend.*

*Data on file at Ormco™

1Based on survey of 67 Spark doctors who have approved 100 or more Spark cases.  Data on file.

2Based on survey of 61 Spark doctors who have approved 100 or more Spark cases.  Data on file.

Drs. Warford, Dischinger and DePascale are paid consultants for Ormco.  The opinions quoted in this material are those of the doctors.  Clinicians should use their own judgment in treating their patients.

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BREA, Californie, 22 février 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Ormco Corporation, un leader mondial de solutions orthodontiques, a annoncé aujourd’hui la version 12 des aligneurs transparents Spark, qui offre des améliorations cliniques de pointe, une optimisation des produits et des améliorations de la planification des cas pour donner aux médecins plus de flexibilité, d’efficacité et de contrôle.

Spark Release 12 - Posterior Bite Turbos

Ces avantages comprennent :

  • Visualisation de la racine à l’aide des fichiers DICOM CBCT soumis pour une planification précise du traitement*
  • Ajout de bourrelets d’occlusion postérieurs pour les prémolaires et les molaires afin de faciliter les conditions cliniques nécessitant une ouverture de l’occlusion postérieure*
  • Un plus large choix de matériaux avec la disponibilité de TruGEN™ ou TruGEN XR pour Spark 10 et Spark 20 pour assurer une plus grande précision dans la finition*
  • Mises à niveau du logiciel Approver et du portail des médecins de Spark pour optimiser le traitement, la planification et les communications du cabinet*

« Les améliorations apportées à la version 12 de Spark donnent aux orthodontistes davantage de raisons de choisir les aligneurs clairs Spark pour leur cabinet et leurs patients », a déclaré Eric Conley, président de Spark et Digital Orthodontics. « Il est prouvé que Spark est plus performant que la principale marque d’aligneurs tout en offrant une clarté et une résistance aux taches supérieures. »

Spark Release 12 Bite Ramps

Les clients sont enthousiasmés par le flux constant d’innovations provenant de Spark.

« Les aligneurs Spark sont constamment plus performants que les autres aligneurs que j’ai utilisés dans le passé. Les mouvements dentaires plus prévisibles de Spark entraînent moins d’améliorations dentaires et des temps de traitement plus courts », a déclaré le Dr John Warford. « Spark se concentre sur les besoins cliniques des orthodontistes, en mettant rapidement en œuvre de nouvelles innovations pour offrir aux médecins une expérience optimale des aligneurs. »

Les innovations de la version 12 des aligneurs Spark™ en matière de planification des cas, les améliorations cliniques et les améliorations de l’expérience utilisateur comprennent :

Visualisation de la racine pour une planification de traitement précise

82 % des médecins Spark s’accordent à dire que la visualisation de la racine est un facteur clé pour assurer un mouvement prévisible de la dent.1 Avec la version 12 de Spark, les médecins peuvent maintenant soumettre des fichiers DICOM à l’équipe de conception Spark pour s’assurer que les racines montrées dans le logiciel Spark Approver sont positionnées précisément sur les racines dans les fichiers DICOM. Les médecins peuvent également importer facilement des scans CBCT directement dans le logiciel Spark Approver à partir du site web.* En outre, Spark Release 12 est conçu pour fournir un diagnostic et une planification du traitement plus complets en introduisant trois nouveaux préréglages CBCT : peau, peau translucide, et os et tissus mous.*

Spark Release 12 - CBCT

« Spark est le seul système de gouttière transparente ayant la capacité de disposer véritablement des relations entre les racines et l’os. Travailler en trois dimensions pour l’ensemble de l’anatomie nous permettra d’offrir le traitement orthodontique le plus sain qui ait jamais été fait », a déclaré le Dr Bill Dischinger.

Améliorations cliniques supplémentaires

Les bourrelets d’occlusion postérieurs, auparavant disponibles uniquement pour les molaires, sont maintenant disponibles pour les prémolaires. Cette caractéristique aidera à atténuer l’intrusion des molaires tout en corrigeant l’occlusion antérieure ouverte, l’occlusion croisée ou d’autres conditions nécessitant une ouverture de l’occlusion postérieure. Les bourrelets d’occlusion postérieurs Spark sont rigoureusement testés et ne nécessitent pas de collage ou d’obturation en composite. De plus, les bourrelets d’occlusion se repositionnent désormais automatiquement au fur et à mesure de la progression du traitement afin d’améliorer l’engagement entre les rampes d’occlusion et les dents tout au long du traitement*

Spark Clear Aligners Logo

« J’aime garder les choses simples, et Spark m’a aidé à corriger facilement et efficacement les occlusions antérieures ouvertes et les occlusions croisées sans procédures supplémentaires au-delà des aligneurs ! » a déclaré le Dr Michael DePascale.

Optimisation du produit pour le contrôle et la flexibilité

TruGEN XR est maintenant disponible pour les cas primaires de Spark 10 et Spark 20 (TruGEN XR n’était auparavant disponible que pour les cas d’améliorations dentaires). TruGEN XR est légèrement plus rigide et présente donc une solution idéale pour les cas de finition, d’amélioration et de stade limité.*

TruGEN et TruGEN XR ont tous deux une rétention de force plus soutenue*, une résistance supérieure aux taches* et à la clarté*, et une meilleure surface de contact avec la dent que la principale marque d’aligneurs*

« TruGEN XR est mon fil de finition dans le cadre du traitement par gouttière transparente », a remarqué le Dr Dischinger. « Avec des croisillons et des fils, et les fils, nous aimons utiliser des fils plus rigides pour les étapes finales du traitement. Dans le cas du traitement par aligneurs transparents, nous n’avions jamais eu cette possibilité jusqu’à présent. TruGEN XR, avec ses propriétés légèrement plus rigides, me donne le contrôle que je recherche dans la finition des petits détails de chaque cas. »

Améliorations du logiciel Spark Approver et du portail de cas pour un flux de travail efficace

75 % des médecins Spark s’accordent à dire que le logiciel Spark Approver offre une meilleure expérience utilisateur car il est plus facile et plus rapide à utiliser que le logiciel de la principale marque des aligneurs.2 La version 12 facilitera encore plus l’utilisation de notre logiciel et de notre portail de cas par les médecins et leur personnel, ainsi que la consultation de l’équipe de planification du traitement Spark. Les nouvelles améliorations comprennent :*

  • Capture de vues et notes privées du médecin : Les médecins peuvent capturer et envoyer des vues spécifiques du modèle 3D dans le logiciel Spark Approver, ainsi que leurs notes, afin de faciliter la communication entre le médecin et le concepteur. Le logiciel Spark Approver permet également aux médecins de saisir et d’enregistrer des notes privées sur le cas, qui fournissent des rappels de traitement pour améliorer le flux de travail.
  • Nouveau support pour les appareils scannés : Le logiciel Spark Approver permet d’afficher les attachements, boutons, appareils de rétention fixes et croisillons numérisés. Une fois numérisés, les appareils sont affichés dans le PDF de traitement afin de distinguer les attachements existants des nouveaux pendant le collage.
  • Amélioration des performances du logiciel Spark Approver : Le modèle 3D mis à jour présente des mouvements plus réactifs et une rotation plus rapide pour une performance plus homogène.
  • Panneau des auxiliaires avec un nouveau design : Un design simplifié permet aux médecins d’ajouter facilement différents auxiliaires et de modifier les options en fonction du plan de traitement souhaité.
  • Nouvelle fonctionnalité de Spark Approver – Signale les problèmes potentiels avec les accessoires : Le logiciel Spark Approver fournit désormais des informations détaillées lorsqu’il détecte des problèmes potentiels de collisions d’accessoires ou de proximité avec la ligne de coupe.

« Depuis que je travaille avec Spark, la marque a fait preuve d’un formidable dévouement à l’égard de notre profession, en innovant constamment son produit en fonction des commentaires et des objectifs des orthodontistes. Cela m’a permis de contrôler et de personnaliser entièrement les aligneurs Spark pour répondre à tous les besoins de mes patients », a déclaré le Dr Michael DePascale.

Pour plus d’informations sur le produit Spark Aligner et les améliorations apportées au logiciel, veuillez consulter ou contacter votre représentant commercial. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur Spark Release 12 ici.

À propos du système de gouttière transparent Spark™

Les aligneurs Spark™ sont fabriqués par Ormco™, un leader mondial des produits orthodontiques innovants, fort de 60 ans d’expertise en orthodontie, en R&D et en matière de normes de fabrication élevées. Ormco a permis aux médecins de traiter plus de 20 millions patients dans plus de 130 pays.

Le logiciel Spark Approver est conçu pour donner aux médecins plus de contrôle et de flexibilité, tandis que la technologie avancée des aligneurs Spark et le matériau TruGEN™ assurent une rétention de force plus soutenue et un meilleur contact de surface avec la dent.* L’aligneur Spark est également plus clair, plus confortable* et se tache moins que la principale marque d’aligneurs* – ce qui explique peut-être pourquoi 100 % des patients récemment interrogés ont déclaré qu’ils recommanderaient les aligneurs Spark à un ami.*

*Données internes d’Ormco™

1Sur la base d’une enquête auprès de 67 médecins Spark qui ont approuvé 100 cas Spark ou plus. Données consignées.

2Sur la base d’une enquête auprès de 61 médecins Spark qui ont approuvé 100 cas Spark ou plus. Données consignées.

Les Drs Warford, Dischinger et DePascale sont des consultants rémunérés par Ormco. Les opinions citées dans ce document sont celles des médecins. Les cliniciens doivent se servir de leur propre jugement pour traiter leurs patients.

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Virsec Appoints Greg Kelton as Senior Regional Director for EMEA to Drive Next Stage of Growth Across the Region

Kelton will bring his 20+ years of software and sales experience to Virsec’s EMEA expansion mission

Greg Kelton

Senior Regional Director for EMEA

SAN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Virsec, the only company to full protect software at the workload while it is running via their Deterministic Protection Platform (DPP), today announced the appointment of Greg Kelton as the new Senior Regional Director for EMEA, an appointment which will help to drive growth and expansion for Virsec in a key region.

Greg is a hugely experienced software executive, with 11 successful exits and 20+ years of sales and general manager experience at over a dozen software companies building and managing high performance teams across the United States and Europe, resulting in initial public offering or acquisition. He also brings his invaluable expertise in launching and achieving strong revenue growth in the EMEA division of software companies, with technology sector experience across application security, legal compliance, CRM, analytics, application performance monitoring, and open source, to name but a few.

Greg’s most recent positions were with Checkmarx, where he drove the expansion of secure coding in strategic accounts, and previously as managing director of EMEA for the open-source security division of Flexera, where he managed sales and customer success and led the go-to market effort, driving awareness of the company and vision as a keynote speaker at industry events.

“We’re delighted to have Greg on board, bringing his wealth of industry and sales experience to Virsec at this crucial juncture,” said Dave Furneaux, CEO of Virsec. “Greg’s understanding of the market, and of the region, places us in a winning position to deliver our dynamic solutions and ‘first principles’ approach to the EMEA market.”

“I’m delighted to be joining the Virsec team and helping to deliver their EMEA goals,” said Kelton. “Coming into Virsec at such a dynamic time when their innovative DPP solution has recently launched gives me an opportunity to work with a software protection tool that truly will be a game changer. I’m excited to have the opportunity to build the strength and presence of deterministic protection in EMEA.”

This announcement comes at the beginning of a landmark year for Virsec, one in which they have already announced their ‘End to Attacks on Server Infrastructure’ Deterministic Protection Platform (DPP), as well as the announcement of a new Chief Revenue Officer.

About Virsec
Virsec is on a mission to make security response obsolete. Taking a ‘first principles’ approach to protection, Deterministic Protection Platform (DPP) by Virsec automatically and consistently maps exactly what your software is supposed to do and stops, in milliseconds, any deviations — preventing attackers from leveraging vulnerabilities to execute control and run malicious code. DPP by Virsec is a proven technology that enables leading government and commercial organizations around the world to protect their server workloads, at runtime, against ransomware and other known and unknown threats, reduce operating costs and meet key compliance requirements. Virsec is headquartered in San Jose, California, with offices all over the world. For more information, please visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Media Contact:
Conor Heslin
Account Manager, Eskenzi PR for Virsec

Shincheonji Church Membership Grows in Europe, Despite Covid-19 and Religious Skepticism

NEW YORK, Feb. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Shincheonji Church of Jesus hosted an online press conference on February 18th with media representatives from 48 European countries. The event featured remarks by Shincheonji Chairman Man Hee Lee and followed press conferences previously held in the Philippines, the United States and Africa.

Chairman Man Hee Lee speaking at the Europe Press Conference on February 18, 2022

In response to questions regarding the declining number of Christians in Europe, Chairman Lee pointed out that today’s churches do not provide enough of an explanation about the words of the Bible that closely relate to the daily lives of individuals and communities. He also said that the detailed prophecies of the Bible were written as signs that occur in the future, and that testifying the fulfillment of the prophecies led to an increase in Shincheonji Church membership in Europe.

Chairman Lee also explained that according to the Bible, the number “666” mentioned in chapter 13 of Revelation is not about Covid-19 but a parable about King Solomon, representing a person who betrays God at the time of Revelation. He further said that “the whole book of Revelation is written in parables,” which can be understood “when what is prophesied (in parables) is fulfilled in the physical reality.”

A church leader attending the press conference asked how Chairman Lee came to understand the specific year, month, day and time in Revelation 9 as the words of prophecy. Chairman Lee replied, “Because I saw it at the site where the event happened. I tell what I came to see and hear.”

Samuel Kabo, pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Alès in France, was also amazed by Chairman Lee’s ability to provide specific details regarding the fulfillment of Revelation. “I was very impressed that Chairman Lee testified without even looking at the book of Revelation,” Pastor Kabo said.” And concerning certain events such as the sixth trumpet, again there was a date. How did he know this date with so much precision, with the time?”

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Europe said, “The Covid-19 pandemic has brought disease, disaster, and hardship all over the world, while also limiting religious activities. Chairman Lee highlights that it is most important to interact with each other beyond religions. We hope that this event will serve as an opportunity to restore Christianity in Europe.”

For more information, please contact us at

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Study: Infant Formula Makers Use Unethical Practices to Boost Sales

Aggressive marketing practices by formula milk companies undermine women’s confidence, discouraging them from breastfeeding their babies, a World Health Organization-U.N. Children’s Fund study reports.

Some 8,500 parents and pregnant women and 300 health workers in cities across eight countries were surveyed over a three-year period. The report reveals six of the world’s leading manufacturers of baby formula products engaged in systematic and unethical marketing strategies. All are in breach of international standards on infant feeding practices.

World Health Organization scientist and a lead author of the report, Nigel Rollins, said more than half of parents and pregnant women report being bombarded with messages about the benefits of formula milk. He told VOA industry claims are largely misleading and of dubious scientific veracity.

“There are many, many examples of how, for example, they see scientific terms being used,” he said. “Where there are scientific claims in terms of packaging, claims that it will improve brain development, that it will improve growth, that it will improve immunity. Even during the time of COVID.”

Rollins said there is no evidence to substantiate those assertions, but new parents may have difficulty judging the truthfulness of marketing claims. He said they want the best for their babies and are vulnerable to messages that promise solutions to day-to-day problems.

The survey was conducted in Bangladesh, China, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Britain and Vietnam. In those countries, between 49 percent and 98 percent of women surveyed expressed a strong desire to breastfeed their babies exclusively. However, the report says misleading marketing messages reinforce the difficulties of nursing, undermining women’s confidence in their ability to breastfeed successfully.

The WHO/UNICEF study notes global breastfeeding rates have increased very little in the past two decades. During the same period, sales of formula milk have more than doubled.

Rollins said the health consequences for infants and babies who are not fed with mothers’ milk are serious, especially in low-income countries.

“But, in fact, breastfeeding has a protective effect against mortality even in high-income settings,” he said. “But the impact on lifelong health — so, if you think about things like child obesity and child development and maternal health, risk of cancer — those are true for both children and mothers in every setting.”

The report says the baby feeding industry uses promotional gifts, commissions from sales and other inducements to entice health workers in all countries to persuade new mothers to buy their products.

The baby formula industry did not respond in advance of the report, which mentions no company by name. VOA will seek comment from the industry as soon as possible.

The WHO, UNICEF and partners are calling on governments to adopt legislation to end exploitative marketing practices. In addition, they said these laws must be enforced to ensure that the $55 billion industry abides by the landmark 1981 International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes.

Source: Voice of America

American Women Players Settle Suit Against US Soccer for $24M

U.S. women soccer players reached a landmark agreement with the sport’s American governing body to end a six-year legal battle over equal pay, a deal in which they are promised $24 million plus bonuses that match those of the men.

The U.S. Soccer Federation and the women announced a deal Tuesday that will have players split $22 million, about one-third of what they had sought in damages. The USSF also agreed to establish a fund with $2 million to benefit the players in their post-soccer careers and charitable efforts aimed at growing the sport for women.

The USSF committed to providing an equal rate of pay for the women’s and men’s national teams — including World Cup bonuses — subject to collective bargaining agreements with the unions that separately represent the women and men.

“For our generation, knowing that we’re going to leave the game in an exponentially better place than when we found it is everything,” 36-year-old midfielder Megan Rapinoe said during a telephone interview with The Associated Press. “That’s what it’s all about because, to be honest, there is no justice in all of this if we don’t make sure it never happens again.”

The settlement was a victory for the players, who sparked fans to chant “Equal Pay!” when they won their second straight title in France in 2019. And it was a success for USSF President Cindy Parlow Cone, a former player who became head of the federation in March 2020.

Cone replaced Carlos Cordeiro, who quit after the federation made a legal filing that claimed women had less physical ability and responsibility than male counterparts.

“This is just one step towards rebuilding the relationship with the women’s team. I think this is a great accomplishment and I’m excited about the future and working together with them,” Cone said. “Now we can shift the focus to other things, most importantly, growing the game at all levels and increasing opportunities for girls and women.”

U.S. women have won four World Cups since the program’s start in 1985, while the men haven’t reached a semifinal since 1930.

Five American stars led by Morgan and Rapinoe began the challenge with a complaint to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in April 2016. Women sued three years later, seeking damages under the federal Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

The sides settled the working conditions portion in December 2020, dealing with issues such as charter flights, accommodations and playing surfaces. They were scheduled to argue on March 7 before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in an attempt to reinstate the equal pay portion thrown out by a U.S. District Court.

“The settlement announced today is an important step in righting the many wrongs of the past,” the union for the women’s team said in a statement.

While a labor contract remains to be reached and ratified to replace the deal that expires March 31, the settlement was an enormous step.

“It’s so gratifying to feel like we can start to mend a relationship with U.S. Soccer that has been severed for so many years because of the discrimination that we faced,” said Morgan, a 32-year-old forward. “To finally get to this moment feels like we can almost sigh a breath of relief.”

Players were able to put off the legal distractions to continue on-field success.

“The additional hours and stress and outside pressures and discriminations we face, I mean sometimes you think why the hell was I born a female?” Morgan posed. “And then sometimes you think how incredible is it to be able to fight for something that you actually believe in and stand alongside these women. … There was something more than stepping on the field and wanting to be a starter or wanting to score goals or wanting to win or wanting to have the glory.”

The $22 million will be split into individual amounts proposed by the players, subject to the District Court’s approval.

Cone said the federation’s method of equalizing World Cup bonuses is yet to be determined. The federation has until now based bonuses on payments from FIFA, which earmarked $400 million for the 2018 men’s tournament, including $38 million to champion France, and $30 million for the 2019 women’s tournament, including $4 million to the champion U.S.

American men have been playing under the terms of a CBA that expired in December 2018.

Rapinoe was critical of both Cordeiro and his predecessor, Sunil Gulati, who headed the USSF from 2006-18. Cordeiro is seeking to regain the job from Cone when the USSF National Council meets on March 5 to vote on a four-year term.

“The thing that Cindy did was acknowledge the wrongdoing and apologize for the wrongdoing,” Rapinoe said. “It was well within Sunil’s ability to not discriminate and to pay us fairly and equally. It was well within Carlos’ ability to do that, and they made choices not to. … I think Cindy has shown a lot of strength in that, and I think the other two, frankly, just showed a ton of weakness and showed really their true colors in allowing this to happen for so long.”

Source: Voice of America