J&T Express annonce que Lionel Messi est l’ambassadeur mondial de la marque

SHANGHAI28 novembre 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le fournisseur mondial de services logistiques J&T Express a annoncé aujourd’hui que la star du football et icône du sport mondial Lionel Messi était son premier ambassadeur de marque mondial. Connu pour sa recherche incessante de l’excellence et sa résilience, le septuple Ballon d’Or comprend l’engagement continu d’amélioration qui est au cœur de J&T Express.

J&T Express names Lionel Messi as Global Brand Ambassador

À l’instar de J&T Express, qui s’engage à aider en permanence les communautés locales dans lesquelles il opère, Messi croit fermement à la nécessité de rendre à la société ce qu’elle lui a donné, comme en témoigne la contribution de l’attaquant en tant que meilleur buteur. Messi attribue ses performances, tant sur le terrain qu’en dehors, en grande partie à l’effort de collaboration de son équipe. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans le droit fil des efforts déployés par J&T Express pour apporter les meilleures solutions technologiques à ses clients sur tous ses marchés mondiaux, grâce à la collaboration avec des partenaires de réseau locaux.

Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec J&T Express, Messi fera mieux connaître J&T Express, non seulement en tant que fournisseur logistique de premier plan, mais aussi en tant que spécialiste du commerce électronique à tous les niveaux de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, ainsi qu’en tant que véritable champion et praticien de l’esprit « mieux ensemble ».

Rachel Liu, directrice mondiale de la marque de J&T Express, a déclaré à propos de cette annonce : « Nous sommes honorés et ravis de collaborer avec Lionel Messi en tant qu’ambassadeur mondial. C’est un athlète générationnel dont l’éthique de travail, l’humilité et le dévouement correspondent aux valeurs que nous véhiculons chez J&T Express. Par son courage et ses réalisations, Messi est une source d’inspiration pour beaucoup. Cela reflète parfaitement nos valeurs de construction d’une entreprise bienveillante, responsable et durable. »

« J&T Express a accompli des réalisations remarquables depuis son lancement. Nous partageons de nombreuses similitudes dans notre passion et notre détermination à ne jamais cesser de nous améliorer. Tout comme le sport du football unit des millions de personnes à travers le monde, J&T Express cherche à développer des solutions logistiques pour connecter ses clients au monde. Je suis impatient de faire partie de ce projet », a déclaré Messi.

J&T Express et Messi vont ensemble accroître la popularité de la marque et promouvoir une meilleure connaissance des offres de J&T, qui cherche à contribuer à la transformation de la chaîne de valeur des services logistiques.

L’arrivée de Messi au sein de J&T Express marque le début d’une série de campagnes de marketing et de médias sociaux sur le thème #JTBetterTogether, entre autres activités, que le prestataire de services logistiques prévoit de mener à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année et de la nouvelle année.

À propos de J&T Express

J&T Express est un prestataire de services logistiques mondial qui possède des entreprises de livraison express de premier plan en Asie du Sud-Est et en Chine, le marché le plus important et à la croissance la plus rapide au monde. Fondé en 2015, le réseau de J&T Express s’étend sur 13 pays, notamment l’Indonésie, le Vietnam, la Malaisie, les Philippines, la Thaïlande, le Cambodge, Singapour, la Chine, l’Arabie saoudite, les Émirats arabes unis, le Mexique, le Brésil et l’Égypte. Adhérant à sa mission « axée sur le client et l’efficacité », J&T Express s’engage à fournir aux clients des solutions logistiques intégrées grâce à des infrastructures intelligentes et à un réseau logistique numérique, dans le cadre de sa stratégie mondiale visant à connecter le monde avec une efficacité optimisée et à apporter des avantages logistiques à tous.

Photo :  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1955884/J_T_Express_names_Lionel_Messi_Global_Brand_Ambassador.jpg

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KlasJet acrescenta o Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sua frota exclusiva

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, Nov. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em 2021, o mercado mundial de jatos comerciais era de US$ 25,87 bilhões e deverá atingir US$ 38,34 bilhões até 2029, crescendo a uma CAGR de 4,06 %. Os jatos comerciais realizaram 3,3 milhões de voos em todo o mundo em 2021, o maior número registrado em um único ano, e 7% a mais do que o recorde anterior em 2019. As estatísticas de jatos privados indicam uma frota global de 21.929 aeronaves registradas.

Para expandir o portfólio de produtos da KlasJet, um charter corporativo baseado na UE e prestador de serviços ACMI (avião, tripulação, manutenção, seguro) está acrescentando o jato Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971, à sua frota. A aeronave deverá iniciar suas operações em meados de abril de 2023 e sua base será em Dubai. O agente de vendas geral desta aeronave será o escritório da Chapman Freeborn nos EAU em Dubai.

O Boeing 737 BBJ2 é mais uma excelente aquisição da frota exclusiva de aeronaves privadas da KlasJet, pois está preparado para atender às necessidades específicas dos clientes de alto poder aquisitivo que viajam em grupos menores. “Enquanto nossas outras aeronaves Boeing 737 VIP com 56-68 assentos são ótimas para grupos maiores, tais como equipes esportivas, delegações de executivos e políticos, o B737 BBJ2 servirá como uma opção incrível para famílias abastadas, representantes do governo, presidentes, famílias reais e importantes delegações de executivos. Atualmente, a aeronave está no centro de acabamento JetMS Completion do Avia Solutions Group, onde o interior do jato será totalmente renovado”, explica Rita Domkute, CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Os serviços de fretamento de jatos executivos são muito requisitados em todo o mundo, pois grandes grupos podem viajar desfrutando de todas as vantagens da aviação executiva: tempo de voo flexível, serviço de luxo a bordo, assentos especiais e preço por assento semelhante aos assentos de classe executiva em companhias aéreas regulares. “Pretendemos que o recém-adicionado B737 BBJ2 nos permita fortalecer nossas posições no mercado do Oriente Médio em rápido crescimento, pois o jato é uma opção perfeita para pessoas de alto padrão que moram ou visitam a região regularmente”, ela compartilha.

O avião de 23 lugares é um projeto verdadeiramente requintado, com uma espaçosa área lounge, quarto a bordo e chuveiro. “O jato é projetado para atender até mesmo as necessidades mais sofisticadas de nossos clientes. É planejado pensando na conveniência e conforto dos passageiros, e o design é criado usando materiais de alta qualidade”, compartilha a CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

No início deste ano, a companhia aérea acrescentou a lista de serviços ACMI de passageiros, incluindo a crescente linha de fornecedores de capacidade de sua matriz, Avia Solutions Group.

Se você deseja mais informações ou gostaria de marcar uma entrevista com um de nossos representantes KlasJet, entre em contato com Vilma Vaitiekunaite por e-mail vilma.vaitiekunaite@aviasg.com ou pelo telefone +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Sobre a KlasJet
A KlasJet é uma empresa exclusiva de fretamento de jatos privados e corporativos, reconhecida como líder na oferta de voos de grupo personalizados em todo o mundo. Operando uma frota de jatos de projeto exclusivo com base em Vilnius, Lituânia, assim como aeroportos da Europa Ocidental e Oriental, África e Oriente Médio, a KlasJet oferece conforto, segurança e atenção aos detalhes desde o início.

A KlasJet controla 7 aeronaves corporativas e BBJ Boeing 737 de 23 a 68 assentos. Também oferece serviços de locação ACMI para companhias aéreas e operadoras de turismo ao redor do mundo que enfrentam desafios com horários de voo, planos de expansão e o fornecimento de aeronaves de apoio. A frota da empresa disponível para os serviços de locação ACMI compreende 6 unidades do Boeing 737-800 – cada uma com capacidade para 189 passageiros.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

A KlasJet é um membro da família Avia Solutions Group, líder mundial em soluções de capacidade completa para companhias aéreas de passageiros e de carga. Seu vasto portfólio de serviços para clientes inclui ACMI, aviação charter e de carga, leasing e comércio de aeronaves, serviços MRO, aviação executiva e aquisição de companhias aéreas VIP, treinamento de pilotos e tripulação, serviços de recrutamento, além de vários serviços complementares que abrangem uma ampla gama de operações associadas. O Grupo administra mais de 100 escritórios e instalações de produção em todo o mundo.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Para mais informações, visite: www.klasjet.aero e www.aviasg.com

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KlasJet intègre le Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sa flotte exclusive

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, 27 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En 2021, le marché mondial des avions d’affaires représentait 25,87 milliards de dollars US et devrait atteindre 38,34 milliards de dollars US d’ici 2029, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé de 4,06 %. Les avions d’affaires ont effectué 3,3 millions de vols dans le monde en 2021, le plus grand nombre jamais enregistré pour une seule année et 7 % de plus que le précédent pic enregistré en 2019. Les statistiques relatives aux jets privés font état d’une flotte mondiale de 21 929 appareils immatriculés.

Afin d’élargir le portefeuille de produits de KlasJet, un fournisseur de services d’affrètement privé et d’ACMI basé en UE intègre à sa flotte un jet Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971. L’appareil devrait entrer en service à la mi-avril 2023 et sera basé à Dubaï. L’agent commercial général de cet appareil sera le bureau de Chapman Freeborn UAE à Dubaï.

Le Boeing 737 BBJ2 est un atout majeur pour la flotte exclusive d’avions privés de KlasJet, dans la mesure où il répond aux besoins spécifiques de clients haut de gamme voyageant en comité restreint. « Alors que nos autres appareils Boeing 737 VIP de 56 à 68 sièges au design unique sont parfaits pour les groupes plus importants, tels que les équipes sportives ou les délégations d’affaires et politiques, le B737 BBJ2 sera un choix idéal pour les familles fortunées, les représentants de gouvernements, les présidents, les familles royales et les délégations d’affaires importantes. L’appareil se trouve actuellement au centre d’achèvement JetMS Completion du Groupe Avia Solutions, où l’intérieur du jet sera entièrement rénové », précise Rita Domkute, PDG de KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Les services d’affrètement d’avions d’affaires constituent une demande importante dans le monde entier. Les grands groupes peuvent en effet voyager en bénéficiant de tous les avantages de l’aviation d’affaires : horaires de vol flexibles, service de luxe à bord, sièges spéciaux et tarif par siège similaire à la classe affaires des compagnies aériennes régulières. Et d’ajouter : « Nous prévoyons que le B737 BBJ2 récemment acquis nous permettra de renforcer notre position sur le marché du Moyen-Orient, lequel connaît une croissance rapide. Ce jet constitue une option parfaite pour les particuliers de haut rang vivant dans la région ou s’y rendant régulièrement ».

L’appareil de 23 places est un projet vraiment exquis, avec son salon spacieux, sa chambre à coucher et sa douche à bord. La PDG de KlasJet ajoute encore : « Ce jet est conçu pour répondre même aux besoins les plus exigeants de nos clients. Il a été conçu en tenant compte de la convivialité et du confort des passagers et en utilisant des matériaux de haute qualité ».

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Plus tôt cette année, la compagnie aérienne a ajouté des passagers à sa liste de services ACMI, complétant ainsi la liste toujours croissante de fournisseurs de compétences de sa société mère Avia Solutions Group.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour fixer un rendez-vous avec l’un de nos représentants KlasJet, veuillez contacter Vilma Vaitiekunaite à l’adresse suivante : vilma.vaitiekunaite@aviasg.com ou par téléphone au +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

La société KlasJet
est une compagnie d’affrètement de jets privés et d’affaires, réputée leader en matière de prestations de voyages de groupes sur mesure dans le monde entier. Exploitant une flotte de jets de conception unique basée à Vilnius, en Lituanie, ainsi que dans des aéroports d’Europe occidentale et de l’Est, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, KlasJet garantit le confort, la sécurité et le sens du détail à chaque instant.

KlasJet exploite 7 Boeings 737 d’affaires et BBJ de 23 à 68 sièges. La compagnie offre également des services de location ACMI aux compagnies aériennes et aux voyagistes du monde entier confrontés à des difficultés liées aux calendriers de vols, aux plans d’expansion et à la disponibilité d’avions de remplacement. La flotte de la compagnie disponible à la location ACMI comprend 6 appareils Boeing 737-800, chacun d’une capacité de 189 passagers.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

KlasJet appartient au Groupe Avia Solutions, leader dans les solutions de capacité de bout en bout destinées aux compagnies aériennes de voyageurs et de fret dans le monde entier. Son vaste portefeuille de services proposés aux clients englobe l’ACMI, l’aviation privée et de fret, la location et le négoce d’avions, les services MRO, l’aviation d’affaires et l’approvisionnement des compagnies aériennes VIP, la formation des pilotes et des équipages, les services de recrutement, ainsi que de multiples services complémentaires couvrant un large éventail d’opérations associées. Le Groupe gère plus de 100 bureaux et sites de production dans le monde entier.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter les sites : www.klasjet.aero et www.aviasg.com

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

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J&T Express announces Lionel Messi as Global Brand Ambassador

SHANGHAI, Nov. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Global logistics service provider J&T Express today announced football star and global sports icon Lionel Messi as its first global brand ambassador. Known for his relentless pursuit of excellence and resilience, the seven-time Ballon d’Or winner understands the continuous commitment to improvement that is at the heart of J&T Express.

Same as J&T Express who is committed to continuously benefiting the local communities it operates in, Messi is a strong believer of giving back to the society as evidenced by the forward’s contribution as the top scorer. Messi attributes his performance, both on and off the field, in large part to the collaborative effort of his team. This is aligned with J&T Express’ efforts to bring the best technology-enabled solutions to customers in all its global markets through collaboration with local network partners.https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1955884/J_T_Express_names_Lionel_Messi_Global_Brand_Ambassador.jpg

As part of his partnership with J&T Express, Messi will promote greater awareness of J&T Express, not only as a prominent logistics provider, but also as a one-stop e-commerce specialist across each and every touchpoint in the supply chain, as well as a true champion and practitioner of the “better together” spirit.

Commenting on this announcement, Rachel Liu, Global Branding Director of J&T Express said, “We are honored and excited to collaborate with Lionel Messi as our global ambassador. He is a generational athlete whose work ethic, humility and dedication align with the values that we imbue at J&T Express. Through his grit and accomplishments, Messi is an inspiration to many. This resonates deeply with our values of building a caring, responsible and sustainable business.”

“J&T Express has made remarkable achievements since its launch. We share many similarities in our passion and determination to never stop improving. Just as the sport of football unites millions across the globe, J&T Express seeks to develop logistic solutions to connect its customers to the world. I look forward to being part of this journey,” said Messi.

J&T Express and Messi will together elevate the brand’s popularity and promote greater awareness of J&T’s offerings as it seeks to contribute to the transformation of the logistic service value chain.

Messi’s addition to J&T Express launches a series of social media and marketing campaigns under the theme of #JTBetterTogether, among other activations, that the logistics service provider is planning in conjunction with the festive season and the new year ahead.

About J&T Express

J&T Express is a global logistics service provider with leading express delivery businesses in Southeast Asia and China, the largest and fastest-growing market in the world. Founded in 2015, J&T Express’ network spans thirteen countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Mexico, Brazil and Egypt. Adhering to its “customer-oriented and efficiency-based” mission, J&T Express is committed to providing customers with integrated logistics solutions through intelligent infrastructure and digital logistics network, as part of its global strategy to connect the world with greater efficiency and bring logistical benefits to all.

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Beyond Qatar: Migrant Workers Are Exploited in America, Too

The treatment of migrant workers has been highlighted during the World Cup in Qatar, where many temporary foreign workers reportedly died while building the event’s infrastructure.

Advocates for immigrant workers in the U.S. note that abuses aren’t just happening overseas.

“The fact of the matter is that migrant workers in the U.S. are struggling with many of the same issues those workers were facing in Qatar,” said Julie Taylor, executive director of the National Farm Worker Ministry, headquartered in North Carolina, speaking with VOA.

Those issues include “being forced to work through extreme heat waves, wage theft, poor housing, lack of access to healthcare, a shortage of personal protection equipment,” Taylor said. “The tragedy in Qatar shouldn’t be tolerated, and it’s also an important opportunity to remind Americans of the tragedies happening in our own backyard.”

In some states and local jurisdictions, government agencies and advocacy organizations can point to progress for migrant workers. Last year in New York, for example, farm workers – a large proportion of whom are foreign-born, temporary laborers – won collective bargaining rights that will allow them to better advocate for higher wages and better working conditions.

And last month in New Orleans, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division renewed an agreement with the Consulate of Mexico to provide Spanish-speaking workers in Louisiana and Mississippi with information on their rights in the United States, as well as access to training, such as worker safety training.

“By partnering with the Mexican Consulate, we improve our ability to ensure both employers and workers understand their obligations and their rights,” Troy Mouton, New Orleans, Louisiana district director of the Wage and Hour Division told VOA.

The hope is the agreement will decrease wage violations against vulnerable workers toiling at the margins of society by helping those workers understand their employers’ obligation under the law to pay them.

Despite such steps, advocates insist much more needs to be done.

Essential workers

According to a 2017 study by the Pew Research Center, America has approximately 12 million migrant workers at any given time, some authorized and others not. America’s current labor shortage, with millions of jobs unfilled, would be worse without the participation of migrant and temporary workers, say labor groups.

“Migrant workers are contributing in nearly every sector in the economy,” explained Shannon Lederer, director of immigration policy for the AFL-CIO, a union federation, “and they’re also being exploited in all of them – across all industries and across all wage levels. This is a full-blown crisis.”

Mouton says temporary foreign laborers have played an indispensable role in New Orleans and across the Gulf Coast region in recent years. This, he said, underscored the need to renew an agreement with the Mexican Consulate to help to protect the rights of those workers.

“In recent history, the single most significant event that resulted in an increased migrant worker presence in Louisiana was Hurricane Katrina in 2005,” he said, recalling the infamous storm that flooded 80% of New Orleans and killed more than 1,800 people. “Most of our migrant workers came from Mexico and elsewhere in Central America, and their efforts after the storm in debris removal, demolition, and eventually reconstruction have had a huge impact on our city.”

Similar efforts took place following later hurricanes such as Laura, Delta, and last year’s Hurricane Ida, but Mouton said migrant worker contributions extend far beyond disaster recovery.

“The majority of migrant workers in Louisiana contribute to the construction, agriculture, and seafood processing industries, all of which are important to the economy of Louisiana,” he said, adding that it is an ongoing struggle “to protect the welfare of these workers” and achieve “compliance with federal labor standards.”

Appalling conditions

Amy Liebman, chief program officer for the Migrant Clinicians Network, headquartered in Texas, believes the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored just how essential migrant workers are to America and its economy. This, she said, should make the conditions these workers endure even more appalling to the nation.

“In a 75-mile [120-kilometer] radius from where I live, we have 10 chicken processing plants, and there are many migrant laborers doing that difficult work,” she told VOA. “During the peak part of COVID-19, it was those workers – toiling all day in tight spaces – who were getting sick and dying from the virus, and they were getting their families sick.”

Liebman added, “But there’s a fear, and it’s a fear founded in truth, that if you complain to your boss, you’re going to not just get fired, but deported, as well.”

Immigrant advocates such as Liebman and Lederer say understanding why workers come to the United States in the first place can illuminate how desperate their situations are. It’s often “push factors” such as war, violence, political instability and natural disasters – or “pull factors” such as a demand for cheap labor in the United States – that draw people from their home country.

“When you have people who are desperate to leave home, or to come here so they can send money back home to family, you have a situation in which these workers can be exploited, and that’s exactly what is happening,” Lederer of the AFL-CIO said.

“You have recruiters in the United States who are finding workers in other countries and demanding payment from them for the right to work in the U.S.,” Lederer continued. “So now those laborers are in debt when they arrive, making them more desperate for their job. And their visa is tied to one employer, so if they complain about subpar overcrowded housing, or if they say something about not getting paid on time, their employer can fire them and they’ll be sent back to their home country.”

21st century challenges and a need for comprehensive solutions

Liebman said a warming climate is adding to migrant workers’ woes, as they often toil outdoors in increasingly hot, dangerous conditions. This can add to health problems and compound the struggles many face.

“Getting good healthcare as an immigrant is already challenging, but now add in the migratory nature of their work,” Liebman explained. “Every time you move somewhere new you have to take the time to relearn everything. Who will take care of you and your family? Where is the community health center? How will you get there? How will you pay? In areas with large migrant worker populations, community health centers are often pushed beyond their capacity, so what then?”

While immigrant advocates hail incremental progress in some jurisdictions, they say federal action is needed to meaningfully improve conditions for migrant workers.

“This is an emergency, and we need to get serious about finding real solutions,” Lederer said, adding that comprehensive reform of America’s immigration system would be a good start. “If we’re going to create a welcoming country for the labor our economy needs, the focus should be on longer term solutions that allow immigrants to come to this country permanently and with the ability to change jobs once they’re here.”

Source: Voice Of America

Water Boil Order Issued for More Than 2 Million in Houston

More than 2 million people in the Houston area were under a boil order notice Monday after a power outage at a purification plant caused water pressure to drop, and the mayor of the nation’s fourth-largest city ordered a full review of the system.

The notice tells customers to boil water before it’s used for cooking, bathing or drinking. Multiple Houston-area public and private schools, as well as some local colleges, were closed Monday as a result of the notice, while others made adjustments to provide affected campuses with bottled water and sanitizer.

The notice was issued Sunday, hours after two transformers failed, causing power outages at the water plant, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said at a press conference Monday. There was no indication the water system had been contaminated.

Water quality testing was underway, Turner said. He said he expects the notice to be lifted by early Tuesday at the latest, once the state’s environmental agency gives an all-clear after analyzing test results.

According to Turner, the city issued a notice, which affects all of Houston and multiple adjacent areas, in an “abundance of caution” after the two transformers — a main one and its backup — “uniquely and coincidentally” failed. The problem affected the plant’s ability to treat water and pump water into the transmission system, resulting in low water pressure.

The power system at the water plant undergoes regular maintenance, Turner said, but he did not give a timeline for how often. The mayor said he has ordered a diagnostic review of the system to understand how this was possible and how it can be prevented. He said because the issue was within the plant’s system, backup power generators would not have made a difference.

Sixteen sensors marked dips under the minimum pressure levels required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality — 14 of them for only 2 minutes and two of them for nearly 30 minutes, Turner said.

Untreated groundwater can enter a water system through cracked pipes when water pressure drops. Customers are told to boil water to kill bacteria that could be harmful.

“We are optimistic the results will come back clean,” Turner said.

Turner defended the decision to warn residents about the water quality several hours after the issue first occurred and apologized for the disruptions to businesses, schools and elective surgeries. He said the dip in pressure did not automatically trigger a water boil notice, but a decision was made to issue one based on the data once the city consulted with and was instructed to do so by TCEQ.

Water infrastructure and quality has been a prominent issue in cities large and small throughout the U.S., including Baltimore; Honolulu; Jackson, Mississippi; and Flint, Michigan.

Source: Voice Of America