The ALDO Group pursues its commitment towards climate action

The Canadian company is currently participating in the World Climate Summit and has recently renewed its climate neutral certification for the fourth year running.

MONTREAL, Nov. 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Climate issues are more crucial than ever, and the ALDO Group is dedicated to maintaining its commitment to building a low-carbon future. In addition to announcing the renewal of its climate neutral certification for a fourth consecutive year, the company is currently participating in the 11th World Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland. A few weeks ago, the Canadian fashion footwear company also joined We Mean Business, an international coalition of more than 600 companies calling upon the leaders of the world’s largest economies to reinforce their climate action objectives during the G20 and COP26 discussions.

“Inspired by the COP21 in Paris 6 years ago, we made a decision in 2018 to become the first climate neutral fashion footwear company. This year’s COP will be a critical meeting – there is massive worldwide support for bold action on climate change. We hope that our participation will contribute in a small way to a very big global challenge,” said David Bensadoun, CEO of the ALDO Group.

World Climate Summit: Rallying the Fashion Industry’s Stakeholders

On November 8 at 10 a.m. (GMT), Jonathan Frankel, Senior Vice-President of APS at the ALDO Group, will join the panel Lead by Example – Harnessing Innovation Towards a Carbon Neutral Fashion & Textile Industry to discuss how the fashion industry can work towards reducing its environmental footprint and how collaboration between manufacturers, designers and consumers is key to reach carbon neutrality.

“The long-term sustainability of the global fashion industry requires systemic change that goes beyond the capabilities of any one company. We cannot fight this problem alone. We strongly believe in collaboration, and that is why we wanted to take part in this unifying event,” said Jonathan Frankel.

Well aware that the fashion industry has an impact on global warming, the ALDO Group intensified its climate actions in recent years. The organization is also a member of multi-stakeholder associations that promote partnerships for concerted industry-wide actions, such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Fashion Pact and the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action (UNFCCC).

The ALDO Group’s Journey Towards Reducing Its Carbon Footprint

In 2018, the ALDO Group became the first fashion footwear and accessories company in the world to be certified climate neutral for its corporate stores, offices and distribution centres. The organization then reinforced its environmental commitment by also having eCommerce shipments and product transportation certified climate neutral.

In 2020, the company reduced carbon emissions from its operations by 74% compared to 2013. This year, it carried forward its sustainability journey by continuing to reduce its net emissions and compensating the unavoidable ones through a combination of nature-based forest conservation and clean energy projects. And for the fourth consecutive year, the ALDO Group has received its climate neutral company certification from the South Pole Group – a leading provider of global sustainability solutions and services with a transparent and rigorous certification process.

“It’s very exciting to see the ALDO Group continuing to make progress on climate action. The company has demonstrated industry leadership and we congratulate them on their commitments and ever-increasing ambition,” said Renat Heuberger, CEO and co-founder of South Pole.

Having achieved significant reductions for its operations’ emissions, the ALDO Group has been addressing other important issues: from waste management to its positive impact on local communities, from teaming up with partners to improve their social and environmental footprint to promoting diversity and inclusion. In terms of products, the company aims to continue introducing more innovative low impact materials in its collections and to increase its use of recycled materials, such as polyester. The company is also working to decarbonize it supply chain by working closely with its suppliers.

It is also important to remember that in 2019, the ALDO Group joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Its GHG reduction targets are therefore in line with climate science.

Member of the We Mean Business Coalition

Recognizing the need for collective climate action, the ALDO Group signed the We Mean Business coalition’s open letter earlier this month. Ahead of the crucial G20 and COP 26 summits, more than 600 companies from around the world called on the leaders of the world’s largest economies to do their utmost to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 °C and to reinforce their objectives. The signatories represent sectors ranging from energy and transportation to fashion and construction.

To read the letter and consult the list of companies who signed it, please visit

For more information about the ALDO Group’s commitment to sustainability, please visit

About the ALDO Group
The ALDO Group is a world-leading creator and operator of desirable footwear and accessory brands. With a presence in over 100 countries around the world, the organization operates under two signature brands, ALDO and Call It Spring, and a multi-brand retail concept, GLOBO. The ALDO Group is also an industry-recognized wholesale distributor and third party sourcing provider of fashion footwear, handbags and accessories. In addition to its head office in Montreal, the ALDO Group has international offices in Europe and in Asia. Guided on a daily basis by its purpose A journey to create a world of love, confidence, and belonging, the ALDO Group is simply unique. For more information, visit

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Le Groupe ALDO poursuit son engagement envers le climat

L’entreprise canadienne participe au Sommet mondial sur le climat et renouvelle sa certification carboneutre pour une 4e année consécutive

MONTRÉAL, 08 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les enjeux climatiques sont plus cruciaux que jamais et le Groupe ALDO est déterminé à maintenir son engagement afin de construire un avenir à faible teneur en carbone. En plus d’annoncer le renouvellement de sa certification carboneutre pour une 4e année consécutive, le Groupe ALDO participe en ce moment au 11e Sommet mondial sur le climat (World Climate Summit), qui a lieu à Glasgow en Écosse. Il y a quelques semaines, l’entreprise canadienne de chaussures mode a également joint sa voix à la coalition internationale We Mean Business, regroupant plus de 600 entreprises qui appellent les dirigeants des plus grandes économies mondiales à renforcer leurs objectifs en matière de climat lors des discussions cruciales du G20 et de la COP26.

« Inspirés par la COP21 à Paris il y a 6 ans, nous avons pris la décision en 2018 de devenir la première entreprise de chaussures mode à être certifiée carboneutre. La COP de cette année sera un événement décisif – il existe un soutien mondial massif pour une action audacieuse contre les changements climatiques. Nous espérons que notre participation contribuera de manière modeste à un très grand défi mondial », souligne David Bensadoun, PDG du Groupe ALDO.

Sommet mondial sur le climat : rallier les acteurs de l’industrie de la mode

Le 8 novembre à 10 h (TMG), Jonathan Frankel, vice-président sénior au Groupe ALDO, se joindra au panel Lead By Example – Harnessing Innovation towards a Carbon Neutral Fashion & Textile Industry pour discuter de la façon dont l’industrie de la mode peut travailler à réduire son empreinte et de la manière dont la collaboration entre fabricants, designers et consommateurs est essentielle pour atteindre la carboneutralité.

« La durabilité à long terme de la mode exige un changement systémique qui va au-delà des capacités d’une seule entreprise. Nous ne pouvons pas lutter seuls contre ce problème. Nous croyons fermement à la collaboration, et c’est pourquoi nous souhaitions prendre part à cet événement rassembleur », déclare Jonathan Frankel.

Conscient que le secteur de la mode a un impact sur le réchauffement de la planète, le Groupe ALDO a intensifié ses actions en faveur du climat ces dernières années. L’entreprise est également membre d’associations multipartites qui favorisent les partenariats porteurs afin de mener une action climatique concertée à l’échelle de son industrie telles que la Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), le Fashion Pact et la Charte de l’industrie de la mode des Nations unies sur l’action climatique (UNFCCC).

Un parcours vers la réduction de son empreinte carbone

En 2018, le Groupe ALDO est devenu la première entreprise de l’industrie de la chaussure et des accessoires mode au monde à être certifiée carboneutre pour ses magasins corporatifs, bureaux et centres de distribution. L’organisation a par la suite étendu cet engagement à ses expéditions de commerce électronique et au transport de ses produits.

L’an dernier, l’entreprise a réduit les émissions de carbone liées à ses activités de 74 % par rapport à 2013. Cette année, elle poursuit son parcours de développement durable en continuant à réduire ses émissions nettes et en compensant celles qui sont inévitables par l’entremise d’une combinaison de projets de conservation des forêts et de production d’énergie propre axés sur la nature.

Pour la quatrième année consécutive, le Groupe ALDO s’est ainsi vu octroyer la certification d’entreprise « carboneutre » par South Pole, un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions et de services globaux liés au développement durable ayant un processus de certification rigoureux et transparent.

« C’est très excitant de voir le Groupe ALDO continuer à faire des progrès en matière d’action climatique. L’entreprise fait preuve de leadership dans son industrie et nous tenons à souligner son engagement et son ambition sans cesse croissante » a déclaré Renat Heuberger, PDG et cofondateur de South Pole.

Rappelons que, depuis 2019, le Groupe ALDO a rejoint la Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) et que ses objectifs de réduction des GES sont en accord avec la science du climat. Sa démarche en matière de responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (RSE) englobe également des enjeux sociaux d’importance tels que la diversité et l’inclusion. L’entreprise utilise également les outils du HIGG Index, développés par le SAC, pour évaluer l’impact social et environnemental de sa chaîne de valeur et soutenir ses fournisseurs dans l’implantation de programmes visant à améliorer leurs pratiques.

Membre de la coalition We Mean Business

Reconnaissant la nécessité de l’action climatique collective, le Groupe ALDO a rejoint et signé plus tôt ce mois-ci la lettre ouverte de la coalition We Mean Business. Rappelons qu’en prévision des sommets décisifs du G20 et de la COP 26, plus de 600 entreprises dans le monde ont ainsi appelé les dirigeants des plus grandes économies mondiales à tout mettre en œuvre pour limiter la hausse de la température mondiale à 1,5 °C et à renforcer leurs objectifs nationaux en matière de climat. Les signataires représentent des secteurs allant de l’énergie et des transports à la mode et à la construction.

Pour lire la lettre et consulter la liste des entreprises signataires (disponible en anglais seulement), visitez

Pour plus d’informations sur les engagements du Groupe ALDO envers le développement durable, visitez le

À propos du Groupe ALDO
Le Groupe ALDO est une entreprise d’envergure internationale qui crée et commercialise des marques de chaussures et d’accessoires mode. Présent dans plus de 100 pays, l’organisation s’impose avec deux marques signatures, Aldo et Boutique Spring, ainsi qu’un concept multimarque, GLOBO. Le Groupe ALDO est également un grossiste et fournisseur de chaussures, de sacs à main et d’accessoires reconnu dans l’industrie. En plus de son siège social de Montréal, le Groupe ALDO possède des bureaux internationaux en Europe et en Asie. Guidé tous les jours par sa raison d’être, Un parcours pour créer un monde où règne l’amour, la confiance et l’inclusion, le Groupe ALDO est simplement unique. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez le

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Synchronoss Personal Cloud Solution Selecionado pela Telkomsel para Apoiar a Oferta de Serviços Digitais

Com a nova parceria, a operadora móvel da Indonésia passará a oferecer serviços pessoais de nuvem para um mercado de mais de 170 milhões de assinantes

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Nov. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), líder global e inovadora de soluções de nuvem, mensagens e digitais, anunciou hoje a oferta da sua solução de nuvem pessoal para Telkomsel a maior operadora de telefonia móvel da Indonésia. Com a solução Synchronoss Personal Cloud, os assinantes da Telkomsel poderão fazer back up gerenciar seus valiosos conteúdos digitais, incluindo fotos e vídeos, em qualquer dispositivo.

A solução Synchronoss Personal Cloud de marca branca – com a marca “Floudrive” gerenciada pela Telkomsigma – será disponibilizada para os 170 milhões de assinantes da Telkomsel como um recurso premium. Os assinantes poderão escolher entre dois níveis de armazenamento diferentes e receber um período inicial gratuito de 30 dias. A solução oferece para os assinantes uma experiência de armazenamento na nuvem confiável e intuitiva, com capacidade de backup e sincronização de conteúdo digital, além dos recursos avançados de etiquetagem e pesquisa.

“Estamos contentes com a nossa parceria com a Synchronoss que permitirá a integração das suas soluções de nuvem pessoal com o nosso canal de consumo”, disse Tanto Suratno, Diretor de Negócios e Vendas da Telkomsigma. “Com a nossa oferta de nuvem pessoal atingindo o seu limite, esse é o momento perfeito para aproveitar essa oportunidade de proporcionar para os nossos assinantes uma solução avançada que atenda às suas necessidades em constante mudança. Estamos preparados para viabilizar que os nossos clientes otimizem e gerenciem seus preciosos conteúdos digitais, com proteção e armazenamento seguro. Além de beneficiar nossos clientes, essa parceria também representa o próximo passo do nosso avanço para oferta de mais serviços digitais.”

A solução será entregue através do acordo da Synchronoss com a Telkomsigma, a unidade de Serviços de TI e Data Center da Telkomsel, e com a Telkom Indonesia, a empresa controladora da Telkomsigma. E, ao contrário de outras soluções de nuvem do mercado, a nuvem pessoal da Synchronoss permite que os dados do assinante sejam armazenados no país, um requisito essencial para a Telkomsel estar em conformidade com as leis da Indonésia.

Anthony Socci, Presidente e Gerente Geral, APAC da Synchronoss, disse que está encantado em trabalhar com a Telkomsel com a sua nova oferta na nuvem. “Como provedor de soluções de nuvem privada, estamos sempre buscando maneiras de apoiar parceiros de telecomunicações com a sua missão de fornecer serviços digitais mais variados e avançados para seus assinantes. Essa solução na nuvem será fundamental para a Telkomsel, pois facilita uma experiência mais integrada e promove um gerenciamento mais seguro dos ativos pessoais”, disse ele. “Este acordo tem por base o sucesso que tivemos com a Telkomsigma, que nos impressionou e inspirou a Telkomsel a fazer ofertas semelhantes para seus assinantes móveis. Isso também possibilitará maiores sinergias entre as duas organizações dentro do grupo.”

Para mais informações sobre as soluções de nuvem Synchronoss, visite

Sobre a Synchronoss
A Synchronoss tecnologia(NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhões de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantêm em sincronia com as pessoas, serviços e os conteúdos que elas gostam. É por isso que mais de 1.500 funcionários talentosos da Synchronoss em todo o mundo se esforçam todos os dias para reimaginar um mundo em sincronia. Saiba mais em

Contato com a Mídia

Em nome da Synchronoss:
Anais Merlin,

Contato com o Investidor
Em nome da Synchronoss: Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc., E:

La solution Synchronoss Personal Cloud choisie par Telkomsel pour renforcer son offre de services numériques

Ce nouveau partenariat permettra à l’opérateur de téléphonie mobile indonésien d’apporter des services de cloud personnel sur un marché de plus de 170 millions d’abonnés

BRIDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY, 05 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ : SNCR), un leader mondial et innovateur dans le domaine des solutions numériques, de messagerie et de cloud, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle fournirait sa solution de cloud personnel à Telkomsel, le plus grand opérateur de téléphonie mobile d’Indonésie. L’ajout de la solution Synchronoss Personal Cloud offrira aux abonnés de Telkomsel la possibilité de sauvegarder et de gérer leur précieux contenu numérique, y compris leurs photos et vidéos, depuis n’importe quel appareil.

La solution en marque blanche Synchronoss Personal Cloud, « Floudrive », et gérée par Telkomsigma, sera mise à la disposition des 170 millions d’abonnés de Telkomsel en tant que fonctionnalité haut de gamme. Les abonnés pourront choisir entre deux niveaux de stockage différents et profiter d’une période initiale de 30 jours gratuits. La solution offre aux abonnés une expérience de stockage dans le cloud fiable et intuitive, avec la possibilité de sauvegarder et de synchroniser le contenu numérique, tout en introduisant des capacités avancées d’étiquetage et de recherche.

« Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à Synchronoss pour intégrer ses solutions de cloud personnel dans notre canal de consommation », a déclaré Tanto Suratno, directeur des affaires et des ventes chez Telkomsigma. « Après avoir dépassé notre offre de cloud personnel existante, c’est le moment idéal pour saisir cette opportunité et fournir à nos abonnés une solution avancée qui répond à leurs besoins en constante évolution. Nous sommes impatients de permettre à nos clients d’optimiser et de gérer leur précieux contenu numérique, ainsi que de le protéger et de le stocker en toute sécurité. En plus de bénéficier à nos clients, ce partenariat représente également la prochaine étape alors que nous nous dirigeons vers plus de services numériques. »

La solution sera fournie par le biais de l’accord de Synchronoss avec Telkomsigma, la branche dédiée aux Services informatiques et Centres de données de Telkomsel et la société mère de Telkomsigma, Telkom Indonesia. Contrairement aux autres solutions cloud disponibles sur le marché, le cloud personnel fourni par Synchronoss permet de stocker les données des abonnés dans le pays, une exigence essentielle pour que Telkomsel respecte la législation indonésienne.

Anthony Socci, président et directeur général, APAC pour Synchronoss, a déclaré qu’il était ravi de travailler avec Telkomsel sur sa nouvelle offre de cloud. « En tant que fournisseur de solutions de cloud privé, nous cherchons toujours des moyens d’aider les partenaires de télécommunications dans leur mission consistant à fournir des services numériques plus variés et plus avancés à leurs abonnés. Cette solution cloud sera essentielle à Telkomsel car elle facilite une expérience plus intégrée et favorise une gestion plus sûre des actifs personnels », a-t-il déclaré. « Cet accord s’appuie sur le succès que nous avons déjà connu avec Telkomsigma, qui a impressionné et inspiré Telkomsel pour proposer des offres similaires à ses abonnés mobiles. Cela créera également de plus grandes synergies entre les deux organisations au sein du groupe. »

Pour en savoir plus sur les solutions cloud de Synchronoss, consultez la page

À propos de Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. C’est pourquoi les plus de 1 500 talentueux collaborateurs de Synchronoss à travers le monde s’efforcent chaque jour de repenser un monde synchrone. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

Contacts pour les médias

Pour Synchronoss :
Anais Merlin,
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Contact avec les investisseurs
Pour Synchronoss : Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc.,
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Melissa Hammerle Appointed President of Intelex Technologies

Hammerle will be responsible for the formation and execution of Intelex’s strategy as it delivers safer, cleaner and more efficient operations for our customers.

Toronto, Canada, Nov. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intelex Technologies, ULC, a leading global provider of cloud-based Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality (EHSQ) management software, today announced the appointment of Melissa Hammerle to the role of president of the organization.

“I’m excited to bring Melissa’s deep continuous improvement experience and leadership to the Intelex team. Melissa will be a key driver as we work to help customers drive EHS and ESG performance to levels previously unimaginable,” said Justin McElhattan, Group President of EHS businesses for Intelex parent company Fortive.

Hammerle brings experience driving growth, customer retention and innovation through leadership roles in general management, product, marketing, sales, customer success and the Fortive Business System (FBS). She has led teams to co-create cultures with high engagement, ownership and customer centricity across a range of businesses, from startups to large scale enterprises.

“I’m thrilled to join the Intelex team,” said Hammerle. “We have a profoundly impactful mission and a once-in-a-lifetime growth opportunity as investors, business leaders and customers raise the bar on the practices of EHSQ and help our customers achieve their Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) goals.”

Hammerle joins Intelex from Accruent, where, as the Commercial President, she and her team built new sales and marketing growth engines to sustainably deliver software bookings. Previously, she led the team that created Fluke’s first Internet of Things business to serve customer maintenance workflows, accelerated strategic initiatives across Fortive as the FBS Director of Growth, and delivered strong revenue and employee engagement as the VP & GM of Fluke Calibration.

Prior to joining Fortive, Hammerle served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, where she led a company in Iraq.

She earned an MBA from Harvard University and an BA in Economics from Dartmouth College.

About Intelex Technologies, ULC
Intelex Technologies, ULC is a global leader in environmental, health, safety and quality (EHSQ) management software. Since 1992, Intelex employees across the globe have been committed to innovating and enabling organizations to send their employees home safely every day, leaving behind a more sustainable world to the generations that follow, and manage quality so that only the safest and highest quality products make it to market. Intelex’s scalable, web-based platform and applications have helped clients across all industries improve business performance, mitigate organization-wide risk, and ensure sustained compliance with internationally accepted standards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and OSHAS 18001) and regulatory requirements. Almost 1,400 customers in 195 countries trust Intelex to power their EHSQ initiatives. Headquartered in Toronto with regional offices and employees around the world, Intelex became an Industrial Scientific company in 2019. In 2020, Intelex acquired ehsAI, provider of a SaaS-based next-wave compliance automation solution that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. For more information about Intelex, visit


Sandy Smith, Head of Global Content Marketing
Intelex Technologies, ULC
+1 216-375-0484

LONGi issues its first White Paper on Climate Action at COP26 summit

XI’AN, China, Nov. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — LONGi founder and president Li Zhenguo has participated in a special company activity at COP26 in Glasgow via online video, outlining LONGi’s “Commitment and Action to Address Climate Change” and releasing the company’s first White Paper on Climate Action at the China Corporate Pavilion.

LONGi founder and president Li Zhenguo has participated in a special company activity at COP26 in Glasgow via online video, outlining LONGi’s “Commitment and Action to Address Climate Change” and releasing the company’s first White Paper on Climate Action at the China Corporate Pavilion.

In 2020, LONGi joined the RE100, EV100 and EP100 in succession, becoming the first Chinese company to join all three initiatives of the Climate Group at the same time. LONGi also joined the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) in the same year in response to a CDP climate change questionnaire, which opened the way for the company’s involvement in Climate Action.

According to its white paper, LONGi is actively fulfilling its commitments and promoting the implementation of the four international initiatives. The company has completed the accounting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions across its entire value chain for the first time, with the proportion of renewable electricity used in 2020 reaching 41.83%, the equivalent of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1.35 million tons.

LONGi’s five manufacturing plants in Yunnan Province have in the meantime achieved 100% use of renewable electricity. In accordance with SBTi standards, the company has also submitted its own emission reduction targets for the first time – based on 2020 figures, greenhouse gas emissions within the scope of operation in 2030 will be reduced by 60% and carbon emission intensity per ton of silicon material, per watt of cell and per ton of glass will be reduced by 20%.

LONGi Solar Logo (PRNewsfoto/LONGi Solar)

“LONGi’s philosophy on Climate Action corresponds to the four initiatives, which every company must follow, and the advanced presentation of this can be a demonstration and example for the entire renewable energy industry. In the future, the overall thinking behind LONGi’s Climate Action will be to refer to the SBTi in order to set emission reduction targets and integrate the promotion of the RE100, EP100 and EV100 initiatives.” Li believes that the road to “Net-zero LONGi” will be long and difficult, but the company hopes to use its own actions to show the outside world a successful demonstration of “manufacturing clean energy products using 100% clean energy”. The company also looks forward to working with more partners and stakeholders, especially upstream and downstream organisations in the supply chain, to promote global energy transformation, also working with customers from all walks of life to jointly realize the vision of harmonious coexistence between mankind and nature.

The COP26 summit is the first meeting of the parties since the Paris agreement entered the implementation stage.

“In the face of an imminent climate crisis, the Paris agreement pointed out the actions necessary for a global green and low-carbon transition, and these are still our guidelines for protecting the earth,” Li added.

Over the past 10 years, China’s photovoltaic industry has made significant progress, enabling people to use renewable energy at a cheaper price, with the “Photovoltaic + Energy Storage + Green Hydrogen” model gradually becoming a powerful weapon against climate change.

Glasgow is the third consecutive COP at which LONGi has participated. At COP24 in 2018, LONGi released its “Solar for Solar” sustainable development concept of manufacturing photovoltaic products driven by photovoltaic power generation, with COP25 in 2019 seeing the release of the company’s “China PV Outlook 2050” report.

LONGi’s ‘special activity’ at COP26 saw guests invited from the Climate Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the British Energy Transition Commission (ETC), the British Embassy in China, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vanke Foundation and the Tencent Company, for in-depth discussion on the actions required of corporate entities to actively respond to climate change.

Find out more about the white paper:

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