Inside Africa’s drive to boost medicines and vaccine manufacturing

Addis Ababa – With COVID-19 vaccine supplies to Africa slowing down, the continent is working to boost its own manufacturing capacities for vaccines, medicines and vital health technologies.

Mrs Biruk Abate Halallo, Health Attaché at Ethiopia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations Offices in Geneva, is the driving force behind a resolution on the local manufacturing of medicines, medical technologies and vaccines that is being presented at the World Health Assembly, WHO’s leading decision-making body, this week.

What is the resolution for?

Africa suffers more than its fair share of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Over 90% of the world’s malaria deaths and 70% of all people living with HIV/AIDS are in Africa. More access to good medicines could significantly reduce this needless human toll.

Ninety-five per cent of all medicines used in Africa are imported and the continent accounts for just 3% of all medicine production globally. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed Africa’s vulnerabilities in ensuring access to vital drugs, vaccines and health technologies and more and more African governments view the supply of safe, effective and affordable medicines and vaccines as a national security issue.

Boosting local production will save lives, boost public health and strengthen African economies, including supporting local jobs. It should also trigger the sharing of crucial technologies.

The full title of the resolution presented at the World Health Assembly this week is ‘Strengthening Local Production of Medicines and Other Health Technologies to Improve Access.’

It covers strengthening local production, promoting technology transfers and innovation and considering the agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and intellectual property rights through the lens of boosting local production.

The resolution was co-sponsored by more than 100 WHO Member States, including 54 African countries.

What are the next steps?

WHO Member States and WHO must push on with the recommendations in the resolution.

Member States should align their national and regional policies and strategies around local production. This will help economies of all sizes build synergies, share the workload and avoid costly duplication.

African market integration and trade facilitation is crucial and African countries must make better use of regional economic integration platforms such as the Economic Community of West African States, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and The new African Continental Free Trade Agreement offer great opportunities.

More integration will help lead to the manufacturing of products that are in high demand in the region, will expand access to more markets and make local production sustainable.

Countries should formulate education policies that foster research and development in pharmaceuticals as well as encouraging thousands more people to gain skills to thrive in the industry. Countries must strengthen and harmonize their regulatory systems to ensure all medical products are of the highest quality and that local manufacturers adhere to international standards.

WHO should strengthen its role in providing leadership and direction in promoting the strategic use of quality and sustainable local production of medicines and other health technologies. It must keep up the technical support to Member States, as well as in developing policies, capacities and aiding partnership building and international collaboration.

To fully implement this resolution we need strong political commitment from WHO Member States. We need more public and private partnerships. Support from WHO and other partners is key and we may need additional resources and investment in infrastructure to get going.

What is Ethiopia doing to boost manufacturing at home?

There are 12 medicine manufacturers and 38 medical supply and device manufacturers working in Ethiopia and that are licensed by the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration.

Building on this is a priority and with technical and financial support from WHO, we have developed a National Strategy and Plan of Action for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Development. This was the first country-level adaptation of the vision of the African Union’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa which aims to catalyse local African pharmaceutical production.

Rolling out the strategy brings together key government ministries, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders and partners. It is run by a Steering Committee that is co-chaired by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Trade and Industry.

As part of this we are strengthening our regulatory capacity by reforming the National Regulatory Authority and have set up a new institute to support the pharmaceutical industry.

We are also supporting and encouraging domestic and international investment through shaping a conducive business environment. This includes offering incentives to encourage local manufacturing and setting up the Kilinto Pharmaceutical Industrial Park.

We’re also working to improve policy coherence, product diversification, human capital development and capacity building across the pharmaceutical sector.

How do you boost demand to sustain local manufacturing?

The key drivers of pharmaceutical demand in Ethiopia are population growth, economic growth, rising health coverage and efforts to address more and different diseases.

With over 112 million people and an annual population growth rate of 2.3%, Ethiopia is Africa’s second most populous nation. It has the fastest growing economy in the region, with growth averaging 9.4% a year from 2010 to 2020. As the spendable income of the population rises, so too does the demand for basic health services, including medicines.

The expansion of Ethiopia’s primary health care sector in the last 15 years has been hailed as a model in sub-Saharan Africa. Since 2003 we have worked to reach more communities and the percentage of women receiving antenatal care by a skilled provider increased from 27% in 2000 to 74% in 2019. Births in health facilities rose from 5% to 48% in that period.

Ethiopia has also introduced a community health insurance scheme in 75% of our districts. This has helped ensure communities engage with health services, which in turn drives demand for medicine’s and medical supplies.

Moreover, Ethiopia is undergoing an epidemiological transition from communicable diseases to non-communicable disease and injuries, and efforts to address all types of public health problems is changing the demand for medicines and health technologies.

For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:

Alemtsehay Zergaw Gebremichael Communications Officer WHO Ethiopia Email:

Collins Boakye-Agyemang Communications and marketing officer Tel: + 242 06 520 65 65 (WhatsApp) Email:



Source: World Health Organization

Le GMAC lance le microsite chinois officiel de l’examen GMAT™

Le nouveau site Internet vise à mieux servir les étudiants potentiels de la région poursuivant un diplôme d’études supérieures dans le commerce

RESTON, Virginie, 26 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™), la plus grande association mondiale d’écoles de commerce, qui administre le Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement du site Web chinois officiel de l’examen GMATTM, En tant qu’examen le plus largement utilisé pour les admissions d’écoles supérieures de commerce et accepté par plus de 7 000 programmes supérieurs de commerce dans le monde, le GMAT est un outil d’évaluation de premier plan parmi les nombreux talents de la région de la Grande Chine depuis plus de six décennies.

Reconnaissant l’intérêt croissant pour l’enseignement supérieur en management, le GMAC a établi le microsite pour permettre aux étudiants potentiels de la région d’accéder plus facilement et de manière plus confortable à des informations précises, complètes et faisant autorité sur le GMAT et l’enseignement supérieur en management dans leur langue maternelle. Grâce au contenu localisé et ciblé, le site Web chinois du GMAT, ainsi que le compte WeChat officiel du GMAT qui a été mis en service plus tôt cette année, fournissent les plateformes numériques essentielles pour créer et renforcer la connexion entre les talents parlant chinois et les écoles de commerce les plus importantes à l’échelle mondiale dans la région et au-delà, et combler un déficit d’informations sur le marché.

« La Chine est devenue au fil des ans la deuxième plus grande région pour le GMAT, après seulement les États-Unis », a déclaré Sangeet Chowfla, président-directeur général du GMAC. « Alors que les vaccins deviennent de plus en plus disponibles et que l’espoir d’une reprise économique commence à prendre racine, nous nous attendons à observer un regain de mobilité et sommes impatients de voir davantage d’étudiants chinois commencer et reprendre leur parcours d’études supérieures de commerce dans leur propre pays ou à l’étranger, en bénéficiant des nouvelles plateformes en langue chinoise que nous proposons aujourd’hui. »

Selon le rapport d’enquête auprès des étudiants potentiels sur 2021 du GMAC publié en mars, le niveau de préoccupation concernant l’impact de la COVID-19 diminue au fil du temps. Plus précisément, la proportion de répondants chinois qui ont déclaré être extrêmement ou très préoccupés a chuté, passant de 71 % en juillet 2020 à 48 % en novembre. Le rapport a également révélé que les répondants chinois prévoyant de poursuivre un MBA en dehors de leur pays ne modifient pas leurs plans d’origine malgré la pandémie, 89 % prévoyant de poursuivre leur MBA aux États-Unis et 55 % au Royaume-Uni, ce qui fait de ces deux pays leurs principales destinations envisagées.

« L’intérêt et le désir des talents commerciaux chinois de poursuivre des études supérieures de management n’ont pas diminué, mais ont seulement été mis en suspens », a déclaré Yuan Ding, vice-président et doyen de la CEIBS et directeur du conseil d’administration du GMAC. « Le site Web chinois officiel du GMAT aidera à connecter les talents commerciaux chinois du monde entier avec les écoles de commerce mondiales et ne laissera aucun talent inexploré. »

Plus de sept millions de candidats à la recherche de masters en commerce ou de MBA ont visité le site ― portail phare d’informations et de ressources d’enseignement supérieur du GMAC ― pour explorer les choix d’écoles de commerce, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur le processus d’admissions. Le GMAC est déterminé à soutenir les objectifs des étudiants potentiels chinois qui souhaitent se préparer et s’inscrire à l’examen GMAT.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) est une association des meilleures écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Fondé en 1953, le GMAC crée des solutions et des expériences permettant aux écoles de commerce et aux candidats de mieux se découvrir, s’évaluer et entrer en relation.

Le GMAC™ fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée. Le GMAC™ détient et administre également l’examen NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) et l’Executive Assessment (EA). BusinessBecause et The MBA Tour sont des filiales du GMAC™, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en apprendre plus sur notre action, rendez-vous sur le site

Contact auprès des médias :
Teresa Hsu
Responsable principale des relations avec les médias
202-390-4180 (mobile)

GMAC lança Exame em Chinês no GMAT™ Microsite oficial

Novo site visa atender melhor os futuros alunos da região que buscam um diploma de pós-graduação em business

RESTON, Va., May 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™), principal associação global de faculdades de business e administradora do Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™), anunciou hoje o lançamento do exame em chinês no site GMATTM oficial Na qualidade de exame mais amplamente utilizado para admissões de pós-graduação em business aceito por mais de 7.000 programas de pós-graduação em business em todo o mundo, o GMAT tem sido uma ferramenta de avaliação líder entre o vasto conjunto de talentos na região da Grande China há mais de seis décadas.

Reconhecendo o crescente interesse na pós-graduação em educação de gestão (GME), o GMAC estabeleceu o microsite para que os futuros alunos da região possam acessar informações precisas, abrangentes e oficiais sobre GMAT e GME no seu idioma nativo, imediata e confortavelmente. Com um conteúdo localizado e direcionado, o site chinês do GMAT, juntamente com a conta oficial do WeChat do GMAT que entrou em operação no início deste ano, fornece as plataformas digitais essenciais para a criação e fortalecimento de uma conexão entre talentos da língua chinesa e as principais faculdades de business do mundo na região e além, e preencher uma lacuna de informação no mercado.

“A China cresceu ao longo dos anos até se tornar a segunda maior região do GMAT, depois apenas dos Estados Unidos”, disse Sangeet Chowfla, presidente e CEO do GMAC. “À medida que as vacinas se tornam mais amplamente disponíveis e a esperança de recuperação econômica começa a se enraizar, esperamos ver mais mobilidade e que mais estudantes chineses comecem e retornem à sua jornada de educação empresarial de pós-graduação no seu próprio país ou no exterior, se beneficiando das novas plataformas de língua chinesa que estamos oferecendo hoje.”

De acordo com o relatório Prospective Students Survey Report de 2021 do GMAC publicado em março, o nível de preocupação com o impacto da COVID-19 vem diminuindo ao longo do tempo. Especificamente, a proporção de entrevistados chineses que relataram estar extremamente ou muito preocupados caiu de 71% em julho de 2020 para 48% em novembro do ano passado. O relatório também revelou que os entrevistados chineses que planejam fazer um MBA fora do seu país não estão mudando seus planos, apesar da pandemia, com 89% planejando fazer seu MBA nos Estados Unidos e 55% no Reino Unido, tornando esses dois países os principais destinos a serem consideração.

“O interesse e o desejo dos talentos empresariais chineses em prosseguir com os estudos de pós-graduação em gestão não diminuíram, apenas foram colocados em espera”, disse Yuan Ding, vice-presidente e reitor do CEIBS e diretor do conselho do GMAC. “O site chinês oficial do GMAT irá ajudar na conexão de talentos empresariais chineses em todo o mundo com faculdades de business em todo o mundo, e não deixará nenhum talento de fora.”

Mais de 7 milhões de candidatos na sua jornada de mestrado em business ou MBA visitaram, principal portal de recursos e informações de educação do GMAC, para explorar as opções de faculdades de business, se preparar e se inscrever em exames, e obter conselhos sobre o processo de admissão. O GMAC está empenhado em apoiar as metas dos futuros alunos chineses que desejam se preparar e se inscrever no exame GMAT.

Sobre o GMAC

O Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC – Conselho de Admissão de Gestão de Pós-Graduação) é uma associação global das principais faculdades de pós-graduação em business. Fundado em 1953, o GMAC está empenhado em criar soluções para faculdades e candidatos de business para que eles possam encontrar, avaliar, e se conectar uns com os outros.

O GMAC™ oferece pesquisas internacionais, conferências da indústria, ferramentas de recrutamento e avaliações para a indústria de graduação em gestão, bem como ferramentas, recursos, eventos e serviços que ajudam a orientar os candidatos na sua jornada rumo ao ensino superior. De propriedade e administrado pelo GMAC, o teste Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) é o exame mais amplamente utilizado pelas faculdades de business em todo o mundo. O GMAC™ também é proprietário e administra o exame NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) e Executive Assessment (EA). BusinessBecause e The MBA Tour são subsidiárias do GMAC™, uma organização global com escritórios na China, Índia, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos.

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Contato com a Mídia:
Teresa Hsu
Gerente Sênior, Relações com a Mídia
202-390-4180 (celular)