SeeUnity’s Echo Content Synchronization Product Enhancements Expedite Data Updates with Webhooks Option for Microsoft 365 and Filevine Integrations

DENVER, Oct. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SeeUnity – An Anaqua Company, the leading provider of Application Programming Interface (API)-based content integration and migration solutions for on-premise and cloud-based Enterprise Content Management applications, today announces the release of a significant Echo Content Synchronization (Echo) product enhancement supporting events-driven synchronization via webhooks. This capability is less resource intensive and expedites the notification of content and metadata changes from cloud-based systems to another application, delivering real-time data updates to users.

Echo is a robust content synchronization engine that enables organizations to securely connect and sync data between a document management system and other external applications via API. Echo can sync content and content changes in one direction or bi-directionally on an ongoing and scheduled basis, allowing users to collaborate and access up-to-date content anywhere.

Using webhooks provides an alternative method for syncing data between applications. Webhooks deliver data over the web as changes (events) happen, versus relying on numerous API call requests for changes. API rate limits are often found with cloud-based systems, causing delays and bottlenecks. For customers that require frequent, numerous, and timely data updates, this means they’ll receive the information much faster and more efficiently utilizing webhooks.

“A full Echo API scan is still run periodically to catch events that may have been missed for normally occurring situations, such as internet glitches, downed systems, or database errors,” commented Dan Hunsinger, CTO at SeeUnity. “The combination of webhooks, with the full scan safety net, creates a solid, efficient, and reliable integration.”

Gene D’Aversa, Sr. Director of Knowledge Management & Technology Innovation, IT Department Husch Blackwell: “The adoption of cloud-based applications in the industry continues to rise, and with that comes its own set of intricacies for system integration and content synchronization. SeeUnity invests in the product enhancements and functionalities that meet market challenges and help support enterprise agility. Over the years, we’ve partnered with SeeUnity in an effort to continually modernize and streamline our IT ecosystem, providing our users with more efficient processes. The ROI impact of leveraging these integrations is significant, ultimately benefits our customers, and contributes to our success.”

The Echo webhook sync option for Microsoft 365 and Filevine is immediately available. The capability is being expanded to other cloud-based systems.

About SeeUnity – An Anaqua Company

SeeUnity has led the way in providing API-based enterprise content integration and migration solutions for legal tech and beyond since 2004. We’ve helped over 500 customers and 30 global partners streamline workflow processes, enable secure collaboration, and maintain Information Governance. Our 30+ connectors support most ECM, CRM, IPM, collaboration, and file sharing systems. Now an Anaqua company, SeeUnity has an even greater ability to accommodate expanding IT ecosystem connectivity needs. New connectors under development include: HR, Legal Matter Management, and finance systems. For a complete list of connectors or additional information, please visit, Twitter @SeeUnity or LinkedIn.

Press Contact
Jo Becker, Director of Marketing, SeeUnity | +1 970 776-8318

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Sanitation and Water for All at COP26

NEW YORK, Oct. 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Sanitation and Water for All is a partner of the first-ever Water for Climate Pavilion at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). The Pavilion, curated by 33 organizations, will highlight water’s critical role in transformative climate action and deliver cutting edge, science-based advice on mitigation and adaptation to climate decision-makers.

“90% of the problems caused by climate change are estimated to be water related, leading to droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events. We need decision-makers to prioritize the human rights above all other uses, and guarantee climate resilient water and sanitation strategies, plans, and budgets, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalized.” said Catarina de Albuquerque, CEO of the UN-hosted Sanitation and Water for All partnership. “The first-ever Water Pavilion is an unprecedented opportunity to align climate and water policies so that human rights are realized, climate risks are reduced, and there is more money available for adaptation. Let us seize this opportunity to work together and to deliver on our commitments – for the benefit of all.”

At COP26 and other key events and spaces, SWA partners are calling on Governments to:

  • Improve the efficient use of water resources and prioritize their allocation among competing uses in a way that gives priority to the realization of human rights
  • Ensure that marginalized groups, including women and children, gain access to running water, soap, and toilets for their health and dignity, which is a key part of building climate resilience
  • Work together with corporations and international financial institutions to speed up investment in climate-resilient water infrastructure and services – especially for countries in vulnerable situations

Virtual events from the Water Pavilion include:

Climate finance to support adaptation of basic services and build community resilience: water, sanitation and hygiene 

Tuesday 2 November, 9:00am GMT. More information here.

Policy, accountability & monitoring for climate resilient water, sanitation & hygiene: moving from commitment to progress 

Saturday 6 November, 11:30am GMT. More information here.

List of other Water Pavilion events.

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Le Rapport sur la sécurité 2021 de Sphera révèle que l’écart entre l’intention et la mise en œuvre des processus de sécurité au travail persiste

Les données du nouveau Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera révèlent que même si la sécurité fait partie de leur culture, les entreprises ne disposent pas d’une feuille de route bien définie pour mettre en œuvre des mesures d’amélioration de la sécurité.

CHICAGO, 27 oct. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alors que la plupart des entreprises ont intégré la sécurité à leur culture d’entreprise, il existe encore des obstacles à surmonter pour améliorer leurs performances en matière de sécurité des processus et de sécurité personnelle, selon le nouveau Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera.

Sphera®, un fournisseur mondial de premier plan de services de conseil, de données et de logiciels de gestion des risques et des performances environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG), a interrogé près de 350 professionnels des risques, de la sécurité des processus et de la santé et la sécurité. Les résultats montrent que si 75 % des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que la sécurité fait partie de la culture de leur entreprise, seules 40 % ont indiqué avoir mis en place une feuille de route bien définie en matière de performance de la sécurité.

La sécurité est le fondement de toute organisation forte et un élément clé de l’ESG. Selon le Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera, la création d’une culture de la sécurité est tout aussi importante que la conformité, ce qui a eu un impact sur la hiérarchisation des facteurs de performance en matière de sécurité. Les répondants ont indiqué que les trois  principaux facteurs de performance en matière de sécurité sont la réduction de l’exposition aux risques opérationnels et aux risques d’accidents majeurs (MAH) (60 %), la conformité réglementaire (48 %) et la priorité de l’entreprise et du conseil d’administration (37 %).

La sensibilisation des employeurs aux dangers pour la sécurité de leur personnel a été accrue pendant la pandémie. Plus d’un quart (27 %) des répondants ont indiqué que l’adoption de processus centralisés de santé et de sécurité était en retard.

Pendant cinq ans, Sphera a produit le très attendu rapport sur la gestion de la sécurité des processus/la gestion des risques opérationnels (PSM/ORM) explorant les tendances de l’industrie en matière de sécurité des processus et de gestion des risques opérationnels. Cependant, avec le rapport 2021, Sphera a étendu le paysage global de la sécurité pour inclure également la santé et la sécurité. Alors que le secteur de la sécurité et de la santé au travail a subi de fortes pressions, les entreprises de tous les secteurs ont dû procéder à des ajustements structurels constants pour assurer la sécurité des travailleurs.

« La pandémie a mis en évidence la rapidité avec laquelle les processus de gestion de la sécurité et des risques peuvent être déséquilibrés. La sécurité sous tous ses aspects crée un modèle commercial résilient et durable, en particulier à une époque où les objectifs en matière d’ESG sont de la plus haute importance », a déclaré Paul Marushka, PDG de Sphera.« Une culture de la sécurité et un processus de sécurité efficaces contribuent à assurer une main-d’œuvre en bonne santé et des performances commerciales améliorées. Cependant, nous constatons toujours une lacune dans la façon dont les entreprises associent la sécurité et les performances commerciales, ce qui met en évidence la nécessité d’une approche plus holistique par le biais des données, des logiciels et de l’expertise. »

Informations supplémentaires :
L’enquête de cette année montre que 51 % des personnes interrogées signalent des ressources limitées, 43 % des priorités contradictoires et 31 % des budgets limités comme principaux obstacles à la fourniture de la maintenance et des inspections critiques prévues pour la sécurité, un résultat constant. Ces principaux indicateurs des problèmes sous-jacents empêchant les organisations d’améliorer leurs performances en matière de sécurité et de réduire le nombre d’incidents sont liés à l’écart entre l’intention de sécurité et sa mise en œuvre.

Le Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera montre qu’il reste encore du travail à faire pour mettre en œuvre des pratiques de surveillance des risques qui maîtrisent l’ensemble des risques dans les silos organisationnels. En outre, un peu plus de la moitié (56 %) des répondants ont indiqué qu’ils continuent à suivre manuellement les garanties/obstacles critiques, tels que la perte du confinement et de l’intégrité structurelle, et 19 % seulement ont déclaré que ces garanties étaient surveillées en temps réel. Cela souligne davantage l’accent de plus en plus placé sur la gestion de la santé et de la sécurité (HSM) qui a émergé pendant la pandémie et la nécessité pour les organisations d’avoir une vision globale de la gestion de la sécurité et des risques.

À propos de l’enquête sur la sécurité
Sphera a interrogé 349 professionnels des risques, de la sécurité des processus, de la santé et de la sécurité issus d’une section transversale des industries du monde entier en vue d’évaluer leurs normes en matière de sécurité pour établir le Rapport sur la sécurité 2021. Les répondants provenaient de plusieurs industries mondiales, telles que la fabrication, le pétrole et le gaz, les produits chimiques/pétrochimiques, l’énergie, la construction, les services professionnels et le gouvernement.

À propos de Sphera
Sphera est un fournisseur mondial de premier plan de services de conseil, de données et de logiciels de gestion des risques et des performances environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG) mettant un accent tout particulier sur l’environnement, la santé, la sécurité et la durabilité (EHS&S), la gestion des risques opérationnels et la gestion des produits. Pour en savoir plus sur Sphera, rendez-vous sur Suivez Sphera sur LinkedIn.

Pour toute demande d’ordre médiatique ou pour demander une copie du rapport, veuillez contacter :
Denise Jones, responsable des communications marketing chez Sphera,

Launch of Seegene’s STARlet-AIOS: All-in-One System Fulfills Critical Need for Fully Automated, High-Throughput Real-Time PCR Testing

  • A true walk away ‘sample to answer’ molecular diagnostic system designed for high throughput testing, offering a time-efficient and seamless workflow for clinical laboratories
  • Utilizes Seegene’s patented, cutting-edge high multiplex real-time PCR technologies to provide ‘Real’ Ct values of individual pathogens in a single channel.
  • Incorporates Seegene’s broad menu of molecular diagnostics for syndromic testing, for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and variants.

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics (MDx) developer Seegene Inc., (KQ 096530) is addressing the needs of small, mid-sized, and large hospitals and COVID-19 laboratories with its fully automated STARlet-AIOS: All-in-One System (AIOS). First unveiled at the 2021 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo in Atlanta, the modular system supports a “hands-free” PCR workflow, automating everything from nucleic acid extraction to the interpretation of results. This can help sites boost their testing capacity while lessening the burden on laboratory and hospital staff.


“Seegene has played a critical role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in large part because of our forward-looking strategy. We moved fast from day one, rapidly developing a reliable assay for the novel coronavirus and then pivoting to multiplexed tests that can detect emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder and CEO. “As we look ahead, the most pressing diagnostic need will be for cost-effective and high throughput automated systems that can remove any remaining testing bottlenecks. Our all-in-one system specifically addresses that need for hospitals and laboratories of all sizes.”

More than 3.75 billion people worldwide have now received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. As daily case counts and fatalities decline, many countries are easing their restrictions and preparing to live with the virus. Doing so safely will require ongoing surveillance, with accurate PCR testing and rapid turnaround times.

The modular design of STARlet-AIOS: All-in-One System unites two standalone instruments––the STARlet IVD and the CFX96™ Dx real-time PCR System––with a custom-built robotic arm. This unique engineering allows customers to either purchase the full AIOS system or integrate existing Seegene instruments already in use. With its compact and intuitive design, the AIOS is accessible to small-to-medium sized hospitals and clinics, along with larger organizations.

Seegene’s current portfolio with an extensive test menu including GI, HPV, STI, respiratory assays as well as a suite of SARS-CoV-2 assays detecting a wide range of variants (namely, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, kappa, Lambda, Mu, etc.) can all be processed using the AIOS. The system will also be compatible with newly developed assays and Seegene’s MOBILE STATION, an innovative laboratory-on-wheels initiative that delivers mass testing capacity to communities that would otherwise lack the necessary infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the company plans to introduce Allplex™ Respiratory Virus Master Assay, in late 2021, a single tube syndromic assay that can differentiate between COVID-19 and other major common respiratory pathogens, such as influenza, RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, metapneumovirus, human rhinovirus. The introduction of the new assay will help doctors treat cases more effectively, by differentiating causative pathogens of COVID-19 and respiratory viruses for common flu, which may surge in winter season.

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Facebook to Rename Itself ‘Meta’

Facebook announced Thursday it was changing its name to Meta, rechristening itself as a digitally innovative company moving beyond 2D screens even as insider revelations paint the tech giant as apathetic toward hate speech, misinformation and mental health.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during Thursday’s livestreamed augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) conference that Facebook’s name change reflects a shift beyond its scrollable social media feed.

“The next platform in medium will be even more immersive,” he said. “An embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it. We call this the metaverse.”

Zuckerberg said he was inspired by the classics. “Meta,” he said, comes from the Greek word for “beyond.” Facebook-owned apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger will still figure into the company’s mission, but as it builds out its VR vision, Facebook has found “a new North Star to help bring the metaverse to life,” Zuckerberg said.

Facebook has been the subject of intense scrutiny since Frances Haugen, a former employee, leaked a trove of internal documents now known as the Facebook Papers. According to The New York Times, Haugen has made the rounds with lawmakers and regulators in the U.S. and Europe, arguing for tighter controls on the rapidly growing company.

As part of its rebranding, Facebook will develop a newly immersive VR option. Digital avatars will be “living 3D representations” of users, Zuckerberg said, which will allow people to work, play games and socialize together. Users can customize their experience with virtual items and cosmetics, integrate non-Facebook applications such as Dropbox and Slack, and meet friends and coworkers remotely.

This social platform, called Horizon, will be accessible through Facebook’s Oculus Quest, the company’s VR headset. Privacy and safety will be key features of the metaverse: Users can block people and “teleport to a private bubble to be alone,” Zuckerberg said.

Horizon will take a four-pronged approach to privacy, according to Zuckerberg, with its Responsible Innovation Principles: “Never surprise people,” “Provide controls that matter,” “Consider everyone” and “Put people first.” It’s reminiscent of Google’s founding rule, “Don’t be evil,” but critics say Facebook has done a poor job in the past of protecting users’ private data.

Zuckerberg acknowledged the metaverse’s sci-fi sound but predicted it would be mainstream within a decade. In that time, he hopes the metaverse will reach 1 billion users, facilitate billions of dollars’ worth of e-commerce and support millions of new jobs, according to his keynote address at Thursday’s virtual conference.

Source: Voice of America

US Lawmakers Vote to Tighten Restrictions on Huawei, ZTE

The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Thursday to approve legislation to prevent companies that are deemed security threats, such as Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. or ZTE Corp., from receiving new equipment licenses from U.S. regulators.

The Secure Equipment Act, the latest effort by the U.S. government to crack down on Chinese telecom and tech companies, was approved last week by the U.S. House in a 420-4 vote and now goes to President Joe Biden for his signature.

“Chinese state-directed companies like Huawei and ZTE are known national security threats and have no place in our telecommunications network,” Republican Senator Marco Rubio said. The measure would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from reviewing or issuing new equipment licenses to companies on its “Covered Equipment or Services List.”

In March, the FCC designated five Chinese companies as posing a threat to national security under a 2019 law aimed at protecting U.S. communications networks.

The affected companies included the previously designated Huawei and ZTE, as well as Hytera Communications Corp., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.

The FCC in June had voted unanimously to advance a plan to ban approvals for equipment in U.S. telecommunications networks from those Chinese companies even as lawmakers pursued legislation to mandate it.

The FCC vote in June drew opposition from Beijing.

“The United States, without any evidence, still abuses national security and state power to suppress Chinese companies,” Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson at China’s Foreign Ministry, said in June.

Under proposed rules that won initial approval in June, the FCC could also revoke prior equipment authorizations issued to Chinese companies.

A spokesperson for Huawei, which has repeatedly denied it is controlled by the Chinese government, declined to comment Thursday but in June called the proposed FCC revision “misguided and unnecessarily punitive.”

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said the commission has approved more than 3,000 applications from Huawei since 2018. Carr said Thursday the bill “will help to ensure that insecure gear from companies like Huawei and ZTE can no longer be inserted into America’s communications networks.”

On Tuesday, the FCC voted to revoke the authorization for China Telecom’s U.S. subsidiary to operate in the United States, citing national security concerns.

Source: Voice of America