La Ligue islamique mondiale se félicite du cessez-le-feu et demande que des mesures soient prises pour répondre aux revendications des Palestiniens

MAKKAH, Arabie Saoudite, 24 mai 2021 /PRNewswire/ — La Ligue islamique mondiale (LIM) salue l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu inconditionnel pour mettre fin aux récentes hostilités à Gaza, à Jérusalem et ailleurs. La LIM appelle maintenant à ce que des efforts immédiats soient déployés pour répondre aux revendications de longue date du peuple palestinien.

La LIM, dont le siège est situé dans la ville sainte de La Mecque et qui représente les intérêts des 1,8 milliard de musulmans dans le monde, estime que la préservation du caractère sacré de la vie pour les hommes, les femmes et les enfants innocents doit être primordiale. Trop d’innocents sont morts lors des récentes violences.

La Ligue souligne la nature pacifique du véritable islam, modéré, et souligne que les musulmans, les chrétiens et les juifs partagent un héritage abrahamique commun. Toutes nos religions considèrent comme sacrés les principes de coexistence harmonieuse et pacifique. Nous devons nous concentrer sur ces valeurs. La violence ne peut être et ne sera jamais la réponse.

La LIM exige en même temps que les autorités préservent le caractère sacré des lieux saints musulmans à Jérusalem et ailleurs, et évitent toute expulsion ou autre action provocatrice à l’encontre des Palestiniens qui risquerait seulement de raviver la crise.

Il est maintenant plus important que jamais que les dirigeants placent les intérêts de leur peuple avant tout. Nous avons besoin que toutes les parties s’unissent pour rétablir les principes fondamentaux de la paix, de la coexistence et de la compréhension par le dialogue et l’interaction. Ce n’est que grâce à un tel engagement, mené de bonne foi, que nous pourrons mieux comprendre et identifier le terrain d’entente et les valeurs partagées qui permettront à chacun de jouir d’une paix et d’une sécurité justes et totales, avec la possibilité de prospérer.

En tant qu’êtres humains, il y a tellement plus de choses qui nous unissent que de choses qui nous divisent. Et les enfants d’Abraham devraient être des partenaires dans la lutte mondiale contre l’extrémisme et le terrorisme, et rejeter ceux qui voient l’inévitabilité d’un choc des civilisations.

C’est pourquoi la LIM plaide en faveur d’une paix juste et totale qui établit un État viable pour le peuple palestinien, en utilisant l’Initiative de paix arabe comme base d’un règlement. Un tel accord garantirait non seulement aux Palestiniens d’obtenir leurs droits légitimes, mais ferait également perdurer la paix et la sécurité collective dans la région.

Seegene introduces an exclusive diagnostic system for diagnosing COVID-19 variants at ECCMID

SEOUL, Korea, May 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), a biotechnology firm specializing in molecular diagnostics has once again been recognized for its unique system for diagnosing COVID-19 variants at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology, the ECCMID.


Seegene’s Dr. Guy Willem Lee, Director of Marketing Strategy introduced the diagnostic system under the theme of “SARS-CoV-2 and Variants ‘Full Screening’ Solution” using its latest COVID-19 variant diagnostic tests. “The backdrop of Korea’s outstanding control at the onset of the pandemic is because of the one-platform diagnostic system that enables mass testing,” said Lee. He added that “the system enabled the diagnostic process from sample collection through PCR testing all at once, helping local authorities to quickly control the pandemic.”

The effectiveness of the current diagnostic system, however had been put to question due to a growing number of COVID-19 variants spreading fast, with reports saying vaccines may not offer enough protection against them. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention have previously said variants are poised to drive an increase in new cases in the U.S. in May after having projected that the global COVID-19 cases will sharply increase over the continuous surge in variants.

Referring to Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution,’ Director Lee proposed that the system will efficiently help counter the protracted COVID-19 pandemic. The ‘Full Screening Solution’ is a one-step system that can verify whether an individual has contracted coronavirus wildtype or the virus variant with a single real-time PCR test. Currently, health authorities are forced to go through an extra round of genomic sequencing to distinguish the existence of COVID-19 variants after standard PCR tests, automatically leading to a more prolonged testing time.

Against the backdrop of Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution’ are the company’s latest variant diagnostic tests, the AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay and AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay. The AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master is an ideal way of screening for the COVID-19, as it provides results of whether a person is positive of the COVID-19 or even its variants. After an initial round of testing, Seegene’s AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay will help identify multiple mutant variations in a single reaction.

The AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can detect a total of 10 targets including four coronavirus genes (E gene, RdRP gene, N gene and S gene) as well as five defined virus variants notably spotted in the most recognized lineages including B1.1.7, B.1.351, P.1 and B.1.1.207. Seegene’s variant diagnostic test is the first such kind to simultaneously detect multiple coronavirus genes and differentiate virus variations, including those found to be more contagious and fatal. It’s an ideal and an economic way of screening coronavirus genes as the pandemic continues to rage with both the wildtype and its virus variants. Director Lee added “Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution’ will play a critical role in controlling the spread of COVID-19 pandemic amid fast spreading virus variants.”

Also at this year’s world scientific symposia, Dr. Nakmoon Sung of Seegene Medical Foundation announced outcomes of clinical researches on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 mutations, known to be associated with the variants, as well as the detection of coinfections with respiratory pathogens among COVID-19 patients. Among the COVID-19 positive cases, the proportion of SARS-CoV-2 with the COVID-19 variant associated mutations have surged to 3.5% in late February from the 1.2% a month earlier. Such clinical researches show that Seegene’s diagnostic tests are capable of screening COVID-19 and screen for variants with single PCR test. Looking at the coinfection cases, 8.8% of COVID-19 positive cases have also been coinfected with respiratory diseases including Flu A, RSV, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Reflecting on the clinical data, Dr. Sung said “swift diagnostic system is extremely critical in helping to control the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic,” and added that “the one-step and accurate diagnostics will become the global standard in detecting coronavirus and other respiratory diseases, for the purpose of accurate treatment”.

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African Development Bank Board approves water policy

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group has approved a new policy on water, prioritizing water security and the transformation of water assets to foster sustainable, green and inclusive economic growth in regional member countries.

“This new policy on water provides a general framework for the African Development Bank Group to expand its role as the continent’s partner promoting the integrated development and management of Africa’s water sector for inclusive and sustainable growth in Africa,” said Atsuko Toda, the Bank’s Acting Vice President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development.

The policy aims to promote Africa-wide attainment of a minimum platform of water security, with a special focus on areas of fragility, as well as assist African countries and sub-regional groups harness and sustain water resources productivity potential to support development.

The new Water Policy is anchored around four principles:

Principle 1: attaining water security at household, national and regional levels should be recognised as a key outcome fundamental for inclusive growth. The Bank seeks to promote the attainment of water security in all its regional member countries and sub-regions.

Principle 2: equitable social welfare and economic growth. The Bank will continue to advocate for an integrated approach to water development and management by striking a sustainable balance in the social, economic and environmental spheres.

Principle 3: promoting sustainable and equitable access to water services as an enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Water is a key enabler for many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, The Bank considers water to be essential for life, health, dignity, empowerment, environmental sustainability, peace and prosperity. The new policy aims to vigorously promote water security to advance the SDGs agenda.

Principle 4: transboundary water resources management and development should be recognised as a significant requirement to achieve seamless regional economic integration. The Bank will actively seek to use the transboundary nature of water to enhance regional integration and promote conflict resolution.

In its assessment of the policy, the Bank’s Board commended the Bank’s water, policy and strategy departments for leading the policy-preparation process.

“That the Bank’s Board noted the new policy is a best practice for excellence in quality, selectivity and degree of consultation. The Board’s acknowledgement will add to our motivation to see the policy diligently implemented,” said Osward Chanda, Officer in Charge for the Bank’s Water Development and Sanitation Department. “We are grateful for the inputs and perspectives provided by Bank departments that are part of the water ecosystem, which helped shape this Water Policy,” he added.

The Bank will establish an internal coordination mechanism for water-related interventions to be overseen by a committee with adequate capacity, resources and appropriate skills.

Since 2010, the African Development Bank has invested an estimated $6.2 billion in water supply and sanitation services delivery.

COVID-19 has exposed vulnerabilities caused by under-investment in water, sanitation and hygiene services, also known as WASH. Despite these challenges, the active water sector portfolio stood at $4.3 billion, comprised of nearly one hundred national projects implemented in 40 countries, and 6 multinational projects.


Source: African Development Bank

Following a volcanic eruption, IRC is concerned about the significant humanitarian needs in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa, DRC, May 23, 2021 — The IRC is extremely concerned about the aftermath of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano eruption yesterday. Thousands of people fled their homes last night as the lava approached the main city of Goma, home to more than 2 million people. All IRC staff are safe and accounted for. At least six villages have been destroyed. Local authorities have not yet been able to confirm the number of people killed. The last eruption in 2002 killed more than 250 people and left 120,000 people homeless. The IRC plans to respond, providing assistance to meet the most urgent needs, and is calling for an increase in funding and support from the international community.

Kate Moger, Regional Vice President of the Great Lakes, at the IRC, said

“The memory of the 2002 eruption is still raw, and yesterday’s eruption has led to mass displacement. People are fearing a second eruption. It’s still too early to assess the extent of the damage, but the humanitarian impact is already significant. IRC will begin a needs assessment as soon as it is safe, and we are already seeing many children who have been separated from their parents and carers and people sheltering in government buildings (and schools, etc) in Goma. The IRC has been working in the DRC for 25 years, and we are preparing our response, which will launch as soon as possible.

“This region is still reeling from two Ebola outbreaks, the severe impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak which has led to massive food insecurity, and years of conflict and violence. This catastrophic event will compound the already dire situation facing the Congolese people in the region. There are already 5.2 million people displaced within DRC from previous conflict and disasters; the highest number of people displaced within any country in Africa. We are there and ready, but we need more funds to help us reach those in need.”

The Nyiragongo volcano, which overlooks the eastern city of Goma, is one of the most active in the world. It erupted on Saturday, May 22, prompting thousands of people to flee to Rwanda and other parts of DRC. The last eruption in 2002 was devastating and led to major humanitarian needs. DRC authorities are saying this eruption appears similar to that in 2002. People will need shelter, water and sanitation, economic support, protection and psychosocial support.

The IRC has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1996 responding to the humanitarian crisis in the east. It has since evolved into one of the largest providers of humanitarian assistance and post-conflict development, with life-saving programming in health, economic recovery, women’s and children’s protection, and livelihoods.



Source: International Rescue Committee

Vinamilk grimpe de six places parmi les 50 plus importantes entreprises laitières au monde

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, 22 mai 2021 /PRNewswire/ — La société vietnamienne par actions de production de produits laitiers (Vinamilk) a enregistré une des résultats impressionnants en 2020 malgré les défis engendrés par la pandémie de COVID-19. Avec un chiffre d’affaires de $2,6 milliards de dollars en 2020, soit une augmentation de 5,9 % en glissement annuel, Vinamilk a grimpé de 6 places dans le Top 50 des principales entreprises laitières du monde.

Selon le classement 2021 établi par la société britannique Plimsoll Publishing Ltd, Vinamilk occupe actuellement la 36e place parmi les 50 premiers producteurs laitiers du monde en termes de ventes totales. Depuis 2017, la marque vietnamienne est devenue le seul producteur laitier du Vietnam et de l’Asie du Sud-Est à entrer dans le Top 50, aux côtés d’entreprises laitières des États-Unis, de Nouvelle-Zélande et d’Europe.

Vinamilk Green farm fresh milk is one of Vinamilk’s newly launched products earlier this year

Une partie importante des bénéfices de Vinamilk est attribuée aux revenus d’exportation 2020 de la société, qui ont augmenté de 7,4% par rapport à 2019. Le chiffre d’affaires total de Vinamilk depuis 1997 s’élève maintenant à 2,4 milliards USD grâce à la distribution de produits dans 56 pays et territoires. Malgré l’incertitude actuelle de l’économie mondiale, la croissance des exportations de Vinamilk devrait se poursuivre car elle a déjà enregistré un taux de croissance de 7,9 % en glissement annuel au premier trimestre 2021.

Vinamilk's overview and key financial highlights (2017 – 2020)

Ces résultats obtenus continuent de consolider la position de leader de Vinamilk au Vietnam. Pour la huitième année consécutive, la marque de lait a été « la marque la plus choisie » dans la catégorie des produits laitiers et des substituts de produits laitiers dans les zones urbaines et rurales du Vietnam, selon l’étude Asia Brand Footprint 2020 de Kantar Worldpanel.

« Outre le maintien de la stabilité de la production et des affaires, Vinamilk continuera à promouvoir la cohésion et le partage des valeurs avec les parties prenantes. Le développement durable sera orienté vers les modèles avancés de l’industrie laitière mondiale, dans lesquels des plans d’action et des initiatives seront déployés pour toutes les parties de la chaîne de valeur de l’entreprise, de la recherche et du développement, de la gestion des exploitations agricoles, à la fabrication et à la distribution, tout en améliorant la gouvernance d’entreprise et l’efficacité opérationnelle de ses filiales », déclare Mme Mai Kieu Lien, PDG de Vinamilk.

Conformément à son orientation, Vinamilk investit actuellement dans la « ferme verte », un système d’agriculture écologique mis en place dans le cadre de ses initiatives durables. Le système comprend des fermes Vinamilk dans les provinces de Quang Ngai, Thanh Hoa et Tay Ninh. Actuellement, l’entreprise possède 13 fermes laitières au Vietnam et un complexe de fermes laitières biologiques au Laos, gérant plus de 150 000 têtes de bétail.

Solar power will be deployed on Vinamilk eco-friendly farming system

Parmi les autres initiatives durables de Vinamilk figurent la mise en place de l’économie circulaire pour optimiser l’utilisation des ressources naturelles, la réalisation du déploiement de l’énergie solaire dans les fermes de Vinamilk à travers le pays, la réduction de l’empreinte plastique dans le processus de production et la mise en œuvre de pratiques d’agriculture biologique, conformément à la stratégie de développement durable de l’entreprise.

Vinamilk s’est également fixé un objectif de revenus de 2,7 milliards USD dans l’année 2021 après avoir obtenu 570 millions de dollars de recettes et soit 113 millions de dollars de bénéfices au 1er trimestre 2021. À l’avenir, Vinamilk continuera à introduire des nouveaux produits qualités et à maintenir le processus de premiumisation des produits en manière sélective.

En 2020, les pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise de Vinamilk, qui ont adopté les normes internationales, ont permis à la marque de devenir la seule entreprise vietnamienne élue « classe d’actifs de l’Asie du Sud-Est » selon les résultats du tableau de bord des performances de la gouvernance d’entreprise de l’ANASE.

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Eastern DRC Volcano Erupts; Thousands Flee Goma 

GOMA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO – Lava from a volcanic eruption approached the airport of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s main city of Goma late Saturday, and the government urged residents to evacuate.

As the red glow of Mount Nyiragongo tinged the night sky above the lakeside city of about 2 million, thousands of Goma residents carrying mattresses and other belongings fled the city on foot, many toward the frontier with Rwanda.

Nyiragongo’s last eruption in 2002 killed 250 people and left 120,000 homeless. It is one of the world’s most active volcanoes and is considered among the most dangerous.

Rwanda’s Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management said more than 3,500 Congolese had crossed the border. Rwandan state media said they would be lodged in schools and places of worship.

‘Goma is the target’

New fractures were opening in the volcano, letting lava flow south toward the city after initially flowing east toward Rwanda, said Dario Tedesco, a volcanologist based in Goma.

“Now Goma is the target,” Tedesco told Reuters. “It’s similar to 2002. I think that the lava is going towards the city center.

“It might stop before or go on. It’s difficult to forecast.”


Emmanuel de Merode, head of Virunga National Park, asked park employees in parts of Goma to evacuate, according to a note seen by Reuters. He said lava had reached the international airport on the eastern edge of the city but that it was not likely to reach other parts of Goma.

Celestin Kasereka, head of scientific research at the Goma Volcano Observatory (OVG), told reporters he did not think the lava was flowing fast enough to reach Goma.

A U.N. source said all U.N. aircraft had been evacuated to the city of Bukavu to the south and Entebbe in neighboring Uganda. The power was also out across much of Goma.

Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde convened an emergency meeting in the capital, Kinshasa, where the government activated an evacuation plan for Goma.

“We hope that the measures that have been taken this evening will allow the population to reach the points that were indicated to them in this plan,” government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said in comments broadcast on national television.

President Felix Tshisekedi will cut short a trip to Europe to return to Congo on Sunday, the presidency said on Twitter.

In the grip of panic

On the streets of Goma, panic spread quickly.

“We are panicked because we have just seen the entire city covered by a light that is not electricity or lamps,” said John Kilosho. “We don’t know what to do. We don’t even know how to behave. There is no information.”

Others fled to the city center from villages and neighborhoods threatened by lava on the northern outskirts.

“We looked at the sky and saw the red color of the volcano,” said Richard Hazika Diouf from the Majengo neighborhood. “We have fled to seek shelter in town.”

Volcano watchers have been worried that the volcanic activity observed in the last five years at Nyiragongo mirrors that in the years preceding eruptions in 1977 and 2002.

Volcanologists at the OVG, which monitors Nyiragongo, have struggled to make regular, basic checks since the World Bank cut funding amid embezzlement allegations.


Source: Voice of America