Hisense’s First B2B Showroom Opens in South Africa

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Hisense, a leading global home appliance and consumer electronics brand, has announced that its first B2B (business to business) showroom opened in South Africa.

The showroom, located at Johannesburg, will serve as a center to showcase Hisense’s offerings for its B2B segment, such as commercial displays, ultrasonic medical, and smart city solutions. Hisense’s various digital display products and solutions, intelligent traffic system, medical products, as well as Laser TVs, ULED TVs and smart refrigerators will also be displayed in the showroom.

“Many people in South Africa know about Hisense from its household appliances products; however, over the past few years, Hisense has also seen rapid development in its B2B segment by continuously transforming its products and industrial chain to high-end and high technology,” said Patrick, marketing director of Hisense.

One of the core businesses of Hisense’s B2B segment, the Hisense Commercial Display, which witnessed significant growth in 2021, has brought a number of its products and solutions to the showroom, including Interactive digital boards, digital signage displays, video walls,LED Walls, and Outdoor Signage.

Visitors can also learn more about Hisense’s offerings in intelligent transportation. Having been in the field for over 20 years, Hisense now has branched out to many countries and regions around the world, including South Africa, West Africa, UAE, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Slovenia, and Serbia, to name a few. It has also contributed to numerous significant projects in the world, including an intelligent bus system in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, and a pilot project construction for intelligent transportation in Doha.

Backed by Hisense’s decades of expertise in image processing, information processing, and interaction technology, Hisense Medical has successfully built some core products such as the cutting-edge and high-resolution Hisense Ultrasound HD60. Hisense obtained the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) license for the device in January 2022.

Hisense’s continuous investment in innovation and decades of expertise accumulated in the manufacturing of household appliances and consumer electronics have allowed it to grow into not only a B2C brand, but also a global company that can provide compressive solutions to business partners worldwide in more sectors. Regarding the B2B segment as key for the company’s development, Hisense is looking forward to forming strategic partnerships with more business partners in South Africa and beyond.

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Huawei signe l’engagement mondial de l’UIT dans le but d’aider 120millions de personnes vivant dans des zones reculées à se connecter au monde numérique

SHENZHEN, Chine23 novembre 2022/PRNewswire/ — Huawei a signé un engagement mondial en vue de rejoindre l’alliance numérique Partner2Connect de l’Union internationale des télécommunications, qui apportera la connectivité à environ 120 millions de personnes dans des zones reculées dans plus de 80 pays à l’horizon 2025.

Liang Hua, le président de Huawei, a annoncé cette décision lors du forum sur le développement durable 2022 de l’entreprise, Connectivité+: Innover pour avoir un impact. Le forum a étudié comment l’innovation en matière de TIC pouvait libérer la valeur commerciale et sociale de la connectivité et favoriser la durabilité à l’ère de l’économie numérique.

Liang Hua, Chairman of Huawei announced the company had joined ITU P2C Digital Alliance

Parmi les intervenants, citons de hauts responsables de l’UIT et des Nations unies, des ministres des télécommunications et des régulateurs du Cambodge, du Nigeria, du Bangladesh et du Pakistan, ainsi que des chefs d’entreprise, des partenaires, des experts et des clients de Chine, d’Afrique du Sud, de Belgique et d’Allemagne.

« De toute évidence, la connectivité à elle seule ne suffit pas. Il doit être abordable, le contenu doit être pertinent et dans la langue locale, et les utilisateurs doivent avoir les compétences nécessaires pour en faire le meilleur usage », a déclaré Malcolm Johnson, secrétaire général adjoint de l’UIT. « Nous remercions Huawei pour son soutien à la coalition numérique Partner2Connect (P2C) et pour ses engagements en faveur du P2C dans les domaines clés de la connectivité rurale et des compétences numériques. »

Siddharth Chatterjee, coordonnateur résident des Nations unies en Chine, a appelé à des « partenariats multipartites » afin de combler « la triste réalité » d’une fracture numérique exclut un tiers de la population mondiale.

« Notre monde dynamique a besoin de toute urgence d’une meilleure coopération numérique pour tirer parti du potentiel de transformation de la technologie, créer de nouveaux emplois, stimuler l’inclusion financière, combler l’écart entre les hommes et les femmes, construire une relance verte et redessiner notre monde pour qu’il soit plus prospère et plus inclusif », a-t-il souligné. « Il est temps d’agir maintenant ».

Dans son discours d’ouverture, le Dr Liang a souligné que l’accès à un réseau stable était une exigence et un droit fondamentaux à l’ère numérique.

« La connectivité sera plus qu’un simple outil de communication pratique, » a-t-il affirmé. « La connectivité, associée aux technologies numériques telles que le cloud et l’IA, contribuera à faire entrer tout le monde dans le monde numérique et à leur donner accès à davantage d’informations et de compétences, à de meilleurs services et à des opportunités commerciales plus larges. En retour, cela favorisera la poursuite du développement social et économique. »

Cao Ming, Président de Huawei Wireless Solution, affirme : « Huawei intègre le potentiel d’innovation technologique complet des équipements, des sites, de l’énergie, de la transmission et des antennes afin de résoudre les difficultés rencontrées lors du déploiement traditionnel des sites, telles que les coûts élevés, les transports limités, le manque d’énergie et les problèmes de maintenance. Nous avons continuellement amélioré les solutions RuralStar et RuralLink afin d’étendre la couverture de qualité aux zones reculées, permettant ainsi à un plus grand nombre de personnes, d’hôpitaux communautaires, d’écoles, de collectivités locales et de petites et moyennes entreprises de bénéficier des mêmes expériences de connectivité à haut débit que dans les villes ».

Grâce à la série RuralStar, plus de 60millions de personnes vivant dans des zones reculées dans plus de 70pays ont pu être connectées.

Au Cambodge, premier pays partenaire P2C de l’UIT, Huawei collaborera avec les services gouvernementaux par l’intermédiaire du ministère des Postes et Télécommunications et des universités dans le but d’offrir 10000 possibilités de formation aux professionnels des TIC au cours des cinq prochaines années.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1954301/image_1.jpg

Huawei signs global ITU pledge to help 120 million people in remote areas connect to the digital world

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei has signed a global commitment to join the International Telecommunication Union’s Partner2Connect digital alliance, which will bring connectivity to about 120 million people in remote areas in more than 80 countries by 2025.

Liang Hua, Chairman of Huawei announced the company had joined ITU P2C Digital Alliance

Liang Hua, Chairman of Huawei, announced the decision at the company’s 2022 Sustainability Forum, Connectivity+: Innovate for Impact. The forum explored how ICT innovation could unleash the business and social value of connectivity and drive sustainability in the digital economy era.

Speakers at the event included senior leaders from the ITU and United Nations, telecom ministers and regulators in Cambodia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and business leaders, partners, experts, and customers from China, South Africa, Belgium, and Germany.

“It is clear connectivity alone is not enough. It must be affordable, the content must be relevant and in the local language, and users must have the skills to make best use of it,” said ITU Deputy Secretary-General Malcolm Johnson. “Thank you to Huawei for their support of the Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition, and for their announced P2C pledges in the key areas of rural connectivity and digital skills.”

Siddharth Chatterjee, United Nations Resident Coordinator in China, called for “multi-stakeholder partnerships” to close “the sobering reality” of a digital divide which excluded a third of the global population.

“Our dynamic world urgently needs improved digital cooperation to capitalize on the transformational potential of technology to create new jobs, boost financial inclusion, close the gender gap, spur a green recovery and redesign our world to be more prosperous and inclusive,” he said. “Now is the time to act”.

In his keynote address, Dr Liang stressed that access to a stable network was a basic requirement and right in the digital age.

“Connectivity will be more than just a tool for convenient communications,” he said. “Together with digital technologies like cloud and AI, connectivity will help bring everyone into the digital world, and provide them with access to more information and skills, better services, and wider business opportunities. This will, in turn, drive further social and economic development.”

Cao Ming, President of Huawei Wireless Solution, said: “Huawei integrates the full-technology innovation potential of equipment, sites, energy, transmission, and antennas to address the difficulties faced by traditional site deployment, such as high costs, restricted transportation, lack of power, and maintenance challenges. We have continuously upgraded the RuralStar and RuralLink solutions to extend quality coverage to remote areas, enabling more people, community hospitals, schools, local governments, and small- and medium-sized enterprises to enjoy the same high-speed broadband connectivity experiences as those in cities”.

The RuralStar series have provided connections for more than 60 million people in remote areas in more than 70 countries.

In Cambodia, the ITU’s first P2C partner country, Huawei will work with government departments through the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and universities to provide 10,000 training opportunities for ICT professionals in the next five years.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1954301/image_1.jpg

Open FIESTA alum Nael Hailemariam brings Shenzhen speed to Ethiopia

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — “No matter where you are, the culture of Shenzhen is a part of you,” said entrepreneur Nael Hailemariam from Ethiopia who completed Open FIESTA’s Internet+Innovation Design program in 2021 at Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS). Nael is the co-founder and CEO of Chapa Financial Technologies S.C. His experiences at SIGS and in Shenzhen have shaped his success as an entrepreneur.

In 2018, Nael entered Open FIESTA to study Internet+Innovation Design, which is a master’s program oriented to advanced interdisciplinary fields in information technology and innovative design. “Open FIESTA gave me freedom.” While at Open FIESTA, Nael took advantage of opportunities to combine his background in engineering with management and leadership.

In early 2020, the National Bank of Ethiopia issued a directive allowing non-banks to offer digital financial services. This was Nael’s chance to bring what he learned during his studies in China to a market he knew well, his home country of Ethiopia. This was also the beginning of Chapa. He devoted himself to bringing the advantages of an online payment infrastructure to Ethiopia.

Nael’s company Chapa successfully received a license from the National Bank of Ethiopia to work with private businesses in May of this year. “Shenzhen speed is also part of the value of our company,” said Nael. Moving forward, Nael and his team will continue drawing upon the Shenzhen culture of innovation and efficiency to expand their business into East Africa and eventually to the rest of the continent. His social commitment remains steadfast: he will continue to be an impact-maker and help improve the economy of his country.

Nael Hailemariam from Open FIESTA, Tsinghua SIGS


Open FIESTA (Open Faculty for Innovation, Education, Sciences, Technology and Art)was co-established by Tsinghua University and the CRI Paris (the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary, now formally changed name as ‘Learning Planet Institute’ in June 2015). Open FIESTA is dedicated to integrate global innovation resources, work towards the creation of new knowledge, explore complex social and scientific problems, nurture the students with creative ideas and innovation, and inculcate in professionalism and a sense of social responsibility.

Open FIESTA offers two Master’s programs to international students, including Master of Electronic Information (Internet + Innovation Design), and Master of Precision Medicine and Healthcare BIO³ (Biology-Nanobiology-Bioinformatics)

Admission for 2023 Intake is still open.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1953050/Nael_Hailemariam_Open_FIESTA_Tsinghua_SIGS.jpg

Vinamilk Brings the Journey of Building Brand Love to Global Dairy Congress Asia 2022

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Nov. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Vinamilk, Vietnam’s leading dairy brand and the 6th most valuable dairy brand in the world, recently took part in the Global Dairy Congress Asia 2022 held in Singapore. Vinamilk was invited to share its insights and expertise in building up its beloved brand, Dielac, an infant formula brand that has accompanied generations of Vietnamese consumers for 33 years.

Vinamilk's Executive Director of Marketing - Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri at the congress

The Global Dairy Congress Asia 2022 was attended by more than 250 guests from organizations and enterprises in the dairy industry of more than 10 Asian countries, focusing on the latest trends in the dairy industry, new business models, advanced technologies etc.

Setting out to address consumers’ needs and to build trust, Vinamilk has overcome many challenges, such as limited production equipment as well as consumers’ lack-of-confidence in local dairy brands to shape an effective strategy for Dielac launched 33 years ago based on three pillars: product quality, innovation, and love.

To fairly compete with foreign well-established dairy brands, Vinamilk focuses on cooperating with international organizations specializing in the application of micronutrients and microbiology to develop new products, diversifying the product portfolio towards meeting the increasing demands of consumers. Dielac products are also supplemented with various types of nutrients, which are similar to breast milk and suitable for the physical and nutritional needs of Vietnamese children.

Production lines at Vietnam Powdered Milk Factory

To meet consumers increasing demand, Vinamilk established a modern powdered milk factory in Binh Duong in 2013, with a capacity of up to 54,000 tons of products per year, cementing the esteemed position of Dielac in consumer minds.

“Building brand love in the dairy industry requires a great deal of attention because nutritional products for children must adhere to food safety and meet international standards,” shared Nguyen Quang Tri, Executive Director of Marketing at Vinamilk.

The “Dielac brand love” has been built from love – from the hearts of Vietnamese parents wanting the best for their children; from the hearts of the product developers and brand builders as Vietnamese people with a desire to support Vietnamese generations standing shoulder-to-shoulder to their foreign counterpart; and from the heart of Vinamilk – an entrepreneur that determines to build Vietnam dairy industry reaching international level.

Generations of Vietnamese parents have trusted Dielac brand

The importance of building a relationship between the consumer and a dairy processor is through its brand. We know we have effective marketing that builds consumer interest and understanding of the value and health benefits of dairy products. But at the end of the day consumers will buy a product and that’s why it’s so important to have a brand that is strong, recognizable, but trustable.” added Caroline Emond, General Director of the World Dairy Federation.

The journey of Vinamilk Dielac, the first infant formula brand produced by a Vietnamese enterprise, goes hand in hand with the impressive growth of the company. Since its launch back in 1989, the Dielac brand has become a nutritional solution trusted by Vietnamese consumers. These products were the first to be exported and have remained an important SKU in the company’s export portfolio.

About Vinamilk

Founded in 1976, Vinamilk is the leading dairy company in Vietnam which is listed among the top 40 largest nutrition companies in the world by revenue and the top 10 of the world’s most valuable dairy brands. Having grown into a juggernaut of the dairy industry in the past 46 years, Vinamilk is now valued at more than USD$2.8 billion.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1953155/Vinamilk_s_CMO___Mr_Nguyen_Quang_Tri_congress.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1953156/Production_lines_Vietnam_Powdered_Milk_Factory.jpg
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Exposition en ligne sur l’art et l’amitié

Lancement d’une exposition et d’une présentation internationale (Afrique) d’échanges culturels et artistiques

DAR ES SALAM, Tanzanie, 22 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le 17 novembre, l’exposition et la présentation de l’échange international d’art et de culture (Afrique) « Découvrir la passion dans le monde », organisée conjointement par le département provincial de la culture et du tourisme de Zhejiang et le gouvernement populaire municipal de Jinhua, ainsi que par le bureau de la culture, de la radio, de la télévision et du tourisme de Jinhua, a été mise en ligne sur les sites Internet des autorités touristiques et des principaux médias de Tanzanie, de Djibouti, du Zimbabwe, d’Éthiopie et d’autres pays africains, sur les sites Internet de quelques centres culturels chinois en Afrique, sur les sites Internet en anglais de Zhejiang China, InZhejiang et sur d’autres grandes plateformes médiatiques de communication à l’étranger.

Cette activité a marqué les débuts de l’opéra Wu, la culture traditionnelle de Jinhua, en Afrique. Elle présente en ligne le patrimoine et les caractéristiques de l’art contemporain de l’opéra Wu, dans le but de renforcer les échanges et la coopération culturels et touristiques entre le Zhejiang et l’Afrique, et de promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle et l’amitié entre ces deux peuples

Sur le thème « Découvrir la passion dans le monde », cette activité signifie que l’Afrique et la Chine ont toutes deux une passion pour l’art et la beauté de la vie. Les quatre parties, à savoir « Percussion entre le ciel et la Terre », « Chanter pour le monde », « Dépeindre toutes les formes de vie » et « Danser pour la vie », présentent, à travers des scènes en direct, le charme de l’opéra traditionnel Wu et des danses africaines sous tous leurs aspects.

La province du Zhejiang et l’Afrique possèdent toutes deux de riches ressources, des cultures diverses et des populations chaleureuses et ouvertes. Bien que l’épidémie actuelle ait freiné les échanges mutuels, la culture et l’art sont le langage universel dans le monde. Le département provincial de la culture et du tourisme du Zhejiang, le gouvernement populaire municipal de Jinhua et le bureau de la culture, de la radio, de la télévision et du tourisme de Jinhua, en organisant l’exposition et la présentation en ligne, partagent la beauté des éléments culturels et des créations artistiques du Zhejiang. Nous espérons qu’après la fin de l’épidémie, les Africains pourront se rendre dans la province du Zhejiang pour y découvrir la culture, le tourisme et l’art.

Lien vers l’exposition et la présentation « Découvrir la passion dans le monde »


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