Pesquisa Prevê Volta da Demanda por Faculdades de Business Pós-Pandemia

9 em cada 10 recrutadores corporativos otimistas quanto à contratação de MBA e aumento de salários devido ao crescimento do setor de tecnologia

RESTON, Va., July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™), uma associação global de principais faculdades de pós-graduação de business, publicou hoje sua Corporate Recruiters Survey (Pesquisa com Recrutadores Corporativos) anual. A pesquisa revelou que os recrutadores corporativos estão prevendo uma forte demanda de graduados de faculdades de business, com nove em cada dez deles esperando que a demanda aumente ou permaneça estável nos próximos cinco anos. Além disso, uma proporção maior de recrutadores em 2021 (37%) espera que a demanda aumente em relação ao ano anterior (30%), com mais da metade dos recrutadores europeus (54%) compartilhando essa visão em comparação com seus colegas asiáticos (32%) e americanos (34%).

“Em pouco mais de uma década, a proporção de recrutadores pesquisados que pretendem contratar graduados em MBA aumentou substancialmente, uma tendência especialmente notável na Europa, onde a porcentagem saltou de 44% em 2010 para quase o dobro (86%) em 2021, e nos Estados Unidos, onde aumentou de 56% para 94%, um aumento de 68%”, disse Sangeet Chowfla, presidente e CEO do GMAC. “Com as corporações se recuperando da pandemia e recompondo sua força de trabalho, não é surpresa que os graduados de faculdades de business – com suas habilidades de liderança e gestão em alta demanda – tenham uma proposta de maior valor como funcionário e estejam excepcionalmente posicionados para enfrentar os desafios econômicos atuais.”

Principais Conclusões:

Salários e contratações de MBA devem retornar aos níveis pré-pandemia

Em 2020, o salário médio projetado de MBA atingiu uma alta histórica de US$115.000 antes que a COVID-19 prejudicasse gravemente a economia global, resultando em uma queda para US$105.000 três meses após o início da pandemia. No entanto, prevê-se que o salário médio de MBA para 2021 se recupere para seu nível pré-pandemia de 2020 de US$115.000. Nesse ritmo, o salário médio dos graduados de MBA ficará 77% mais alto do que os com bacharelado (US$65.000) e 53% mais alto em comparação com os contratados diretamente da indústria (US$75.000). Este aumento salarial mostra que investir em uma credencial de MBA continua a valer a pena a longo prazo, ajudando um graduado de MBA a ganhar US$3 milhões a mais durante a vida do que uma pessoa com apenas um diploma de bacharel. O site do GMAC oferece uma ferramenta útil para o cálculo do retorno do investimento (Return of Investment – ROI) para graduados em faculdades de business.

Antes da pandemia, 92% dos recrutadores indicaram que pretendiam contratar graduados de MBA em 2020. No entanto, as interrupções causadas pela COVID-19 afetaram adversamente esses planos e, portanto, a contratação real de graduados de MBA (80%) foi inferior às previsões 2020. A proporção de recrutadores que pretendem contratar MBAs em 2021 (91%) retorna ao mesmo nível do pré-pandemia 2020 (92%). As previsões de contratação de MBA exibem força nas principais regiões e indústrias. Mais especificamente, 95% dos recrutadores do setor de consultoria, um setor com maior demanda por graduados em MBA, pretendem contratá-los – uma reversão da contratação real de 76% em 2020.

Setor de tecnologia abraça graduados em MBA para contratação e promoção

De acordo com os entrevistados da pesquisa, a demanda por graduados em MBA pela indústria de tecnologia deve aumentar em 10 pontos percentuais em 2021 em comparação com a pré-pandemia de 2020. Com 96% dos recrutadores de tecnologia pretendendo contratar graduados em MBA em 2021, a demanda por talentos em MBA supera os três anos anteriores. Os dados também mostram que dois em cada três (68%) recrutadores do setor de tecnologia concordam que os líderes das suas organizações tendem a ter uma educação de pós-graduação em business – um aumento de 11 pontos percentuais em relação a 2020 (57%).

“As empresas de tecnologia estão dando um alto valor aos líderes que, além de serem tecnicamente qualificados, também têm fortes habilidades estratégicas, interpessoais, de comunicação e de tomada de decisão, bem como uma compreensão da importância da diversidade, inclusão e sustentabilidade nas suas organizações – pontos fundamentais para impulsionar o crescimento e a inovação organizacional”, disse Peter Johnson, Diretor Adjunto da Haas School of Business da UC Berkeley. “Essas habilidades essenciais são os pontos principais que as faculdades de business estão imbuindo nos graduados dos seus programas de MBA e mestrado em business.”

As percepções dos programas online são mistas dependendo da região e do setor

Os programas online vêm ganhando força nos últimos anos. De acordo com os dados do GMAC, mais 50 programas de MBA online aceitaram as pontuações do GMAT no ano de teste (TY) de 2020 em comparação com cinco anos antes no TY de 2016. Além disso, 84% dos programas de MBA online relataram um aumento nas inscrições na Application Trends Survey (Pesquisa de Tendências de Inscrições) da GMAC de 2020.

No entanto, quando os recrutadores corporativos foram questionados sobre seu nível de concordância com a sentença “Minha empresa valoriza igualmente os graduados de programas online e presenciais”, apenas um terço (34%) deles concordou. Em termos de indústrias, os recrutadores do setor financeiro e contábil (41%) são mais propensos a ver os graduados de programas online como iguais aos seus pares no campus, em comparação com seus colegas de recrutamento em consultoria (25%) ou tecnologia (28%). Como os programas online são claramente uma área de rápido crescimento da educação em gestão de pós-graduação, a sustentabilidade da demanda irá exigir um nível mais alto de aceitação por parte dos empregadores, particularmente quando a mais recente pesquisa de candidatos da GMAC sugere uma disparidade semelhante em termos de percepção de programas online versus presenciais.

“Com a contínua evolução das faculdades de business o número maior de candidatos acessando os programas online de MBA e mestrado em business, a comunidade de educação em gestão de pós-graduação tem a oportunidade de alinhar as expectativas e os resultados para os graduados e recrutadores corporativos”, disse Chowfla.

Sobre a Pesquisa

O GMAC realiza a Corporate Recruiter Survey em nome da comunidade de educação de gestão de pós-graduação desde 2001. A pesquisa deste ano, administrada em parceria com a Association of MBAs (AMBA), European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA) e escritórios de serviços de carreira em faculdades de pós-graduação de business participantes em todo o mundo, recebeu 529 respostas entre 25 de fevereiro e 31 de março de 2021. Mais detalhes do relatório completo e outras séries de pesquisa conduzidas pelo GMAC estão disponíveis em

Sobre o GMAC

O Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC – Conselho de Admissão de Gestão de Pós-Graduação) é uma associação global das principais faculdades de pós-graduação em business. Fundado em 1953, o GMAC está empenhado em criar soluções para faculdades e candidatos de business para que eles possam encontrar, avaliar, e se conectar uns com os outros.

O GMAC oferece pesquisas internacionais, conferências da indústria, ferramentas de recrutamento e avaliações para a indústria de graduação em gestão, bem como ferramentas, recursos, eventos e serviços que ajudam a orientar os candidatos na sua jornada rumo ao ensino superior. De propriedade e administrado pelo GMAC, o teste Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) é o exame mais amplamente utilizado pelas faculdades de business em todo o mundo.

O GMAC também é proprietário e administra o exame NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) e Executive Assessment (EA). Mais de 7 milhões de candidatos na sua jornada de mestrado em business ou MBA visitaram do GMAC no ano passado para explorar as opções de faculdades de business, se preparar e se inscrever em exames, e obter conselhos sobre o processo de admissão. BusinessBecause e The MBA Tour são subsidiárias do GMAC, uma organização global com escritórios na China, Índia, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos.

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Digimarc accueille le leader de la transformation numérique Ravi Kumar au sein de son conseil d’administration

BEAVERTON, Oregon, 7 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC), créateur des filigranes Digimarc qui sont à l’origine de la prochaine génération d’identification et de détection numériques, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Ravi Kumar, leader d’opinion et dirigeant de renommée mondiale, a été élu à son conseil d’administration, à compter du 28 juin 2021. Sa nomination complète et étend l’expertise actuelle du conseil d’administration en matière de perturbation numérique des entreprises à l’échelle mondiale, de création d’écosystèmes par le biais d’alliances et de partenariats mondiaux et d’intelligence artificielle (IA), d’apprentissage automatique et de données et d’analyses connexes, ainsi que dans d’autres domaines, et soutient l’orientation stratégique de Digimarc consistant à aider les entreprises à adopter la transformation numérique pour offrir davantage de valeur à leurs clients.

Ravi Kumar

M. Kumar est président d’Infosys, l’une des principales sociétés mondiales de conseil et de services informatiques, où il dirige l’organisation mondiale des services dans tous les segments du secteur. Il dirige les services de transformation numérique, de conseil, de technologie traditionnelle et d’ingénierie, ainsi que les lignes de services de données et d’analyse, de cloud et d’infrastructure, et d’applications de progiciels d’entreprise. Il est président du conseil d’administration d’Infosys Business Process Management (BPM). M. Kumar supervise également Infosys Public Services et la filiale de services de conseil d’Infosys. Il préside les conseils d’administration des entreprises numériques Kaleidoscope, Guidevision, Wongdoody et Simplus qu’Infosys a acquises. Il supervise également les activités d’Infosys en Amérique latine, au Japon et en Chine.

Il fait partie du conseil des gouverneurs de l’Académie des sciences de New York et du conseil d’administration d’AdvanceCT-Economic Dev de l’État du Connecticut.

« Je suis enthousiaste à l’idée de rejoindre le conseil d’administration de Digimarc et de contribuer au succès de l’entreprise qui conduit la transformation numérique et la modernisation pour ses clients », a déclaré Kumar. « Digimarc est bien placé pour aider les entreprises à se réimaginer et à se réinventer en fournissant des solutions qui leur permettent d’accélérer les progrès dans des domaines essentiels, tels que l’amélioration des pratiques de développent durable et la protection de la santé et de la sécurité des consommateurs. »

Digimarc The Barcode of Everything(TM)

« Ravi est un leader d’opinion respecté dans le domaine de la transformation technologique et il apporte une expertise inégalée au conseil d’administration. Il sera sans aucun doute une véritable source d’inspiration pour toutes les parties prenantes de Digimarc », a déclaré Riley McCormack, président et PDG de Digimarc. « Sa philosophie selon laquelle « la technologie transforme le monde », combinée à son expérience personnelle dans l’aide aux grandes entreprises pour gérer les perturbations numériques, sera un atout inestimable pour le conseil d’administration. Nous ne pourrions être plus ravis de l’accueillir dans l’équipe. »

M. Kumar est une référence mondiale dans l’avenir du travail, des lieux de travail et de la main-d’œuvre, et il est régulièrement invité par les entreprises et les médias populaires à s’exprimer sur ces sujets.

À propos de Digimarc

Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC) est un pionnier et un leader dans le domaine des solutions de filigrane numérique et de l’identification automatique des médias, notamment le conditionnement, les imprimés commerciaux, les images numériques, l’audio et la vidéo. Digimarc aide ses clients à améliorer l’efficacité, la précision et la sécurité des chaînes d’approvisionnement physiques et numériques. Visitez et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et Twitter @digimarc pour en savoir plus.

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With 4 Million COVID Dead, Many Kids Left Behind

Some won’t ever remember the parents they lost because they were too young when COVID-19 struck. Others are trying to keep the memory alive by doing the things they used to do together: making pancakes or playing guitar. Others still are clutching onto what remains, a pillow or a photo, as they adapt to lives with aunts, uncles and siblings stepping in to fill the void.

The 4 million people who have died so far in the coronavirus pandemic left behind parents, friends and spouses — but also young children who are navigating life now as orphans or with just one parent, who is also mourning the loss.

It’s a trauma that is playing out in big cities and small villages across the globe, from Assam state in northeast India to New Jersey and points in between.

And even as vaccination rates tick up, the losses and generational impact show no sign of easing in many places where the virus and its variants continue to kill. As the official COVID-19 death toll reached its latest grim milestone this week, South Korea reported its biggest single-day jump in infections and Indonesia counted its deadliest day of the pandemic so far.

Victoria Elizabeth Soto didn’t notice the milestone. She was born three months ago after her mother, Elisabeth Soto, checked into the hospital in Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, eight months pregnant and suffering symptoms of COVID-19.

Soto, 38, had tried for three years to get pregnant and gave birth to baby Victoria on April 13. The mother died six days later of complications from the virus. Victoria wasn’t infected.

Her father, Diego Roman, says he is coping little by little with the loss, but fears for his baby girl, who one day will learn she has no mother.

“I want her to learn to say ‘Mom’ by showing her a picture of her,” Roman said. “I want her to know that her mother gave her life for her. Her dream was to be a mom, and she was.”

Tshimologo Bonolo, just 8, lost her father to COVID-19 in July 2020 and spent the year adjusting to life in Soweto, South Africa, without him.

The hardest thing has been her new daily routine: Bonolo’s father, Manaila Mothapo, used to drive her to school every day, and now she has to take public transport.

“I used to cook, play and read books with my papa,” Bonolo said. “What I miss most is jumping on my papa’s belly.”

In northwest London, Niva Thakrar, 13, cuts the grass and washes the family car — things her dad used to do. As a way to remember him, she takes the same walks and watches the movies they used to watch together before he died in March after a two-month hospital stay.

“I still try to do what we used to do before, but it’s not the same,” Thakrar said.

Jeshmi Narzary lost both parents in two weeks in May in Kokrajhar, in the northeastern Indian state of Assam.

The 10-year-old went on to live with an aunt and two cousins but could only move in after she underwent 14 days of quarantine herself during India’s springtime surge that made the country second only to the U.S. in the number of confirmed cases.

Narzary hasn’t processed the deaths of her parents. But she is scrupulous about wearing face masks and washing her hands, especially before she eats. She does so, she said, because she knows “that coronavirus is a disease which kills humans.”

Kehity Collantes, age 6, also knows what the virus can do. It killed her mother, a hospital worker in Santiago, Chile, and now she has to make pancakes by herself.

It also means this: “My papa is now also my mama,” she said.

Siblings Zavion and Jazzmyn Guzman lost both parents to COVID-19, and their older sisters now care for them. Their mother, Lunisol Guzman, adopted them as babies but died last year along with her partner at the start of the violent first wave of the pandemic in the U.S. Northeast.

Katherine and Jennifer Guzman immediately sought guardianship of the kids — Zavion is 5 and Jazzymn 3 — and are raising them in Belleville, New Jersey.

“I lost my mother, but now I’m a mother figure,” said Jennifer Guzman, 29.

The losses of the Navales family in Quezon City, Philippines, are piling up. After Arthur Navales, 38, died on April 2, the family experienced some shunning from the community.

His widow, Analyn B. Navales, fears she might not be able to afford the new home they planned to move into, since her salary alone won’t cover it. Another question is whether she can afford the kids’ taekwondo classes.

Ten-year-old Kian Navales, who also had the virus, misses going out for noodles with his dad. He clutches onto one of the pillows his mother had made for him and his sister with a photo of their father on one side.

“Our house became quiet and sad. We don’t laugh much since papa left,” said Kian’s 12-year-old sister, Yael.

Maggie Catalano, 13, is keeping the memory of her father alive through music.

A musician himself, Brian Catalano taught Maggie some guitar chords before he got sick. He presented her with her own acoustic guitar for Christmas on Dec. 26, the day he came home from the hospital after a nine-day stay.

Still positive and weak, he remained quarantined in a bedroom but could hear Maggie play through the walls of their Riverside County, California, home.

“He texted me and said, ‘You sounded great, sweetie,'” Maggie recalled.

The family thought he had beaten the disease — but four days later, he died alone at home while they were out.

Devastated, Maggie turned to writing songs and performed one she composed at his funeral in May.

“I wish he could see me play it now,” she said. “I wish that he could see how much I have improved.”

Source: Voice Of America

UN Chief Calls for Better Global COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

As the world surpassed four million coronavirus-related deaths, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that millions more remain at risk “if the virus is allowed to spread like wildfire.”

The head of the world body said in a written statement that most of the world is “still in the shadows” due to the inequitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine between the world’s richest and poorest nations and the rapid global spread of the more contagious delta variant of COVID-19.

Guterres called for the creation of an emergency task force, composed of vaccine-producing nations, the World Health Organization and global financial institutions, to implement a global vaccine plan that will at least double production of COVID-19 vaccine and ensure equitable distribution through the COVAX global vaccine sharing initiative.

“Vaccine equity is the greatest immediate moral test of our times,” Guterres said, which he also called a “practical necessity.”

“Until everyone is vaccinated, everyone is under threat,” he added.

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center is reporting 4,002,909 total COVID-19 deaths, out of 185.1 million total confirmed cases.

The World Health Organization is urging nations to proceed with “extreme caution” as they ease or altogether end lockdowns and other restrictions in the face of a steady rise of new infections due to the delta variant.

Dr. Mike Ryan, the agency’s head of health emergencies program, told reporters in Geneva Wednesday that countries are making “a false assumption” that transmission rates will not increase because of high vaccination rates.

“The idea that everyone is protected and it’s Kumbaya and everything is back to normal I think right now is a very dangerous assumption anywhere in the world,” Ryan said, according to CNBC.

In a similar vein, an open letter signed by hundreds of scientists published in the Lancet medical journal denounced British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to lift most of the country’s coronavirus restrictions on July 19, a date the prime minister has dubbed “Freedom Day.”

The letter called the government’s reopening plans “unethical” and “dangerous”

because it involves acceptance of a high level of new infections. Britain is now averaging more than 25,000 new infections over a seven-day period due to the delta variant, but hospitalizations are in the hundreds and the average number of fatalities per day has remained in the low double digits due to the country’s high vaccination rate.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid has acknowledged that the rate of new infections could climb to as many as 100,000 a day after July 19, when mandates such as social distancing and mask wearing will expire.

Meanwhile, the SEA Games Federation announced Thursday this year’s Southeast Asian Games has been postponed due to a rise of new infections in Vietnam, the host country. The regional games were scheduled to be held in the capital, Hanoi, and 11 other locations from November 21 and December 2.

The announcement coincides with a suspension of public passenger services in Hanoi and a two-week lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City that takes effect Friday.

The Southeast Asian Games are the latest sporting event affected by the pandemic. Organizers of the Australian Grand Prix auto racing event announced Tuesday it is canceling the Formula One race for the second consecutive year because of Australia’s strict travel and quarantine mandates, while the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, which was scheduled for October, has also been scrapped for a second year.

Source: Voice Of America