Kasisto lève 15,5 millions de dollars supplémentaires auprès de FIS et Westpac dans le cadre d’une série C sursouscrite

Grâce à ce financement, Kasisto pourra développer ses partenariats d’innovation en matière d’intelligence artificielle et accélérer son expansion sur le marché de la banque de proximité aux États-Unis

NEW YORK23 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kasisto , créateur de KAI, la principale plateforme d’expérience numérique pour le secteur des services financiers, a annoncé aujourd’hui une expansion de la série C de 15,5 millions de dollars, menée aux États-Unis par Fidelity Information Services, LLC (NYSE: FIS) et au niveau international par Westpac Banking Corporation (OTCMKTS: WEBNF), avec la participation de BankSouth. Cela porte le financement total de la série C à 31 millions de dollars.

Humanizing Digital Experiences

Kasisto est le leader du secteur de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) de type conversationnel, et sa plateforme KAI alimente les assistants numériques les plus intelligents et les plus avisés sur le plan financier dans le secteur des services financiers. Ce financement supplémentaire permettra à Kasisto de continuer à investir dans le développement de produits, dans des initiatives stratégiques de mise sur le marché et dans l’expansion de partenariats avec les principaux fournisseurs de services financiers.

La transformation des canaux numériques et l’engagement des consommateurs sont au cœur des préoccupations du secteur des services financiers. L’adoption du numérique s’est accélérée à un rythme effréné depuis le début de la pandémie. À l’échelle mondiale, les entreprises fintech et les institutions financières de toutes tailles reconnaissent que les assistants numériques ainsi qu’une plateforme d’IA conversationnelle exceptionnelle sont la clé du succès pour une évolution réussie de l’expérience client et des modèles de service.

FIS est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions technologiques financières pour les commerçants, les banques et les sociétés de marchés de capitaux dans le monde. En investissant dans Kasisto, l’entreprise soutient la mission de FIS, qui consiste à faire évoluer la façon dont le monde paie, réalise des opérations bancaires et investit.

« Nous considérons que l’avenir des services bancaires sera marqué par des expériences de plus en plus contextuelles et sera alimenté par des technologies d’IA de pointe qui créeront des interactions plus engageantes pour chaque client », a déclaré Stéphane Wyper, vice-président principal de FIS Impact Ventures. « Nous sommes ravis d’investir dans Kasisto et d’explorer les possibilités de tirer parti de leur technologie KAI dans nos services bancaires numériques afin d’humaniser davantage les interactions numériques avec les consommateurs. »

Westpac, une institution financière multinationale dont le siège est situé à Sydney, en Australie, et qui compte plus de 12 millions de clients, a collaboré avec Kasisto pour appliquer une technologie révolutionnaire d’orchestration de l’IA qui achemine de manière transparente les demandes des clients vers l’assistant numérique le plus compétent. Le résultat est une expérience plus fluide pour les clients et les employés.

« Les cycles d’innovation s’accélèrent, tout comme les besoins et les attentes de nos clients, qui veulent un service rapide, intuitif et personnalisé », a déclaré Scott Collary, directeur du groupe Westpac, services à la clientèle et technologie. « La technologie de Kasisto nous a permis d’évoluer des chatbots traditionnels vers une expérience conversationnelle sophistiquée, de type humain, unifiée pour la première fois sous une seule plateforme d’orchestration de l’IA. Cela signifie que les demandes des clients seront traitées plus efficacement avec des temps d’attente réduits et moins de transferts. »

BankSouth, une banque communautaire américaine de Géorgie, qui a adopté très tôt la plateforme KAI multi-tenant de Kasisto, a également participé à ce tour de table. En déployant le produit KAI Consumer Banking, BankSouth illustre la façon dont un assistant numérique peut non seulement servir les clients, mais aussi contribuer à la croissance de l’entreprise.

« Nous avons constaté l’adoption réussie de l’IA conversationnelle par notre base de clients de la banque en ligne, et tant nos clients que nos banquiers ont trouvé la technologie de Kasisto efficace et facile à utiliser », a déclaré Harold Reynolds, président-directeur général de BankSouth. « Plus nous travaillons avec cette plateforme robuste, plus l’expérience devient riche et profonde pour nos clients. Nous nous attendons à ce que l’assistant numérique hautement personnalisé fourni par KAI fasse de plus en plus partie intégrante de l’expérience bancaire de nos clients, et cet investissement dans Kasisto démontre notre engagement à faire en sorte que cela se produise. »

« L’expansion de notre série C est un vote de confiance retentissant dans notre vision », a déclaré Zor Gorelov, cofondateur et PDG de Kasisto. « Ce financement nous permettra de continuer à jouer un rôle de premier plan et à innover dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle conversationnelle. Cette année, nous avons connu notre plus forte croissance à ce jour et l’expansion de nos activités bancaires communautaires mondiales et américaines. Je suis fier de ce que nous avons accompli et profondément reconnaissant envers notre équipe talentueuse qui travaille sans relâche, avec les clients et les partenaires, pour façonner l’avenir de la banque. »

À propos de Kasisto

KAI  est la plateforme d’expérience numérique de premier plan pour le secteur des services financiers. Parmi les clients de Kasisto figurent J.P. Morgan, Westpac, Standard Chartered, TD et Manulife Bank, ainsi que des coopératives de crédit telles que Fairwinds et Excite – et bien d’autres encore. Ces institutions financières ont choisi KAI pour sa capacité avérée à stimuler la croissance des entreprises et à améliorer l’expérience des clients. La plateforme est en contact avec des millions de consommateurs dans le monde entier, en permanence, sur plusieurs canaux, dans différentes langues, et est optimisée pour la performance, l’évolutivité, la sécurité et la conformité. KAI est construit avec le portefeuille d’IA conversationnelle le plus profond du secteur financier et est étroitement intégré dans l’écosystème fintech grâce à des partenariats avec des fournisseurs de technologie éprouvés tels que FIS, NCR, Q2 et d’autres. Kasisto a son siège social à New York et des bureaux dans la Silicon Valley et à Singapour. Kasisto Singapore Pte Ltd est une filiale à part entière de Kasisto. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site kasisto.com. Suivez Kasisto sur Twitter et LinkedIn.

Contact pour les médias :
Amanda Hill

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Le lave-linge intelligent et la barre de son de Hisense désignés produits de l’année en Afrique du Sud

CAPE TOWN, Afrique du Sud23 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le 16 août, Product of the Year South Africa a annoncé le gagnant 2022 dans le domaine de l’innovation parmi 19 catégories. Deux produits Hisense, le le lave-linge intelligent à chargement frontal Hisense et la barre de son Hisense U5120G 5.1.2CH ont été respectivement nommés gagnants dans la catégorie des appareils électroménagers et dans celle des systèmes multimédias.

Product of the Year est la plus grande enquête indépendante d’Afrique du Sud portant sur l’innovation en matière de produits. Kantar, la plus grande agence d’analyse et de données marketing au monde, a mené une enquête indépendante auprès de plus de 2 000 ménages dans tout le pays pour déterminer les gagnants.

« Nous sommes honorés et fiers de la technologie que nous créons, ainsi que de toute l’équipe qui contribue au succès de ces produits. L’innovation en matière de produits est importante pour notre activité et nous continuerons à investir dans ce domaine afin de proposer aux consommateurs sud-africains davantage de produits destinés à ‘réinventer votre vie’ », a déclaré Patrick, directeur marketing chez Hisense Afrique du Sud.

Le lave-linge à chargement frontal Hisense WFQR1214VAJMWT est une machine puissante de 12 kg dotée de la technologie de dosage automatique Hisense qui simplifie le lavage grâce à la pesée automatique, à la détection intelligente et au calcul précis du dosage. Sa fonction Smart WiFi permet aux utilisateurs de contrôler le lave-linge depuis leur smartphone grâce à l’application ConnectLife. La technologie de lavage à la vapeur de Hisense est également intégrée au produit. Elle utilise une vapeur douce pour éliminer les odeurs et faire en sorte que les vêtements lavés soient aussi propres et doux que des vêtements neufs, même sans être repassés.

La barre de son innovante U5120G, également lauréate du prix EISA (Expert Imaging and Sound Association), est dotée de 11 haut-parleurs multidirectionnels intégrés et d’un caisson de basse sans fil de 180 watts pour un total de 510 watts de musique de haute qualité. Le caisson de basse de 8 pouces peut prendre en charge des sons dont la fréquence atteint 40 Hz, ce qui donne aux films, aux émissions de télévision, aux jeux et à la musique des effets de basse puissants et intenses.

La barre de son U5120G bénéficie d’une connectivité simple et est compatible avec le Bluetooth, ce qui rend l’installation rapide, facile et sans effort. Quant à l’expérience audio, la disposition des enceintes à l’intérieur de l’appareil offre un système surround avec un véritable son 5.1.2 ch. Le gagnant de la catégorie des systèmes multimédia peut prendre en charge les sons haute résolution, ce qui lui confère une qualité sonore comparable à celle des studios d’enregistrement et des salles de concert. De plus, sa technologie Hi-Remaster améliore la qualité sonore de nombreuses sources d’entrée telles que les CD et les MP3.

Au-delà des deux produits nouvellement récompensés, Hisense a maintenant distribué ses produits en Afrique du Sud dans plus de 3 000 chaînes de magasins et 500 magasins franchisés d’électroménager, qu’il s’agisse du multimédia, de l’électroménager, de la téléphonie mobile ou de la climatisation.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1882469/Hisense.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1882470/Hisense.jpg

For China’s Top Leaders — Other Than Xi — Age Is More Than Just a Number

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party this fall will determine China’s political direction for the next five years.

A key agenda item hinges on the answer to one question posed to members of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC), the most important policy-making group in China:

What is your age?

Implicit is that Xi Jinping, the 69-year-old general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and president of China, need not answer.

But for other members of the PSC, age is more than just a number. Sixty-eight is the accepted retirement age for the committee members, who are on both sides of that milestone:

Li Keqiang: Premier of the State Council. Born in July 1955, 67 years old.

Li Zhanshu: Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. Born in August 1950, 72 years old.

Wang Yang: Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Born in March 1955, 67 years old.

Wang Huning: First Secretary of the Central Secretariat. Born in October 1955, turning 67 years old.

Zhao Leji: Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Born in March 1957, 65 years old.

Han Zheng: Executive Vice Premier. Born in April 1954, 68 years old.

Commonly referred to as qishang baxia or “seven up, eight down,” the convention holds that if a PSC member is 68 or older at the time of a party congress, retirement looms. If a PSC member is 67 or younger, he — and all members are males — retains his PSC seat to serve another five-year term.

According to this rule, three of the current members: Xi (69), Li Zhanshu (72) and Han Zheng (68), should step down at this fall’s 20th Party Congress.

The likelihood of Xi stepping down is virtually nil. During the congress, an event held every five years, he is expected to be appointed to an unprecedented third term as leader of the Chinese Communist Party.

No written rule

The mandatory retirement age is not in any CCP official regulation or document.

Christopher Johnson, a senior fellow on Chinese politics at Asia Society Policy Institute, pointed out that this is by design, as even the CCP’s constitution has very few rules.

“Unlike political parties in Western parliamentary or constitutional systems, the CCP does not consider itself subject to frameworks such as the constitution or even the law,” he wrote in an Asia Society report published in August.

Johnson said an informal age limit was first introduced at the 15th Party Congress in 1997, which set 70 as the cutoff. In 2002, at the 16th Party Congress, the age limit was lowered to 68. The same limit was observed in the 17th and 18th Party Congress, making “seven up, eight down” the unspoken norm.

Li Ling, a lecturer of Chinese politics at the University of Vienna, said at an online panel hosted by the Asia Society on August 10 that she expects Xi to be an exception to the age limit, which she anticipates he will enforce for others.

“The age limit is the only exit mechanism to end a Politburo Standing Committee member’s tenure. It is very objective and easy to enforce fairly,” she said.

Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund, told Axios that Xi’s goal this fall is to “put his own people on the Politburo Standing Committee and the Politburo.”

No plans for Xi to depart

The party resolution eliminating term limits puts Xi in the unlimited-terms category of former CCP Chairman Mao Zedong. He served as party leader from 1935 until his death on September 9, 1976.

In 2017, Xi broke precedent by not promoting a successor-in-training at the 19th Party Congress. The following year, he maneuvered the abolition of a two-term limit for party presidents.

“Xi Jinping is taking China back to a personalistic dictatorship after decades of institutionalized collective leadership,” said Susan Shirk, an expert on Chinese politics and professor at the University of California, San Diego. “He has clearly signaled his intention to remain in office after his normal two terms end in 2022,” she added in a 2018 analysis published in the Journal of Democracy.

At home, Xi has won widespread support over his campaign on corruption, his theory of common prosperity and projecting Chinese strength to the world.

But Xi’s zero-COVID policy has led to a high unemployment rate and social discontent. The middle-class is boycotting mortgage payments. And on the world stage, there is tension in U.S.-China relations in many areas, including technology, trade and Taiwan.

Xia Ming, a political science professor at the City University of New York, told VOA Mandarin in a video interview that he doesn’t think Xi has a 100% chance to secure his third term.

“With the current domestic and international situation, there’s heightened probability for a major change in Chinese politics,” he said, “so I think Xi only has a 50-50 chance to secure a third term.”

Victor Shih, an associate professor at the University of California, San Diego and an expert on the politics of China’s elite, told VOA Mandarin via phone, “I think there’s no doubt (that Xi will serve a third term), there’s no real opposition force within the Party to challenge Xi’s power.”

Source: Voice of America

Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly for Displaced Rohingya People

Myanmar’s displaced Rohingya Muslims are marking a solemn anniversary this week.

On August 25, 2017, the Myanmar military began a brutal “clearance operation” in response to government reports that a Rohingya insurgent group called the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army or ARSA, had attacked more than 30 police outposts in Rakhine State.

The disproportionate response from Myanmar security forces, which commenced at daybreak, drove an estimated 700,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighboring Bangladesh over the following weeks, and led to charges of genocide against the Myanmar army leaders.

The death toll rose quickly.

An estimated 6,700 Rohingya were killed in the first month with thousands more in the months to follow, according to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), as accounts of gang rapes, torture, and mass killings were relayed by survivors and villagers who escaped the attacks.

Despite the global condemnation of their actions in 2017, the Myanmar army has continued its brutal aggression on civilians since seizing power in a coup last year, followed by attacks on all ethnic groups.

Myanmar officials have denied the military carried out human rights abuses. The government said the campaign was necessary to defend against attacks by Rohingya militants.

In March, the United States declared Myanmar military actions against the Rohingya as genocide.

Experts say ongoing abuses being committed across Myanmar have confirmed the credibility of the accounts of the 2017 attacks.

“It’s drawn the attention of the international community to the grave abuses that the military is committing and also has opened the eyes of some of the other groups within Myanmar to the plight of the Rohingya, groups that had previously not believed what the military was committing against the Rohingya or believed the military’s lies,” explained Dan Sullivan, Refugee International’s Asia and Africa deputy director.

While the move to unite all opposing ethnic forces has become increasingly popular, some rights groups are not sure that it will become reality.

“In order to overcome the ruthless military junta, all parties need to be united against them,” says Kyaw Win, the executive director of the Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN). “It is not enough only opposing the junta … it is crucial to collaborate with each other.”

There are 135 ethnic groups in Myanmar, excluding the Rohingya, who were stripped of their citizenship in a 1982 law created by the army, which perpetuated decades of abuse and unfair treatment.

Meanwhile, life in the sprawling Bangladesh camps remains tough for the stateless refugees, who face adverse conditions and increased restrictions.

“Since the completion of the fencing around the whole refugee camp, people are having trouble traveling from one camp to another—even inside the fenced area—because of the security forces who were deployed in the camp and many other reasons,” explained a 25-year-old camp youth, who lives in Kutapalong, the world’s largest refugee camp.

The youth, who asked to remain anonymous, says that while the fencing is good for security, police often extort the Rohingya instead of protecting them, and taxi fees have doubled because drivers now have to pay more money at checkpoints.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet discussed repatriation options with Rohingya representatives during a visit to the massive camp earlier this month.

“All of them have said, we want to go back, but we want to go back … when we have an identity as citizens of Myanmar,” she said while visiting the camp. “When our rights are respected, we can have our livelihoods again, we can have our land and we can feel we are a part of a country.”

This desire for equal rights and recognition is echoed by the few Rohingya who have remained in Rakhine, as coup-related travel restrictions in Myanmar have contributed to increased food prices, exacerbating the hardships.

An experienced Rohingya aid worker in Rakhine who did not want to use his name because of security concerns, assessed the junta’s promises of new homes and jobs for Rohingya people who choose to be repatriated.

“It is very difficult, and I would say there are rare opportunities for the Rohingya. Inside Myanmar and Maungdaw, I would say no preparations have been made for them to come back,” the aid worker told VOA by phone, referring to a town in Rakhine.

The aid worker, who witnessed the 2017 exodus first-hand and assisted foreign support teams in Bangladesh, said that some of the refugees are desperate to escape the camps.

“Some people will try to come back but, in the end, it will be a more horrible situation than what they are facing in the refugee camps.”

The worker also said some repatriation shelters, complete with barbed wire and watch towers, have been constructed near Maungdaw in the last few years, but they have already been flooded and damaged.

While waiting for conditions to improve, foreign aid and rights groups are urging the Bangladeshi government to allow schooling for the displaced youngsters in the camps.

“Expanding these education and livelihood opportunities for girls and boys will be the best way to prevent social problems and criminality and to fully prepare refugees for sustainable reintegration in Myanmar society,” Bachelet said at the end of her visit.

Preparing future generations of Rohingya is also a concern for BHRN’s Kyaw Win.

“The Bangladesh government has done a great job opening its border to save many lives,” Kyaw Win said. “However, not allowing education for the children in camp is like killing their souls. Education is extremely important for the Rohingya children to build up their community in future. More humanitarian and human rights organizations must be allowed to operate inside the camp to provide trauma healing courses.”

Despite setbacks created by increased Myanmar junta atrocities, the first step toward justice for the Rohingya people occurred last month in The Hague.

After dismissing objections by Myanmar’s military ruler, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in July allowed a case to proceed alleging that Myanmar performed acts of genocide against the Rohingya.

Despite overwhelming evidence gathered, analysts say that more pressure is needed as the trial could continue for years.

“Fundamentally, the impunity of the junta needs to be addressed through concerted international actions with better coordinated and expanded sanctions including the oil and gas sectors, the pursuing of an arms embargo and then sustaining that humanitarian aid and accountability,” explained Sullivan of Refugee International.

BHRN’s Khaw Win agrees with calls for increased pressure on the junta.

“More countries need to join the ICJ case and more countries should open up universal jurisdiction cases against the perpetrators,” Khaw Win said, adding that mounting evidence collected by international agencies is increasingly difficult to refute.

Texting from his bamboo hut, the unnamed 25-year-old Rohingya youth struck a more optimistic tone on the historic court ruling.

“We feel good because the world is still under the administration of intellectual people that will reveal there’s no place in the world for perpetrators,” the youth wrote. “We also feel that this is the time to deliver justice and hold the perpetrators accountable.”

Source: Voice of America

Dominica tops the CBI Index for sixth consecutive time, scores full marks in six out of nine pillars

Roseau, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica came out tops in the annual CBI Index, a rating system designed to measure the performance and appeal of global citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes across a diverse range of indicators.

The CBI Index is intended as a practical tool to compare CBI programmes as a whole and specific aspects of each programme. These aspects are reflected by the CBI Index’s nine pillars which Freedom of Movement, Standard of Living, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

Number one for six consecutive years, Dominica beat 11 other nations with active citizenship by investment programmes and scored full marks in the areas of Minimum Outlay, Mandatory travel or residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

These nations include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, St Lucia, Turkey and Vanuatu.

“For the last 29 years we have ensured that our CBI programme really meets the needs of an ever-changing global investor. We’re proud to yet again be ranked as one of the best CBI offering in the world and look to increase our scores across all nine pillars next year,” commented Dominica’s Prime Minister, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit.

Dominica continues to be on a concerted drive to offer investors – through its Economic Diversification Fund and government-approve real estate options – a reliable safe haven amidst the constant global upheavals. Accompanied by a robust due diligence process, Dominica uses a multi-layered process in partnership with third-party due diligence firms from the USA and the UK, investors can be confident that they are buying into a product that that will enhance their portfolio.

Dominica’s scoring in the nine pillars:

Freedom of Movement: Dominica scored seven out of 10 as the country offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival access to 14 countries across the world, including the globes most sought-after business hubs.

Freedom of movement within and between countries is paramount to global investors seeking second citizenship and this year, the Index placed emphasis on the total number of countries and territories that can be visited without applying for a visa.

Standard of Living: Dominica scored five in this area due to its low average expected years of schooling, but it must be noted that the country has the highest life expectancy at 78.2 and a perfect freedom score when compared to Egypt, Jordan, St Kitts and Nevis and Vanuatu – who also shared the same score.

Minimum Investment Outlay: Dominica received a perfect score of 10 here as the minimum investment outlay for their CBI programme is only US$100,000 per applicant, one of the lowest citizenship investment outlays in the industry.

Mandatory Travel or Residence: As last year, Dominica kept is score of 10 out of 10 as the country does not require mandatory travel or residence in the country for processing of its citizenship application.

Citizenship Timeline: Dominica scored a nine in the citizenship timeline pillar. The pillar accesses the duration to get the application processed.

Ease of Processing: The citizenship by investment unit of Dominica continues to make the application process straightforward and more robust, helping the country secure a score full marks in this area.

Due Diligence: Dominica is recognized for its stringent and comprehensive due diligence checks on applicants seeking second citizenship and once again retained the score of 10 for due diligence processing. The country requires the provision of either fingerprints or a biometric passport and has robust external due diligence procedures that are undertaken by internationally renowned third-party due diligence firms.

Family: As Dominica allows main applicants to add additional dependents under a single application, once again making it easy to bring in additional family members, the country scored 10 under this pillar.

Certainty of Product: Dominica, along with St Kitts and Nevis, attained a perfect score for Certainty of Product Pillar thanks to the programme’s longevity, popularity, renown, stability, and adaptability. The CBI Index also lauded Dominica for its transparent two-track investment routes.

Regarded as an industry voice and reputable benchmark for CBI programmes across the globe, this year’s CBI Index offers readers a glimpse of the possibility that could in the CBI industry should all relevant parties cooperate.

The current turmoil has certainly brought a negative spotlight to the investment migration industry and overlooked the fundamentals of CBI – offering honest, hardworking families and entrepreneurs to explore and participate in meaningful global opportunities, especially where they have been let down by their own home countries.

Findings in the CBI Index state that in 2023, it is predicted over 125,000 millionaires will look to relocate to more secure and attractive destinations around the world and this trend is expected to continue and increase to 2030. Political fragmentation, instability, social polarisation are some of the reasons why investors look for second citizenship options.

It is for this reason that countries like the Commonwealth of Dominica are a popular investment choice, offering political and economic stability, a currency pegged against the US-dollar and, even more appealing is an eco-conscious government working its way to be carbon-neutral and sustainable.

“People who invest in our programme can be 100% sure that they are also investing in a country that cares about the planet and one that is taking tangible, measurable steps to protect the planet,” continues Prime Minister Skerrit.

The CBI Index is the world’s most definitive guide on citizenship by investment and is published today by PWM Magazine, a publication from the Financial Times in collaboration with CS Global Partners.

Download and read the full report here.


Dominica PR
Commonwealth of Dominica

En collaboration avec MAMAS Alliance, Hisense continue de soutenir l’éducation locale des enfants en Afrique du Sud

CAPE TOWN, Afrique du Sud23 août 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le 2 août, le fabricant d’appareils électroniques de renommée mondiale, Hisense, a fait don d’appareils mobiles à Elkana Childcare, en collaboration avec MAMAS Alliance, un réseau sud-africain d’organismes à but non lucratif d’aide à l’enfance, et à la plateforme d’éducation en ligne PalFish qui a fourni plus de 100 codes de logiciel/application PalFish.

     Elkana Childcare est une organisation qui s’attache à transformer la vie des enfants vivant dans des conditions plus rurales, qui ont un impact négatif sur leur développement et leur avenir. Ce don vise à améliorer l’éducation des enfants dans la région, en particulier leurs compétences en lecture, en écriture et en écoute.

Les enfants peuvent charger le logiciel/l’application PalFish sur leur gadget Hisense ou utiliser l’application sur d’autres appareils. PalFish est une plateforme d’apprentissage et une bibliothèque de livres d’images en ligne pour tous les enfants de 2 à 12 ans, les aidant à réinventer leur apprentissage grâce à ses solutions numériques et ses produits d’apprentissage personnalisés. Le logiciel de PalFish et les appareils donnés par Hisense sont des outils utilisés par les éducateurs d’Elkana pour améliorer leurs capacités d’enseignement et d’interaction avec les enfants. Hisense se targue d’aider la communauté là où elle le peut, et ce n’est que le début de la relation entre Hisense et Elkana Childcare.

Hisense a également participé activement à diverses activités de protection sociale en Afrique du Sud, contribuant à l’essor de la communauté locale et s’inscrivant dans une démarche de soutien à long terme. L’entreprise a apporté son soutien aux personnes âgées isolées dans les institutions de retraite locales, fait don de télévisions et de biens de première nécessité au centre d’aide à l’enfance à but non lucratif à Johannesburg, et a contribué à l’hôpital pour enfants de la Croix-Rouge sud-africaine ainsi qu’à d’autres projets, afin d’aider activement à résoudre les problèmes d’éducation et d’emploi dans la région africaine.

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