COVID Protests in China’s Urumqi Region

Protesters, angry about long COVID-19 lockdowns, have taken to the streets in Urumqi, the capital of China’s far western Xinjiang region.

The protests followed a high-rise apartment building fire in Urumqi on Thursday that killed 10 people and concerns that the lockdown measures may have prevented firefighters from entering the building quickly and may have hampered the exit of some residents.

The demonstrations also follow online discussions, now removed, on Chinese social media questioning why there are maskless spectators at the World Cup games, while China continues to subject its citizens to long lockdowns.

“More than 120 countries in the rest of the world have lifted their COVID restrictive measures quite some time ago,” began one of the questions posed by a writer who said he lives in north central Shannxi province, home to China’s ancient capital city Xi’an.

“Why should they lead freer lives than Chinese citizens? I did not see anyone sporting face masks at the Qatar World Cup opening ceremony and did not hear of any attendee showing proof of negative COVID tests; does this mean they live on a different planet from us?”

Urumqi has been under lockdown since August. However, it is reporting about 100 new COVID cases each day.

Urumqi is also home to many Uyghurs, a mostly Muslim ethnic group that human rights groups and western governments say suffered many human rights abuses at the hands of the Chinese government. China rejects the charges as interference in its internal affairs.

Source: Voice of America

Africa and the Caribbean face similar climate challenges, Dominica gears itself to meet global warming

Roseau, Nov. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The recent  COP27 gathering brought together nations from across the world to tackle climate challenges facing the world. While a lot has been said about the commitments made by leaders of first-world countries such as president Joe Biden of the United States, many developing countries still face challenges similar to what they had before the gathering.

Biden announced that the US is supporting the Global Shield, a G7 initiative to better protect vulnerable countries in Africa and the Caribbean from climate-related losses and to quickly respond to climate-related damages by expanding access to risk-based insurance. The G7-led Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment is said to be working to meet the critical infrastructure needs in low- and middle-income countries with a specific focus on climate.

While the COP27 agreement to set up a fund for loss and damage caused by extreme weather condition is a great milestone in the joint effort to increase climate resilience, developing countries have been pursuing such a facility for decades. As yet, no agreement has been reached as to how the fund will be set up, how it will be funded, and who or which countries will fund it.

Developing nations have also been lobbying for a reform of the World Bank and other publicly funded finance institutions which are seen to be failing to provide developing nations with funding to help adapt to the climate crisis and to help cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2009 wealthier countries agreed that at least 100bn US dollars a year would be provided to developing countries by 2020 from public and private sources, to help these counties with their climate efforts. However, this target remains unmet.

The U.S. is the second-largest CO2 emitter after China, and the largest historically. In 2019, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totalled 6,558 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents – a two percent increase since 1990, while Dominica represented 0% of the global share of CO2 emissions in the same period according to Worldometer.

In a recent open letter by Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari, posted during the run-up to COP27, he refers to what the U.N. secretary general has called “a climate of mistrust” that envelops our world. He wrote, “First, rich countries should direct a greater share of funding to developing nations’ adaptation to the effects of climate change. Most financing currently flows toward mitigation projects, such as renewable energy projects, that reduce emissions. While such projects have their uses, far more money needs to go to helping Africa adapt to the effects of climate change — which seems only fair for a continent that produces less than 3 percent of global emissions.”

Caribbean nations like Dominica face similar challenges. As a small island state that has not been causing global warming to any levels near those of developed nations, Dominica is disproportionately suffering the consequences of adapting to massive changes in weather conditions.

Instead of relying on the financial assistance of foreign countries, Dominica serves as a good example of a Small Developing Island State (SIDS) that has been using funds received through its very successful citizenship by investment (CBI) programme to support climate resilience and green energy programmes.

According to the UN, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a distinct group of 38 UN Member States and 20 Non-UN Members/Associate Members of United Nations regional commissions that face unique social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities.

While COP27 nations have agreed to phase down the use of coal, the same as during COP26, the Commonwealth of Dominica already obtains 28% of its energy requirements from renewable energy sources such as hydropower and wind. In March 2019, the World Bank approved a US$27 million project to support the construction of a 7MW small geothermal power plant in the Rosseau Valley area of Dominica, which aims to increase the share of renewables, diversify the country’s energy matrix, and identify a clear road map for private sector investment in geothermal development.

“The Geothermal Power Plant shows Dominica’s commitment toward resilience. Projects like the geothermal plant are putting the Nature Isle ahead of the world in combatting climate change while relieving the nation of its reliance on imported fossil fuels,” said Micha Rose Emmett, CEO of the world’s leading government advisory and marketing firm, CS Global Partners.

The country’s funding efforts have focused on upgrading and expanding its road network, including the adjustment of bridges to make them higher to allow for overflow of water and debris, building resilience capabilities in the local housing sector, and upgrading healthcare facilities and hospitals. Funds are also directed to supporting climate resilience programmes in agriculture, education, reforestation, community preparedness training and food security.

Dominica’s CBI programme is one of the best in the world, ranking as the number one programme of its kind for five consecutive years by the CBI Index. This is a ranking system published by the Financial Times’s Professional Wealth Management (PWM) magazine. With a minimum investment of 100,000 US dollars per single applicant, successful applicants obtain citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the country. Dominica also offers increased global mobility and visa-free access to over 80 countries worldwide, with close proximity to the north American markets for those with business interests. Successful applicants maintain the right to hold dual citizenship and citizenship can be passed on to future generations.  Applicants can choose to invest by either making a substantial contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) or have the option to purchase government-approved property for a minimum of 200,000 US dollars that must be held for a minimum of three years.

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La Conférence sur l’innovation et le développement a eu lieu à Nankin à l’occasion du 120e anniversaire de l’université d’agriculture de Nankin

NANKIN, Chine, 25 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Après douze décennies d’excellence en constante progression, l’université d’agriculture de Nankin (la NAU) a célébré son 120e anniversaire lors de la Conférence sur l’innovation et le développement qui s’est tenue le 20 novembre dans son centre sportif. Chen Ligen, Secrétaire du Comité du Parti de l’université d’agriculture de Nankin, a présidé la conférence, et le président Chen Fadi y a prononcé un discours. D’anciens élèves, des étudiants et des partenaires de tous horizons ont regardé la diffusion en direct de la conférence sur la plateforme web à l’occasion du 120e anniversaire de l’université d’agriculture de Nankin.

Innovation and Development Conference of Nanjing Agricultural University's 120th anniversary

Depuis longtemps, l’université d’agriculture de Nankin insiste pour s’ouvrir et promouvoir la coopération et les échanges internationaux dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la science, de la technologie et des talents. Elle a noué des partenariats étroits avec plus de 170 universités et instituts dans plus de 50 pays et régions du monde. Gary S. May, président du campus Davis de l’université de Californie, a déclaré dans un message vidéo que UCDavis et la NAU avaient entretenu un partenariat de longue durée et conjointement mis en œuvre le concept pédagogique de « santé mondiale » dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et de la santé animale. Il s’est réjoui de la coopération future entre les deux universités au profit de l’humanité et de contribuer davantage à la santé humaine dans le monde.

Chen Fadi a déclaré qu’au cours des 120 dernières années, l’université d’agriculture de Nankin avait tenu le rythme et pris fermement position pour le peuple en prenant l’initiative de promouvoir la vertu par l’éducation. La NAU a connu de brillants succès et été à l’origine de nombreuses premières fois pour la Chine.

Chen Ligen a déclaré que la NAU avait réalisé 120 ans d’efforts. À l’aube d’un nouveau départ et d’un nouveau voyage, la NAU s’acquittera pleinement de sa tâche fondamentale consistant à promouvoir la vertu par l’éducation, et prendra pour mission de renforcer et de revitaliser l’agriculture, d’accélérer la construction d’une université agricole d’envergure internationale. Elle contribuera à la modernisation de l’agriculture nationale dans les zones rurales et à la revitalisation des campagnes dans leur ensemble en adoptant une attitude et un état d’esprit positifs.

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Légende : Conférence sur l’innovation et le développement à l’occasion du 120e anniversaire de l’université d’agriculture de Nankin

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Hisense ouvre son premier showroom B2B en Afrique du Sud

LE CAP, Afrique du Sud, 24 novembre 2022/PRNewswire/ — Hisense, l’une des principales marques mondiales d’appareils électroménagers et d’électronique grand public, a annoncé l’ouverture de son premier showroom B2B en Afrique du Sud.

Situé à Johannesburg, le showroom servira de salle d’exposition pour présenter les offres d’Hisense pour son segment B2B, telles que les affichages commerciaux, les appareils médicaux d’échographie et les solutions pour les villes intelligentes. Les différents produits et solutions d’affichage numérique d’Hisense, son système de régulation du trafic intelligent, ses appareils médicaux, ainsi que ses téléviseurs laser, ses téléviseurs ULED et ses réfrigérateurs intelligents seront également exposés dans la salle d’exposition.

« De nombreuses personnes en Afrique du Sud connaissent Hisense grâce à ses produits électroménagers ; cependant, ces dernières années, Hisense a également connu un développement rapide dans son segment B2B en transformant continuellement ses produits et sa chaîne industrielle vers le haut de gamme et la haute technologie, » a déclaré Patrick, directeur marketing de Hisense.

L’un des pôles d’activité du segment B2B d’Hisense, celui de l’affichage commercial, qui a connu une croissance significative en 2021, présentera plusieurs de ses produits et solutions au showroom, notamment les tableaux numériques interactifs, les panneaux de signalisation numérique, les murs vidéo, les murs LED, et la signalisation extérieure.

Les visiteurs pourront également en apprendre davantage sur les offres d’Hisense en matière de transport intelligent. Hisense est sur le terrain depuis plus de 20 ans et a étendu ses activités dans de nombreux pays et régions du monde, notamment en Afrique du Sud, en Afrique de l’Ouest, aux Émirats arabes unis, en Indonésie, en Thaïlande, au Vietnam, en Slovénie et en Serbie, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Il a également contribué à de nombreux projets importants dans le monde, notamment un système d’autobus intelligent à Addis-Abeba, la capitale de l’Éthiopie, et un projet pilote de construction de transport intelligent à Doha.

Fort des décennies d’expertise d’Hisense dans les domaines du traitement d’images, du traitement de l’information et de la technologie d’interaction, Hisense Medical a développé avec succès certains produits essentiels tels que l’échographe Hisense HD60 à haute résolution de pointe. Hisense a obtenu une licence de l’Autorité sud-africaine de réglementation des produits de santé (SAHPRA) pour l’appareil en janvier 2022.

L’investissement continu d’Hisense dans l’innovation et les décennies d’expertise accumulées dans la fabrication d’appareils électroménagers et d’électronique grand public lui ont permis de devenir non seulement une marque B2C, mais aussi une entreprise mondiale qui peut fournir des solutions compressives à des partenaires commerciaux du monde entier dans plus de secteurs. Considérant le segment B2B comme déterminant pour le développement de l’entreprise, Hisense est impatient de nouer des partenariats stratégiques avec davantage de partenaires commerciaux en Afrique du Sud et au-delà.

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London to Expand Vehicle Pollution Zone to Cover 9 Million People

Older and more heavily polluting vehicles will have to pay to enter the entire metropolitan area of London starting next August, the British capital’s mayor said Friday.

Sadiq Khan said the ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) would be expanded beyond its current confines starting August 29 to encompass the entire 9 million people of greater London.

Announcing a parallel expansion of bus services in outer London, he argued that air pollution from older and heavier vehicles was making Londoners “sick from cradle to the grave.”

The ULEZ has proved transformational, the mayor said, and its extension would mean “5 million more people will be able to breathe cleaner air and live healthier lives.”

But the plan has prompted a fierce backlash from political opponents and some residents in the capital, who point to a survey indicating that most Londoners opposed extending the zone.

The two-month outreach exercise was held earlier this year by Transport for London, which runs the capital’s various transport systems. The survey heard from 57,913 people, including nearly 12,000 campaigners on either side of the issue.

Although it found 55% of respondents had “some concern” about their local air quality, the survey also recorded 59% as opposed to the ULEZ being expanded.

That rose to 70% in the outer London areas set to be part of the enlargement.

“Sadiq Khan has broken his promise to listen to Londoners,” the Conservative grouping in London’s lawmaking assembly said on Twitter.

“He must U-TURN on the ULEZ expansion.”

The zone has been expanded once since it was introduced in April 2019 and currently covers a large area within London’s North and South Circular inner ring-roads and the city center.

Unless their vehicles are exempt, drivers entering the zone must pay a daily charge of $15.

Gasoline cars first registered after 2005, and diesel cars after September 2015, typically meet the ULEZ standards for nitrous oxide emissions and are exempt.

Air pollution caused around 1,000 annual hospital admissions for asthma and serious lung conditions in London between 2014 and 2016, according to a 2019 report.

A coroner ruled in 2020 that air pollution made a “material contribution” to the death of a 9-year-old London girl in 2013, the first time in Britain that air pollution was officially listed as a cause of death.

Air pollution is “affecting children before they’re even born, and giving them lifelong health issues,” the campaign group Mums for Lungs tweeted.

“Good news for the health of all Londoners,” it said in response to the ULEZ announcement.

Billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg, a U.N. climate envoy and former mayor of New York, said Khan was “helping to clean London’s air and set an example for cities around the world.”

But opponents of the ULEZ argue it amounts to a tax on poorer drivers least able to afford to replace their polluting vehicles and has hurt small businesses.

The announcement will be “a hammer-blow for desperate drivers and businesses already struggling with crippling fuel costs” during a cost-of-living crisis, said the head of roads policy for motoring body the RAC, Nicholas Lyes.

All cars and vans entering central London during the daytime also pay a “congestion charge” of 15 pounds, a measure first introduced in 2003.

Similar programs have been set up in several other British towns and cities to reduce emission levels and improve air quality.

Source: Voice Of America

NASA’s Orion Capsule Enters Far-Flung Orbit Around Moon

NASA’s Orion capsule entered an orbit stretching tens of thousands of miles around the moon Friday, as it neared the halfway mark of its test flight.

The capsule and its three test dummies entered lunar orbit more than a week after launching on the $4 billion demo that’s meant to pave the way for astronauts. It will remain in this broad but stable orbit for nearly a week, completing just half a lap before heading home.

As of Friday’s engine firing, the capsule was 380,000 kilometers from Earth. It’s expected to reach a maximum distance of almost 432,000 kilometers in a few days. That will set a new distance record for a capsule designed to carry people one day.

“It is a statistic, but it’s symbolic for what it represents,” Jim Geffre, an Orion manager, said in a NASA interview earlier in the week. “It’s about challenging ourselves to go farther, stay longer and push beyond the limits of what we’ve previously explored.”

NASA considers this a dress rehearsal for the next moon flyby in 2024, with astronauts. A lunar landing by astronauts could follow as soon as 2025. Astronauts last visited the moon 50 years ago during Apollo 17.

Earlier in the week, Mission Control in Houston lost contact with the capsule for nearly an hour. At the time, controllers were adjusting the communication link between Orion and the Deep Space Network. Officials said the spacecraft remained healthy.

Source: Voice Of America